
Types of deposits, definition and design features. Deposit insurance

You can ponder over the topic for a long time where to get free funds with maximum benefit, how to make them work, so that they do not lie dead weight and are not subject to inflation. For this there is such a tool as a bank deposit. This is one of the most popular forms of investing money. Many people wonder what types of deposits are the most profitable. The consultants in banks will be able to help you with this question. And we will try to give some practical advice in the article.

Receiving a profit


A bank deposit is a way of investing a certain amount in a bank against a fee, which is calculated in percentage terms, thereby increasing the income of the depositor. Today, various types of bank deposits are the most popular investment for individuals. In all banks there are a huge number of types of investments, among which anyone can choose the most suitable.

Income from deposits

Types of Deposits

There are several types of cash deposits:

  1. Poste restante. Such a deposit is offered in every bank. The main advantage of this type is the ability to pick up the entire amount at any time. But minus - at a small interest rate.
  2. Urgent. This type of bank deposit is opened for a certain period and at a certain interest rate. Most often, with early termination, you lose interest or get only a part of them. This species is popularly called a piggy bank. It is one of the types of deposits in the bank with the possibility of additional accumulation.
  3. Target. This contribution is aimed at achieving a specific goal or a certain period. For example, adulthood or admission to college.
Deposit income growth


Relations between the bank and the depositor are regulated by signing the agreement and issuing a savings book to the depositor or bearer. A savings book issued in the name of the client himself suggests that only the one in whose name it is issued can withdraw money. With a book issued to bearer, the situation is completely opposite, since money can be received from such a book by any person who presents it to a bank employee. In fact, opening such a book is not safe, because in the event of loss or theft, the one who found or stolen it can safely withdraw all the money stored on it. This form of savings book is not covered by deposit insurance protection.

When opening a deposit, banks will be asked for an identity document, so that they cannot act anonymously here. Banks still collect data on depositors and store them, guided by the law on combating money laundering, obtained by criminal means.

Money increase

Contributor Rights

  1. The investor has the right to keep funds indefinitely and dispose of them at his discretion, both personally and through his representative.
  2. Any citizen (s) from 14 years old can make a deposit, dispose of it, give instructions to the bank to transfer money to other accounts, use the accumulated interest that is not taxable, and also bequeath it to someone.
  3. The depositor has the right to confidentiality, since banks have no right to distribute information about him or his contributions to third parties.
  4. A depositor has the right to insure his deposit. In case of withdrawal of a license from a bank or other insured event, the client will be required to pay all 100% of the deposit, but not more than 700,000 rubles.

Deposits and insurance

Different types of deposits for individuals are common in banks in the country.In order to attract as many depositors as possible, the state has specially developed an insurance program for the monetary savings of individuals, thereby protecting citizens in case of bank ruin. Deposits are subject to automatic insurance up to 1.4 million rubles, and if the deposit amount exceeds this limit, then voluntary insurance is already in effect. Having issued a deposit at the bank, the citizen does not need to sign additional agreements with the bank on any type of deposit. The bank itself undertakes to pay quarterly contributions from all deposits to the Compulsory Deposit Insurance Fund.

Revenue growth

Insured event

The Agency, having realized the assets of a bankrupt bank, begins to pay deposits to individuals, and only then to individuals whose deposits exceeded 1.4 million rubles, regardless of the type of deposits. Insurance payments in one bank, however, in no way affect payments in another bank in the same case for the same client. In the event of adverse circumstances associated with the closure of the institution, it is necessary to submit an application for payment of insurance compensation, which is accepted from the day the insured event occurs until the bank bank is completely liquidated. There are also deposits that do not fall under insured events, such as bearer deposits, funds transferred by the depositor to the bank in trust, money transfers without opening an account (usually electronic wallets) and deposits that are held in Russian foreign branches banks. For guaranteed insurance, the depositor needs to make sure that the financial institution in which the account is opened is a valid participant in the compulsory insurance system and its public confidence rating is at a positive level. If, nevertheless, the depositor chooses dubious banks with high profitability for investments, then it can be recommended to place no more than 1.4 million rubles in various credit institutions, thereby being safe from financial losses, even if several financial institutions for some reason cease their activities .

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