
Military contract service for women. Military professions. Contract age limit for military service

At present, our country is embarking on a new stage of development. A huge amount of forces and means is invested in the armed forces. This has led to the fact that currently serving in the army under a contract is not only prestigious, but also profitable. According to the law, both male and female representatives can serve in the military. It is worth noting that in recent years the number of girls who seek to defend their homeland has been steadily growing. Contract military service for women is a great way to earn money. In addition, working in a military unit, you can get invaluable experience that will only positively affect your career.

Conditions for concluding a contract

Female soldiers are not uncommon now. They also on equal terms with men repay a debt to their homeland, holding various positions.

contract military service for women

However, in order to get a job in a military unit, it is necessary to conclude a contract. It is signed on certain conditions:

  • Only adult girls with a civilian specialty can enter the service. Moreover, the lack of a post will not become an obstacle to work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
  • Contractual military service for women is possible if they graduated from a military higher education institution.
  • The immediate job responsibilities include performing tasks for officers, warrant officers, sergeants, and privates.

In addition, there are many other features when taking a girl to serve on a contract. We will consider all the nuances in this article.

Service Restrictions

As you know, women are not drafted into the army. They can get there only on a voluntary basis by signing a contract. According to the law, the first agreement must be concluded for three years. The list of military professions that a woman can apply for is specified in Art. 38 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service".

military professions

To enter the army, the girl needs to undergo psychological tests and a medical examination, as well as pass the standards for physical training. There are certain restrictions that prevent women from contracting for military service. Of these, the following are distinguished:

  • the girl has a criminal record;
  • Has not reached the age of majority or has crossed the mark of 40 years;
  • a woman goes through a criminal case as a defendant.

All these points are carefully checked, and on the basis of the results a decision is made on the possibility of military service.

Married women

As already noted, there are a number of features when entering a girl to work in a military unit. Of decisive importance is the age of female military personnel (from 18 to 40 years old), their health and physical fitness. As for the presence of children and the stamp in the passport, these factors do not play a role for this process.

In other words, if a woman is confident that the signing of the contract will not have a negative impact on the family, and she can give enough attention to children and her husband, then you can confidently conclude an agreement. According to the law, marriage is not the reason why they refuse to sign the contract. In this case, only the woman herself makes the decision.

The first steps to conclude a contract

It should be said that a girl who wants to go to work in a military unit has two ways.The first is the receipt of a military profession as a result of training in a specialized educational institution. The second is the arrival at the point at which the contractors are recruited.

women military

The second case needs to be considered in more detail:

  1. The fairer sex is first interviewed. The instructor talks about the benefits of military service for women, talks about career opportunities. He then finds out the specific goals of signing the report.
  2. Then the instructor offers positions suitable for a particular person. It depends on the level of education, professional skills and inclinations. The final choice of position is made after passing psychological selection.
  3. After the conversation with the instructor is over, he issues a referral to the medical board and application form.
  4. Women receive all necessary certificates at the place of residence. They need to undergo a medical examination and take confirmation of the lack of a criminal record.

After that, the girl returns to the selection point, and from that moment on, a private matter is started.

List of documents

After the first interview with the instructor, a woman who decided to connect her life with the army needs to prepare a series of official papers. First you need to write a statement in the prescribed form, this can be done directly in the military unit.

Other documents must be attached to this statement. Among them, without fail:

  • identity document (passport);
  • application form, which must be completed on a special form in the prescribed form;
  • photocopy of work book;
  • standard photo 3 x 4 cm;
  • copies of educational documents;
  • autobiography, which must be written manually;
  • extract from the house book;
  • photocopy of marriage certificates (if any);
  • birth certificates of children (if any);
  • copy of the birth certificate of the female soldier herself;
  • characteristics from places of work and study;
  • 9 x 12 photo card.

This list of official papers is also required for the passage of medical military service under a contract. All documents must be certified accordingly, this can be clarified directly in the military unit.

What positions can a female soldier apply for?

Of course, the most popular positions for girls are a medical professional, accountant, HR specialist, clerk, economist, etc. However, a woman can work in other positions. Among them are:

  • air defense troops and sapper companies;
  • telephone operators, computer dialing operators;
  • workers in the field of consumer services, in the kitchen, in communication centers.

The contractual military service for women is characterized by a selection of unusual posts. For example, a girl can work as an operator of various complex instruments (meteorological, printing, etc.). As regards military specialties, they are less popular among women.

pluses of military service for women

Of course, there are some, but there are very few of them. According to statistics, among the 50 thousand women-soldiers there are about 7 thousand colonels.


After a woman has applied for military service, they will begin to consider him. At this time, the girl needs to undergo a medical examination and some tests. If all the results are positive, the girl can begin the service.

age of women military personnel

Now more about the checks. The following types of control are distinguished:

  1. Medical examination. This is a mandatory procedure, the results of which will decide on the suitability for work in a military unit. If a woman is assigned the category “A”, this means that she is completely healthy, if “B” is fit with restrictions.
  2. Physical training. It is worth noting that the rights of women soldiers are the same as men. Accordingly, and similar requirements. Women must pass several standards in order to get into the army.We will consider this question in more detail below.
  3. Psychological test. This procedure is designed to test such qualities as poise, type of temperament, communication skills, as well as other psychological skills. According to the test results, a category is also assigned.

Physical training

As already noted, military service under a contract for women is conditional on the fulfillment of a number of conditions. Among them, they are in good physical shape, lack of criminal record, as well as the availability of education. Do not forget about the age limit for military service under the contract, for women it is 40 years old.

women's rights

After all the necessary documents are ready, you should begin to pass the standards of physical fitness. It is worth highlighting some features:

  • Three standards are for rent: endurance, speed and strength.
  • Strength is checked using tasks on the press, for women the norm is 22 times per minute.
  • The speed is determined as a result of the shuttle run, here the norm is to run 10 m 10 times in 38 seconds.
  • The most difficult norm is endurance. You must run 1 km in 5 minutes 30 seconds. Here, many women leave the race and cannot fulfill such conditions.

Salary of women after signing the contract

It is worth noting that the amount of earnings does not depend on gender and is regulated by regulatory legal acts. According to the legislation, a soldier’s salary is a compound value and is formed from basic and additional payments.

The basic salary includes military rank and position. The additional ones consist of length of service, qualifications, achievements in military service, risk to life, level of physical fitness, etc.

contracted military medical service

In addition, prizes and material assistance are issued to military personnel. If we talk about the specifics, it can be noted that the average salary of an employee under the contract is 30 thousand rubles. If a person has an officer rank, then he is paid from 55 thousand rubles. The salary of women military personnel also depends on other factors: the availability of benefits, material compensation, social benefits.

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