
Volunteer activity: features, main directions and interesting facts

In the conditions of the modern world, all large segments of the population are experiencing needs that the state is not able to satisfy without outside assistance. Such help is also provided by volunteers: read more about this interesting work in this article.


Volunteering is a voluntary social activity that does not involve any kind of earnings and is aimed at providing assistance free of charge to certain categories of citizens (usually vulnerable and unprotected) who need it.

Charity with children

When did volunteering begin?

Now it’s extremely difficult to even roughly determine the beginning of the emergence of such a phenomenon as volunteer activity, because formally the first volunteer could also be a person of the prehistoric era, who instinctively helped a fellow, not even knowing what kind of good thing you could ask for .

If we discard the formalities, then, for example, in Russia, such a type of activity as helping people in need on a voluntary basis goes deeply even during the work of the sisters of mercy in the 19th century, and even earlier, from the period of the construction of numerous schools for orphans to the first wars of the Russian Empire, the victims of which, without demanding anything in return, were helped by many doctors and sisters.

But in the USA it is possible to more accurately find out that mass volunteer movements began after the creation of the first brigade of firefighters in Philadelphia who worked exclusively of their kindness during the reign of Benjamin Franklin. After the news of this brigade spread throughout the states, many Americans plunged into the process of volunteering as real philanthropists (especially within the framework of the American Red Cross, an organization that voluntarily and on its own initiative provides assistance services to all citizens in need).

Volunteer Principle

The ability to communicate with people is important in volunteering.

The principle of volunteering looks extremely simple. Nowadays, almost anywhere in the world you can find a local volunteer organization, in which anyone can come and get acquainted with the conditions. They look like this: a participant in volunteer work does a certain job (for example, caring for older people in special institutions), which he spends time and energy, and in return receives food and a place to stay if the work requires a place to sleep in connection with a large investment of time.

Sometimes, organizers of voluntary events may provide participants with some other type of financial incentive: for example, tickets to some events, the organizers of which cooperate with volunteers (as a result of which such an exchange of services becomes possible), or certificates for some courses, including including professional development as a volunteer. There are many examples of people for whom volunteering is an occupation of their whole life, providing them with satiety, a roof over their heads and travel in return for kindness and sacrifice.

Types of Volunteering

The organization of volunteer activities involves two options for employment: temporary or regular.

The first involves working at seasonal or periodic events, for example, sports championships, the Olympic Games or other similar events.It can also be projects related to the ecology of the city (one of these types of volunteer activities is cleaning in parks and other public places) or education, as they also provide a time frame. In addition to material rewards and the opportunity to give vent to your philanthropic beginning, another motivating factor may be the participation of a volunteer in the “inner kitchen” of the project or event in which he carries out his activities. That’s why many people apply for volunteers: a Formula 1 racing enthusiast will surely be extremely interested to see how all the processes associated with the races, hidden from the audience’s eyes, proceed as a direct participant in the event.

Assistance in material support

Regular employment is most often associated with work in hospitals, although there are many other institutions and places in which it is needed. As a rule, for its implementation, the volunteer must prove his professional suitability and show his willingness to spend every day on difficult activities, which is done by conducting regulated selections on a test basis, as well as training past volunteers, which can take up to several months.

How to become a volunteer

Despite the fact that now the state does not directly spell out the basics of volunteering, some laws (for example, the law “On charity” adopted in 1995) contain certain mechanisms. Such a term as “volunteer” is not mentioned in them, however there is a semantic analogue in the form of the term “volunteer”.

So, in order to take part in volunteer activities, a person must go through about 5 stages. The volunteer must:

  1. Find the organization that carries out charitable activities that will meet his needs and skills. Around the world, there are a lot of organizations, both large and fairly small, so choosing a specific one is unlikely to be difficult for anyone.
  2. Gather all the data containing information about the work of this organization, analyze the possible risks and responsibility taken at the time of entering the position, study the schedule according to which it carries out its activities, find out about the level of financial income (availability of the necessary funds, medicines, etc., as well as the ability to promptly reward volunteers with stated rewards).
  3. To come for an interview, after collecting all the documents required for passing it, which include most often passport data, notarized certificates of absence of a criminal record or serious illness, with the presence of which it is forbidden to engage in volunteer activities (especially in school).
  4. To be aware of the availability and content of an electronic resource (that is, a website on the Internet) of a charitable organization, which contains data on the position that the applicant is applying for, as well as a list of all documents required for delivery at an interview or at the beginning of work.
  5. Accept (or refuse) the completed offer to join the volunteer headquarters of this organization.

What needs are being realized

In volunteer volunteering, like any other or types of self-realization, the main needs that are successfully realized are distinguished:

  • The need to help other people. This allows the volunteer to feel the benefit that he brings to society and to a particular person in need of help.
  • Need for communication and social experience. Socialization, which directly affects the formation of the personality of a young person, can last a very long period of time. Volunteering during this period helps a lot.
  • The need for creativity.Helping those in need within the framework of charity events and events can be a real catalyst for the creative initiative of young people involved in any type of volunteer activity.
Volunteer works with children.
  • The need for expression of self-sufficiency and confirmation of adulthood. This is especially true for underage volunteers who, through their participation in truly socially significant projects, can show parents and others that they have weight in society and are able to benefit him.
  • The need for self-realization and career growth. Volunteer activity of young people allows you to develop certain relationships, which in the future can provide all possible assistance in employment or personal growth.

Skills needed to work as a volunteer

Any direction of volunteer activity implies the possession of certain skills, without which a person does not have the opportunity to become a good specialist in volunteering. Namely:

  • the ability to listen to people and listen to their problems;
  • possession of leadership qualities, thanks to which people will follow the volunteer;
  • communicativeness and charisma, disposing the right person to communicate with the volunteer;
  • the ability, if necessary, to quickly and responsibly make difficult decisions;
  • psychological preparedness and ability to work in a team, since most often volunteering is a group work.

What do volunteers do

Volunteer activity includes an extremely wide range of activities and areas, which, however, have one common goal - gratuitous activities that have benefits for society. It could be:

  • organization and management of projects and events related to the protection of social minorities or citizens whose interests are not protected by the state;
  • assistance to poor and needy people, such as people with disabilities, orphans, homeless people, etc.
  • activities related to the protection of nature, flora and fauna;
Volunteers work as a team.
  • activities aimed at combating and preventing the problems of alcoholism, drug addiction and other addictions;
  • raising funds for charity needs, for example, through concerts or creative evenings, the proceeds of which replenish the charity fund;
  • maintenance of cleanliness in public places, gardening, garbage collection, cleaning of natural reservoirs or other contaminated places, etc .;
  • customer support via telephone hotlines and Internet sites, for example, these may be people in difficult situations who need advice or full assistance.


Like any other work, volunteering has nuances that are best known in advance in order to avoid problem situations in the process of carrying out activities. Here are some of them:

  • Volunteering is a voluntary activity. No one can force a person to engage in charity work against his will (with the exception of court sentences, but this is a completely separate issue). Volunteers personally choose where, to whom and how they want to help.
  • Volunteer activities are carried out on a free basis, it does not provide monetary incentives either from the state or from the charitable organization itself.
  • Volunteering is not about specialization and serious career growth. Anyone who has contributed to the common cause has the same rights in the ranks of volunteers as everyone else.
  • Volunteering is synonymous with patience and calm. When working with socially unprotected people, and especially with pensioners and people with disabilities, it is unacceptable for a volunteer to break down, show aggression or in any other way show disrespect.
Volunteers often help older people
  • Volunteers almost never work alone, so those who wish should be able to work in a team.
  • When working as a volunteer, it is very important not to forget that the possession of rights also imposes its duties, therefore, a volunteer must be responsible and executive.


Most of the volunteers are conscientious and decent citizens, however, fraudsters can often be found in this area of ​​activity. Most often, under the guise of raising funds for the treatment of sick children, animals or for any other socially significant activity, these people rip off gullible citizens and dispose of the money received in the future completely for other purposes.

This has become a huge problem for the entire volunteer movement as a whole, because such individuals ultimately undermine the trust of citizens in social volunteer activities, although there are still more real organizations than those who are trying to make money from someone else's or completely fictional grief. The best way to avoid such a fraud is by no means to give money to beggars on the street, and, since I want to contribute to improving the life of society, directly contact a charity fund or an appropriate organization.


Volunteers are happy people.

Absolutely everyone can become a volunteer and put their hands on changing the world for the better, but for this, he must be able to responsibly approach his work, be kind and responsive, and certainly have a sincere desire to help the needy segments of the population. If you are such a person, join the ranks of volunteers and improve your life and the lives of those whom you help for free!

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