
Recovery of a car after an accident in motor third party liability insurance

How to recover a car body after an accident? Carrying out local repairs of a car body involves the implementation of a series of works that contribute to the restoration of damage in those places that have minor dents, chips, and also scratches.

OSAGO auto repair

When there is a need for repair

Experts say that local body repair is the restoration of a car after an accident. In this case, it is not necessary to carry out complex work to straighten the body, which significantly increases the cost of such work.

Let's talk about those situations in which a serious repair of the vehicle can be considered appropriate. If it was necessary to partially restore the car after an accident, this could well have been done according to the insurance policy. But the situation has changed. Since 2017, material payments have been removed, now only the car is restored after an accident.

All those minor defects that you find after a light collision of cars can be eliminated using this particular repair option. After its completion, you will see a completely updated vehicle that will appeal not only to you, but also to your friends and relatives. For example, if the bumper was partially damaged during an accident, thanks to local repair, traces of the accident can be removed.

Features of CTP repair

Car bumper repair

It is included in the restoration of a car after an accident in the event that it is recognized by the insurance company. It is the bumper that is more likely to undergo some kind of trouble. After all, thereby he saves the car itself from damage.

Unfortunately, there are those drivers who prefer to continue to drive a car that has damage to the bumper, not thinking that they thereby expose themselves and their passengers to undue additional risk. Repair of this car element is included in the insurance policy.

How is the problem solved

If, until April 2017, the owner of the insurance policy could choose whether to make repairs or receive a refund, then at present he does not have such an opportunity. If the CTP policy was issued after April 28, 2017, in this case, cash payments cannot be calculated. According to the new rules, the following algorithm of actions is supposed:

  1. If the car owner has an accident, his car is sent to a service station.
  2. The insurance company pays for the restoration of a car after an accident in compulsory motor third-party liability insurance (repair and spare parts).
car after an accident

The main differences of the new law

Now the representative of the insurer in case of an accident is engaged in the inspection of the vehicle, registration for auto repair after an accident. Only new parts are used for restoration. It also controls the insurance company.

The calculation of repair costs is carried out according to the Central Bank method, which assumes the accounting of various indicators. Unfortunately, with this approach, painting parts (bodies) is not always included in the amount. Payment for parts used during repairs is carried out according to special directories, and not according to receipts from the store.

A similar option is used to identify costs for the services of a service station. If the money allocated by the insurer is not enough for repairs, then you will have to reimburse the missing amount from your personal funds.

machine recovery

Terms of repair

After the insurer has filed a referral for the restoration of the car damaged in the accident, the vehicle must be issued within 20 days.If the work will be carried out by another service station, not included in the list of the insurance company, a delay in issuing directions up to 30 days is allowed. The countdown starts from the moment when the service station receives a vehicle damaged in an accident. An increase in this period is allowed for complex repairs upon receipt of consent from the victim. If work is underway to restore the car body, the warranty for repairs is 12 months, for all other work - 6 months.

Each insurance company has its own list of service stations with which it has a contract. Under new Russian law, a car service should be located no more than 50 km from the scene.

If the car cannot be restored after an accident, in this case the insurance company pays for the services of the tow truck, and the injured person receives compensation for the loss of the vehicle.

auto recovery

What to do if there is no guarantee for a car

Under the new law, the insurance company must send the car to a service that has the right to service a certain brand (has an official agreement with the manufacturer or dealer). Otherwise, the car is sent for repair to another service offered by the insurer (with the consent of the car owner). If the owner does not like this option, he can take the money (provided that the car is no more than two years old). Given that many manufacturers give a 3-5-year warranty, this is a significant drawback.

body restoration

STO selection

When registering a compulsory insurance policy, the car owner can indicate the specific service to which the insurance company will have to direct the vehicle in case of direct damage. Basically, motorists have to make a choice from the list offered by the insurer.

By agreement, an indication of another service station is allowed (even if it is not on the list). If the insurer does not pay for repairs in the service agreed by the contract, the car owner has the right to demand monetary compensation.

auto repair features

What can be repaired

Car racks are an essential element that ensures the reliability and safety of a vehicle. It is important to understand that in the event of an accident, the suspension is unlikely to remain operational. Any wear of parts as a result of an accident is dangerous for the driver and his passengers. That is why it is necessary to quickly restore the car after an accident. Samara is a city of the domestic automobile industry, therefore it is especially sensitive to the condition of vehicles here. STO is selected by the insurance company.

If creaks have appeared after the collision, urgent measures must be taken, otherwise fluid leakage appears. If a problem is identified during an accident, such an plan, the insurance company must send the car to the service station. As a result of such a malfunction, you can see that the rack becomes wet, in this case, the meaning of repairing car racks disappears, you will have to buy new parts. Especially important is the restoration of a car after an accident.

If the repair at the service station is done poorly, the motorist injured during the accident draws up a written complaint to the insurance company, which indicates all the shortcomings that need to be addressed. If the requirements are not met, in this case, you can safely file a lawsuit with the judicial authorities.

In what cases can one expect to receive monetary compensation? There are several situations in which a person injured in an accident can expect to receive material compensation:

  • the inability to restore the vehicle to the service station;
  • the injured person died, and relatives have no desire to restore the car;
  • the injured person is disabled, owns a specialized vehicle;
  • insurance payment is not enough to make a full car repair;
  • the party injured in the accident received moderate or severe damage;
  • the policyholder and insurer entered into a cash compensation agreement.

Some car owners are trying to repair the damaged vehicle on their own. Not all of them know that in such situations they will no longer be able to count on receiving monetary compensation from the insurance company. The simplest option is a preliminary agreement with the insurance company that the repair will be made by the car enthusiast, and the organization will compensate him for the actual costs.

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