
Types of social benefits, sizes, to whom and how to receive

For each type of benefit, a certain amount of cash payments is established. Material assistance may also be provided in the form of benefits, obtaining things or medicines free of charge. For some families, such assistance is their only livelihood. Consider what payments the poor provide for by the state.

Social benefits

This is financial assistance provided free of charge to certain groups of citizens who, for whatever reason, find themselves in a difficult financial situation and need to be provided. Categories of people in need are approved in federal and regional laws and differ in the amount of payments.

Each applicant is carefully checked, his life circumstances, situations and documents are studied. Only after this are benefits or types of other social benefits (benefits, compensation) assigned. Sometimes a person is refused their receipt if there is doubt about his difficult financial situation.

Types of Social Insurance Payments

Who is entitled to state payments

The classification of social financial assistance is as follows:

  • Different types of lump-sum social benefits.
  • Monthly accruals.
  • Annual.

The least protected citizens are entitled to benefits, such as:

  • Low-income or large families.
  • Students.
  • Pregnant women and young parents.
  • Disabled or unemployed citizens.
  • Participants in hostilities and members of their families (children, official spouses).
  • Heroes of labor, the Russian Federation and the Soviet Union.
  • Disabled people.
  • Senior citizens.
  • Children from single-parent families and orphans.
  • Military.
  • Guardians of minor children and adoptive parents.
  • Children 14-18 years old, released from the educational colony.
  • Citizens who have been fired from work because of the reduction.

All these categories of people have the right to rely on certain types and sizes of social benefits. When applying for help, you must have a passport or birth certificate of a Russian citizen. The exception is refugees who do not have Russian citizenship, but who need temporary asylum in our country. For them, certain financial assistance and benefits are also provided.

Types of other social benefits

What are the benefits of social benefits?

State payments are assigned to everyone who needs material support. This is done in order to implement certain social goals:

  • Improve the quality of life.
  • Improve the world of work.
  • Increase revenue.
  • The quality of educational and medical services was developing.

If the state did not support its citizens with social assistance, it would be much harder to live for all those in need. The main purpose of the benefits is to compensate for earnings, which for some reason a person is temporarily unable or never able to receive.

Types of lump-sum social payments

Types of benefits

Benefits can be received:

1. Due to temporary incapacity for work (payment of a percentage of the salary due to injury due to illness of the employee until recovery). Support is also provided when care is required for one of the family members. The money is also paid in case of temporary transfer to another job, if tuberculosis or any occupational disease is detected in the applicant. Calculate the amount of payments for insurance experience and the maximum amount of earnings.

2. If a citizen is officially recognized as unemployed and has come to the employment service in search of work. Pay benefits 2 times a month.

3. Severance pay to an employee upon dismissal. Pay on the last business day. The amount depends on the reason: upon liquidation of the company or downsizing, all dismissed persons must pay the average salary for 2 months.

four.Relatives of the deceased for burial, as well as unauthorized persons who undertook the organization of this process. Money is paid once.

5. Poor families, if the average income per family member is less than the sum of the regional living wage. It is paid monthly.

6. All citizens who are assigned a certain disability group as a result of a written opinion of the medical board. The amount of the monthly amount depends on the group (I, II or III) and annual indexations.

7. To single mothers or single fathers raising children without a second parent, if one is not indicated in the birth certificate of the child. These benefits relate to the types of monthly social benefits.

8. Large families where from three or more children (adopted or relatives) under the age of 18 years.

9. Guardians as material support so that they can provide full care for the child transferred to his care.

10. Before and after the birth of the baby. These include:

  • one-time payments for registration at an early stage of pregnancy;
  • immediately after the birth of a baby;
  • maternity benefits;
  • wives of military servicemen;
  • monthly allowances for children under 1.5 years old, from 1.5 to 3 years old;
  • when caring for a disabled child;
  • families can count on maternity capital at the birth of a 2nd or 3rd child, if all the children were born between 2007 and 2021.

11. In the form of housing subsidies. The state pays for a part or the full amount of utilities and housing services. Both owners and members of housing cooperatives or tenants can apply for a subsidy. You can also get help to purchase new housing - this is available to young families, military personnel, residents of the Far North.

12. Pension. They are received:

  • people of advanced age (as state monthly social support until the end of life);
  • for length of service;
  • acquired disability as a result of diseases, injuries and injuries;
  • Citizens without a minimum working or insurance period (social pensions).

Do not forget about tax deductions. All citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to a tax reduction or refund of a portion of the amount previously paid.

Types of social benefits and benefits

How and where to apply for social benefits

Various types of social insurance payments are made out in the corresponding state institutions. Which ones? It depends on what kind of help a person expects to receive:

  • Those who are registered at the employment center there also draw up benefits.
  • To obtain material assistance for disability, you must contact the local social center for the protection of the population (where the applicant is registered).
  • The funeral allowance is issued by a pension fund or organization where the person worked.
  • Children's allowances are drawn up at the employer (officially employed), at the educational institution (students), at the place of service (military personnel), or at social security authorities if there is no official work.

For registration, you will have to collect a certain package of documents, as well as write a statement indicating the type of payment and the reasons for applying.

Specialists who prescribe various types of social benefits perform the following functions:

  • Execute the personal files of the new applicants.
  • They transfer social payments to personal bank accounts by postal order or other means.
  • Stop paying money to those who have left the place of permanent residence.
  • Control the legality of the expenditure of funds relating to children with disabilities and maternity capital.
  • Close the case of deceased recipients.
Types of social compensation payments

What documents are needed

To apply for social benefits, you need to know what package of documents is needed for this. The following papers may be required:

  • Statement.
  • Passport of the Russian Federation of the applicant, his children (or birth certificate) and spouse.
  • Marriage or divorce certificate.
  • SNILS.
  • The house book, which indicates who is permanently or temporarily registered in the apartment.
  • Certificate of family composition.
  • Employment history.
  • Certificate of earnings of all family members.
  • Pensioner's ID.
  • Disability certificate.
  • Documents of a guardian or trustee.
  • Medical book.

This is a general list of documents for receiving all types of state social benefits. Each allowance requires its own set of documents.

Sizes of social benefits in 2019

Now, each employer must monthly according to the law pay employees at least 11,280 rubles.

However, for citizens who receive any type of social benefits and benefits, indexation will go unnoticed, since almost all of the premiums will go to inflation (VAT will increase by 20%).

Types of monthly social benefits

If we consider separately the types of social insurance payments, it should be noted that for temporarily unemployed and registered at the local employment center monthly charges are provided in the amount of 1,500 rubles. (minimum) up to 8,000 rubles. (maximum). For people who are retiring in the next 5 years, the payment is 11,280 rubles.

Social support for pensioners in 2019

Each Russian who went on a well-deserved rest in 2019 is entitled to not only a lifetime allowance, but also benefits.

If a pensioner owns real estate that he does not use for entrepreneurship, then he is exempt from tax on one of the objects. There is also a privilege for paying land tax, and in some regions pensioners may not pay transport tax.

Valid for retirees and targeted assistance, which includes compensation for food, clothing, medicine, solid fuel.

Veterans have the opportunity to travel on public transport for free. They can get a discount on utility bills, on dentures (including their manufacture and preliminary treatment of the oral cavity).

Some species social benefits, such as a pension, will increase by 1000 rubles. This applies only to non-working pensioners receiving old-age benefits, loss of breadwinner or disability.

Disability benefits in 2019

Payments and benefits for people with disabilities depend on the disability group.

People with the third group can use:

  • 50% discount on travel on any form of transport, but only from October 1 to May 15.
  • 50% discount on the purchase of medicines or medical devices prescribed by a doctor.
  • Discount on orthopedic shoes.

Persons with the second group can receive for free:

  • One-time fare to the place of treatment.
  • Medicines, dressings and other medical devices prescribed by your doctor.
  • Limb prostheses and orthopedic shoes.
  • Dentures.
  • Enrollment out of competition with the successful passing of entrance examinations to a university or technical school, as well as an increased scholarship for full-time study.
  • Shortened working week in hours (35 hours) while maintaining wages.
  • 50% discount on insurance policy.

Citizens of the first group of disabilities in 2019 (except for the benefits and benefits of the first two groups) are entitled to:

  • One-time fare to the place of treatment with an accompanying person.
  • Annual treatment in sanatoriums for the first three years from the date of disability.

For the care of a disabled child in 2019, a guardian or able-bodied parent can pay (in addition to a social pension) for a disabled person of group 1:

  • 5500 rubles, if a guardian, adoptive parent or parent takes care of him.
  • 1200 rubles, if the care is carried out by third parties.

Children's benefits

During pregnancy and after childbirth, women usually have to leave work. After childbirth, costs increase. Social benefits for many are the only way to live and raise a child normally during maternity leave. The following mothers are entitled to financial assistance:

  • Unemployed and officially employed.
  • Military personnel and students.
  • Dismissed as a result of the reduction or liquidation of the enterprise.

In 2019, children's allowances are calculated taking into account the duration of maternity leave:

  • With normal pregnancy, 140 days are prescribed.
  • Complicated pregnancy or childbirth - 156 days.
  • Living in a place of high pollution - 160 days.
  • If there are 2 or 3 children - 194 days.
  • With the adoption of the first baby - 70 days, 2nd and more - 110 days.

Making out any types of social benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, the amount is calculated according to the size of wages for the last 2 years.

Types of state social benefits

If the amount is below the minimum wage, the payment rises in 2019 to 11,280 rubles. The same amount is provided for non-working students.

The one-time allowance at the birth of a child in 2019 is 17,479.73 rubles. It should be issued within 6 months from the birth of the baby.

A one-time allowance should be added to the types of social payments, to which fathers and mothers are entitled, having given birth or adopted a first child after 01/01/2018 and left alone with the baby. Payments are made for children under 1.5 years of age. In 2019, the amount of the benefit is 10,836 rubles.

What other help can expect pregnant women and mothers

The amount of maternity capital remains equal to 456,026 rubles. In 2020, the payment will increase and amount to 470,241 rubles, and in 2021 - about 489,051 rubles.

Monthly payments for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old will amount to 40% of the average salary, and unemployment and students are charged in 2019 in the amount of 3277.45 rubles. For the second and subsequent children, they will amount to 6554.89 rubles.

The wives of servicemen and conscripts additionally rely one-time 10,000 rubles. at the birth of a child.

For large families (where 3 or more children) are relied on the following types of social compensation payments:

  • To pay utility bills - 539 rubles. for each child.
  • For food - about 700 rubles.
  • Financial assistance for family day (July 8) - 10,000 rubles. and to the day of knowledge (September 1) - 15,000 rubles. one time.
  • For preschoolers, receive free prescription drugs.
  • For schoolchildren - free use of public transport.
  • Free meals at school (gymnasium, lyceum, vocational school).

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