
External part-time is ... Definition, design features, possible rate

Many companies at some point in time need specialists who will perform a small number of tasks, for which external part-time workers are often involved. They are represented by employees who are not employed by the enterprise; therefore, they work part-time. At the same time, they may have a permanent place of employment. External part-time is a specialist who works simultaneously in several companies. Moreover, he is officially employed in each company.

The concept

An external part-time job is an employee employed by several companies. He can enjoy different guarantees at once in two or three companies. In one company, he is usually employed by the staff, therefore he is a permanent employee.

The need for part-time is due to obtaining a higher salary or the use of unique skills in different fields of activity. Firms need part-time workers quite often, since it is not always advisable to hire an individual specialist in the staff at a full-time rate to perform a small number of tasks.

external combiner sample

Legislative regulation

The rules on the basis of which an agreement is concluded with an external part-time agent are prescribed in Art. 44 shopping mall. Information on internal part-time workers who occupy several positions in one company is contained in Art. 60.1 TC.

The main feature of part-time workers is a shorter working day, since it is not allowed to spend more than 4 hours on work per day. A citizen may decide to work on weekends, but no more than 8 hours should be spent on this per day.

Who can be a part-time worker?

An external part-time job is an employee officially registered in several companies, but certain requirements are set for this specialist. The following citizens cannot work concurrently:

  • civil servants;
  • people who drive cars at their main job, and part-time activity is supposed to be carried out;
  • specialists who work in the main area in harmful or dangerous working conditions;
  • minors.

The above citizens can only work at their main place of work. Violation of this rule leads to the prosecution of the employer.

sick leave to an external part-time

What limitations do you have to deal with?

Employers who employ part-time workers must consider some restrictions. These include the fact that it is impossible to arrange a citizen more than half the rate.

Such citizens are offered the same rights and privileges that the main employees of the company have. It is not allowed to involve people working as public servants in such work, as this is prohibited by federal law. In other cases, combining cannot be prohibited. The law does not specify a restriction on the number of places of employment.

What documents are prepared?

The number of external part-time employees in a company can be any, but all such employees must be officially employed by the company. Therefore, when hiring them, the following documents are prepared:

  • application for employment;
  • an employment contract, which necessarily indicates that a particular hired specialist is employed as a part-time job, and all essential conditions for cooperation are given in this document;
  • an order on the basis of which a specialist is accepted for work;
  • entering information into the work book.

If you need to make any changes to the employment contract, an additional agreement is drawn up between the two parties.

The nuances of issuing an order by the head of the company

It is on the basis of the order that a part-time worker is hired. This document is published by the head of the company. It includes the following information:

  • company name or full name of an individual entrepreneur;
  • date of document formation;
  • order number;
  • information about the employee who is being registered as a part-time company, and this includes his F. I. O. and his position;
  • department of the company in which the new employee will work;
  • Start date
  • if a fixed-term labor contract is drawn up, it is additionally indicated when the cooperation between the two parties ceases;
  • if it is planned to use a trial period, then its period and conditions of carrying out are registered;
  • at the end is the personal signature of the head of the company.

The order must contain exclusively information that is consistent with the content of the employment contract. Be sure the new employee gets acquainted with the order, after which he puts his signature in it.

vacation part-timers external

Rules for entering information in the workbook

When hiring a part-time job, it is important to correctly enter the necessary information into his workbook. It indicates that the person was not accepted for permanent work, but part-time.

Additionally, information on the number of the order, on the basis of which the citizen is registered for work, is included. Record number and other important information about cooperation is indicated.

external combiner is

What documents are required from a citizen?

An external part-time employee is an employee who is not the main employee of the enterprise, but during its execution it is important to correctly compile all the necessary documentation. For this, the citizen shall be transferred to the employer for study the following documents:

  • correctly written statement;
  • documents on education presented by diplomas, certificates, as well as other papers confirming the citizen's possession of certain knowledge and skills;
  • employment history;
  • summary;
  • military ID;
  • SNILS;
  • letters of recommendation received from past employers or from the head of the educational institution.

During the discussion of the basic working conditions, a citizen can make his own corrections. Therefore, usually companies compile schedules of external part-timers, which contain information about the operating mode, functions performed and other parameters of cooperation.

Rules for drawing up an employment contract

Be sure to draw up an official employment contract with an external part-time worker. A sample of this document can be found in the specialist literature. The contract includes the following information:

  • The company name and information about the direct employee are indicated;
  • The main work responsibilities of a new hired specialist are given;
  • establishes what is the work procedure of a citizen;
  • the exact salary is indicated;
  • lists all the rights and obligations that arise not only for the employee, but also for the head of the company;
  • the liability of each party for violation of the main points of this agreement is prescribed;
  • given the time during which the employee will carry out his duties.

Be sure to specify in the contract that the work will be carried out concurrently. This requirement is indicated in Art. 282 shopping mall. It is allowed to draw up both a fixed-term and a fixed-term employment contract.

workers external part-time workers

Do I need to notify the main employer?

An employee while working part-time may not notify the main employer of a part-time job.But this has to be done without fail if at a new place of employment a citizen will deal with harmful working conditions.

Additionally, a work book is requested from the main employer so that information about the part-time job is entered into it.

Cancellation Policy

As in the main place of employment, termination of the employment contract may be carried out at the initiative of the employee or employer. Often, an agreement of the parties is used for this.

The most frequent termination of employment is in a situation where a person working part-time, finds a new place for employment.

part-time bids

What bid is offered?

There is a certain restriction in the shopping center related to the rates of external part-timers. To work under such conditions, it is required that a citizen spend no more than 4 hours a day on the performance of official duties, which is prescribed in Art. 284 shopping mall. In a week, the duration of part-time work should not exceed 20 hours.

Therefore, usually only half of the bid is offered by companies. Depending on this parameter, the size of the citizen's salary is determined.

There are situations when work at the main place of employment is facilitated, so a part-time citizen can spend more time than 4 hours a day. In this case, the increase in the rate depends only on the decision of the direct employer.

Salary Rules

There are no requirements in the law on how to pay salaries to part-time workers. Therefore, each employer can use their own payment system for employees. External part-time workers most often receive time-based payments, so the amount of their remuneration depends on the actual time worked.

If piecework is used, then the size of the output is taken into account.

The basic conditions on the basis of which employees are assigned a salary are prescribed directly in the employment contract, therefore, every hired specialist must carefully study it before signing this document.

In some companies, standardized payment is used at all, therefore, it takes into account how much work was actually performed by an employee. It does not matter how much time was spent on this activity.

Part-time workers, like other employees, can expect to receive various compensations and allowances fixed in the Labor Code or in the collective labor agreement in force in a particular company.

number of external part-timers

What privileges can a combination worker expect?

The main features of these workers include:

  • Vacation to external part-timers should be provided at the same time at all places of employment. For its registration, a citizen must work in the company for at least 6 months. It is allowed to provide vacation in advance, for which standard rules of registration are used.
  • Any employee, regardless of his position, can count on vacation for an external part-time worker without maintenance. It is issued at any time to resolve personal issues.
  • The employer has the right to send the employee on a business trip, but for this, the time is chosen during which the citizen is not busy at the main place of work. At the same time, the employee retains his salary.
  • The hospital external contender is issued in a standard way. To do this, a citizen must receive an appropriate certificate and a certificate of incapacity for work from a doctor. Payment depends on the length of service and the average salary, and it can be obtained at all places of employment. The sick leave certificate is issued to an external part-time worker in several copies, and the number of copies depends on the number of companies in which the citizen works.

Thus, citizens working concurrently can rely on various benefits and privileges laid down on the basis of the requirements of the Labor Code.

Dismissal Rules

Upon termination of employment with external part-time employers must consider several rules:

  • it is not allowed to break the labor contract during the period when the citizen is on treatment;
  • part-time workers along with other employees are warned in advance of the planned reduction;
  • part-time worker may be dismissed in a situation where another person will be found in his place, for whom this position will be the main one.

Otherwise, the dismissal procedure is standard. If a citizen decides to leave the company on his own, then he must transfer the application to the employer in advance, and also work the prescribed 14 days.


External part-timers are represented by professionals who work officially in several companies. They can count on the various rights and privileges that basic workers also have. When they are employed, various mandatory documents must be drawn up.

Citizens can count on competent registration of vacation and sick leave. Their salary depends on the characteristics of accrual of remuneration in different companies.

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