
Domestic tourism in Russia - features, development and program

The growth of the well-being of the inhabitants of most countries and the possibility of a comfortable trip allowed tourism to become a popular, mass, and, therefore, profitable sector of the economy by the beginning of the twenty-first century.

domestic tourism in Russia

The value of tourism

For thirty-eight percent of countries, tourism is the only way to replenish the state budget, and for eighty-three percent of countries, tourism turns out to be a significant moment of potential profit. It exerts a great influence on such important sectors of the national economy as the transportation of goods and people, the activities of hotels and restaurants, commerce, the construction of buildings and roads, the creation of consumer goods, etc., acting as an accelerator in the formation of the structure of the economy and society. Tourism affects the workload of residents. According to the WTO, in 2000 the number of employed people in the tourism industry reached 192 million people (eight percent of the working population). The tourism industry in the EU states employs sixty-five percent of the total working population. It is estimated that in the near future several million more people will be needed in this area.

domestic tourism

Tourism industry specifics

The peculiarity of the tourism sector is that it is not the goods that are “brought”, delivered to the consumer, but rather that the consumer (tourist) comes to the goods. Thanks to this production of goods and services, tourism accelerates the economy of an entire state or an individual region. Increases the profit of hotels, restaurants and cheaper dining rooms, taxis, stadiums, theaters, etc. The consumption of various talismans and products of native masters is increasing, and sales of the commercial network are growing.

Domestic tourism

Russians are well aware of tourist centers such as Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, and European countries. But gradually, not only international, but also domestic tourism is developing. The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the city of the Golden Ring, holiday homes within their region are becoming familiar holiday destinations for Russian tourists. Most often, the inhabitants of our country travel as tourists to St. Petersburg (16.1% of the total number of trips), Krasnodar Territory (fifteen and a half percent), Moscow (just over ten percent).

For domestic tourism, typical short trips (up to two weeks) for entertainment and respite from work (70.8% of the total number of tourists). Our compatriots travel by ship and bus (twelve percent), go to improve health in all-Russian sanatoriums and hospitals (six percent). Only eleven percent of the inhabitants allow themselves a substantially long vacation organized by travel agencies (15-28 days). Maximum domestic tourism occurs in the summer months.

Disadvantages of domestic tourism

However, so far only the initial stage of the formation of the structure of domestic tourism can be observed. According to official figures, domestic tourism opportunities are used by 10-15%. As a result, good business has been blocked in the domestic tourism industry - the base of on-farm strengthening.

domestic and inbound tourism

State activities

However, the development of domestic tourism continues. By orders of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r and 1663-r, a significant development path can be the creation of conditions to strengthen the level of existence of Russians precisely by improving the tourism system, and ensuring the level of goods, their mass distribution.Domestic tourism in Russia was further developed at the disposal of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 19, 2010. The legislative act is numbered N 1230-r. This order is “On the Concept of the federal target program“ Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2016). ”

Beach tourism

Beach vacations are now becoming a fairly common form among residents of Russia. According to experts, 38% of vacationing Russians prefer the Black Sea and Azov coasts, have a rest on the Baltic coast and in places of rest of the Sea of ​​Japan. The estimated future for the regions of the country from the position of strengthening this form of domestic Russian tourism is for the south of Russia.

development of domestic and inbound tourism

In our country, the coastline of the southern seas exceeds 2 thousand km, but only a part of all territories (no more than one third) can be used for summer holidays. In total, nearly 15 million people visited the domestic coastal sanatoriums. With the proper formation of this tourism industry, the best parts of Russia from this position will welcome over 12 million people per season for summer sea vacations.

Cultural and historical tourism

The use of the monuments of the past of Russia is a significant priority factor in our tourism industry. Traveling with the task of exploring the monuments of the past of Russia accounts for approximately 20% of domestic and inbound tourism. The central zone of the country is the core of cultural and educational tourism in Russia.

Significant potential for strengthening tourism in the future can be seen in a number of regions. But the poor situation with relocations and other tourism infrastructure in a significant part of the regions will be a slowing factor for the development of the current state of tourism products.

Business tourism

The formation of such a form of domestic and inbound tourism makes it possible to attract additionally about 6 million domestic and foreign vacationers each season.

Of great importance for our country is the formation of the business tourism industry. Nowadays, business recovery is steadily increasing in almost all regions of the country.

domestic tourism program

The general strengthening of the Russian economy, the emergence of new and modernization of existing enterprises in most areas of the economy, the active appearance of foreign firms on the country's market determine the future development of business tourism in many megalopolises, which will cause the appearance of modernized business and congress centers. Possible additional demand each year for this form of tourism is more than 5 million people.

Sports tourism

In addition, in our country there is a significant opportunity for the development of domestic and inbound tourism in other areas. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, part of the regions had become serious mountain sport centers, while the rest had great potential in terms of strengthening intensive tourism. The speed of development of such a form of tourism is very high, which makes it possible to predict the future prosperity of both skiing and other forms of active tourism.

domestic and inbound tourism development program


Cruising in large and small reservoirs become an rapidly developing form of travel. About 100 ships each of 150-300 people sail on the seas and rivers of Russia.

The business of cruise tours is growing much faster than other types of transport travel, as it is closely connected with excursions to memorable places. The demand for cruise tourism is constantly increasing among both foreign and domestic tourists. However, its increase for the current time is weakened by shortcomings in the form of old ships and port structure.

The expansion of the activity of this form of tourism will make it possible to additionally connect 1 million domestic and foreign tourists a year.

Rural tourism

The last (for the near future) path will be rural tourism, which provides an opportunity for urban residents to get acquainted with the usual existence of peasants.A great benefit of this form of tourism will be that it will become an opportunity for additional, and sometimes the main profit for the rural population.

domestic russian tourism


A significant way to strengthen the tourism network will be the emergence of good conditions for tourism by car. The Russian car fleet is expanding by several million cars a year, and the roadside system is growing very late, the construction of new facilities and the modernization of old ones is slow.

The situation in the field of tourism that has developed in our country demonstrates that the ongoing series of official measures to strengthen the tourism network does not show a convincing effect on the positive transformation of the situation. Moreover, the Russian Federation has a great opportunity to attract a considerable number of both Russian and foreign vacationers.

The existing budgetary expenditures of the state, as well as the budgetary expenditures of regions and municipal entities in the indicated area, have been developed on the basis of the issuance of funds for the daily work of the specialized state structure in the field of tourism, as well as state planning of budgetary funds in the amounts approved by the specialized programs of domestic tourism at the national and regional levels.

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