
Compensation of personal income tax: grounds, procedure, deadline, documents

Any person working in an organization officially has the right to personal income tax refund. It can be assigned for various reasons, which include expenses for education, treatment or the purchase of housing. It is represented by a refund of a portion of the previously paid tax. You can apply for it directly to the department of the Federal Tax Service or at the place of work of a citizen.

Legislative regulation

The basic information on the conditions and procedure for the compensation of personal income tax is contained in the Tax Code. It indicates how taxes are levied on citizens or enterprises. It also contains information that people must pay tax on all income received. To do this, 13% is charged from the money received. Additionally, the law provides for the possibility of returning a certain amount of the previously paid tax, for which a deduction is drawn up in the right way. It can be presented in several forms.

documents for reimbursement

There are two ways to make a deduction:

  • receipt of the amount in cashless form on the card;
  • registration of return at work implies that the salary will be issued to the citizen without tax until such time as the full benefit is used.

Most often, citizens prefer to use the first option, since in this case they receive a really large amount of funds, which can be used for any purpose.

Types of Deductions

This benefit is presented in several forms. They depend on what expenses of the citizen the tax refund is planned. Request for personal income tax refund is allowed only to people who receive income that are taxed. Therefore, they must be officially working, and it is also allowed that they independently pay personal income tax on their income.

personal income tax refund upon purchase

There are several types of deductions:

  • property is appointed if a citizen acquires any residential property for his own permanent use;
  • social involves the appointment of benefits in the presence of expenses confirmed by official documents for treatment or education;
  • charity is appointed if a person spends his own funds for any charitable purposes.

All the above returns have their own characteristics, as well as certain maximum sizes for them are established at the state level.

How often can I request a deduction?

If it is planned to receive personal income tax refunds when buying a home, it is taken into account that funds can be received until the entire amount has been exhausted. It is presented in the amount of 260 thousand rubles, so 13% is returned exclusively from 2 million rubles. If the property has a higher value, then you will not be able to get 13% of the total amount. The remnants of such a benefit are carried forward to the next purchase.

personal income tax refund

If a loan is used to purchase housing, then interest can also be applied for a benefit, but this can only be done once in a lifetime. You can get up to 390 thousand rubles, but the balances cannot be transferred. A social deduction may be requested every year within the established limit, but a maximum of 120 thousand rubles will be returned.

Nuances of property deduction

Most often, citizens prefer to draw up this type of benefit. This is due to the possibility of obtaining a really large amount, which is 13% of the cost of housing. But as much as possible you can count on a return of 260 thousand rubles. A personal income tax refund is issued in the presence of various officially confirmed expenses:

  • residential construction;
  • home repairs;
  • purchase of real estate represented by an apartment or house;
  • repayment of a mortgage.

During the calculation, it is taken into account which expenses were incurred by the citizen, after which 13% is calculated from this amount. As much as possible on the basis of property return, you can get 260 thousand rubles. Therefore, if the property is worth more than 2 million rubles, only the maximum amount will be issued. For the next purchases, it will not be possible to issue another refund.

personal income tax refund period

If a loan is issued for the acquisition of real estate, then you can additionally count on a deduction from interest. It is maximum equal to 390 thousand rubles. Therefore, it is levied on the amount of 3 million rubles. But it is not always possible to take full advantage of the benefit. Property compensation may be carried forward, but this does not apply to interest deduction. To apply for benefits, it is required to contact the employer or submit an annual declaration and other real estate documents to the Federal Tax Service for compensation of 3-NDFL.

Social deduction

It can be received by all citizens who are personal income tax payers. Under such conditions, it is required to have official evidence of spending on various social services. These include:

  • undergoing treatment by the person himself or his family, but in the latter case, payment for services should be carried out at the expense of the taxpayer;
  • the purchase of drugs, but this process can be performed solely on the basis of a prescription prescribed by the attending physician;
  • spending money on life insurance, but you need to buy a policy for a period of 5 years;
  • payment for training in various paid educational institutions that have the appropriate license to conduct this activity.

When calculating the benefits, a rate of 13% is also used. Refund of personal income tax for training or treatment is provided exclusively to the person who directly spent his own funds for these purposes. The maximum benefit is 120 thousand rubles, but a year you can get no more than 15 600 rubles. There are certain situations in which there is no limit when processing a refund. This includes expensive treatment that must be carried out in a foreign country.

Charity Return

It can be issued by all citizens who have contributed to various funds as a voluntary donation. Such a return also has certain limits, which represent 25% of the citizen's income for the year. If a person works officially and spends money on charity, he can apply for personal income tax refund.

personal income tax return

Changes to tax legislation are introduced regularly, so now a charitable deduction can be obtained by investing in different organizations:

  • charitable foundations;
  • religious associations;
  • institutions that are socially oriented;
  • non-profit enterprises working in the field of science, sports, culture or other areas significant for the state.

You need to deposit funds only upon receipt from the selected organization of the appropriate receipt or other settlement document. It is he who acts as confirmation of the presence of spending. If this document is missing, then do not count on reimbursement.

Other benefits

In addition, other types of compensations are fixed in the legislation, which are intended for privileged categories of citizens. They can be represented by large families, women who raise their own children, or other people in need of state support. Such benefits are granted in the presence of a variety of expenses for food or other purposes. It is necessary to clarify the possibility of processing a return directly to the department of the Federal Tax Service.

Benefit Procedure

The process of processing the return is considered quite simple and standard. Initially, it is important to ensure that a citizen is entitled to receive compensation.To do this, he must have officially confirmed income, from which monthly income tax is deducted from the budget. Additionally, there should be confirmed spending for different purposes.

If you plan to receive personal income tax refunds on interest paid as a result of obtaining a mortgage loan, then it is advisable to carry out this process after the deduction for the purchase of housing is fully received. Additionally, a decision is made as to exactly where the privilege will be issued. To do this, you can contact the Department of the Federal Tax Service with a specific set of documents, and it is also allowed to apply for registration at the main place of work.

Most often, citizens prefer to go to the inspectorate, which allows them to get a large amount of funds represented by the income tax transferred to the budget for the year of work. The process of obtaining benefits is divided into stages:

  • initially, the necessary documents are collected to compensate for personal income tax;
  • the documentation is handed over to the employee of the Federal Tax Service, who must first make sure that there are all the necessary papers for registration, which depend on what kind of deduction the taxpayer plans to receive;
  • the received documentation is checked by the inspection staff within three months, but the decision can be made a little earlier, so it is advisable to get a login and password from the institution’s specialists in order to log into your personal account on the FTS website;
  • using your personal account you can control the progress of the check;
  • if there is no false information or other problems with the documents, a positive decision is made;
  • within another month, the entire amount of funds will be transferred to the applicant's bank account.
documents for personal income tax reimbursement

If you correctly prepare all the documents, as well as correctly draw up a declaration, then there will be no difficulties with processing the return. Property compensation can be received even after three years of work, if you apply for it not immediately after buying a property, but after three years.

What documents are prepared?

The main condition for the quick registration of benefits is the proper preparation of documents. These include a tax return in the form of 3-NDFL, as well as documents for the purchased property or expenses incurred for treatment or training. If an exemption is made for the interest paid to the bank, then you need to get the appropriate certificate from the banking institution.

Additionally, it is necessary to prepare the TIN and income statement received at all places of employment of the applicant. The privilege is granted on the basis of a correctly compiled application formed in the name of the head of a particular branch of the Federal Tax Service. It clearly indicates the need for a refund. Additionally, there should be details of the bank account where the funds will be transferred.

Rules for preparing a declaration

For compensation of personal income tax, a declaration in the form of 3-personal income tax is required. Filling it is quite simple, for which some rules are taken into account:

  • formed in writing;
  • can be filled in manually or on a computer;
  • information about the taxpayer and the expenses incurred by him is entered;
  • the amount of income for the year is indicated, as well as the amount represented by the listed tax for the year of work;
  • information on all places of employment of a citizen is entered.
3 personal income tax refund

When filling out a document, you can use templates or special programs. To compensate, 3-NDFL will have to be prepared in any case, so if difficulties arise, then it is allowed to contact special companies involved in the preparation of various documents.

Nuances of contacting the employer

The deduction can be represented not only by paying a certain amount of funds to the taxpayer, but also by reducing the tax base. In such situations, it is not necessary to issue a 2-NDFL certificate or draw up a declaration.It is enough to get a certificate from the Federal Tax Service stating that a citizen can count on a deduction in a specific amount. Additionally, an application is transmitted to the employer. Based on these documents, a salary will be paid without levying income tax.

Return Dates

If you contact the Federal Tax Service directly, the personal income tax refund period is 4 months as a standard. Documentation is checked within 3 months, after which one more month is given for the transfer of funds. If you contact the employer, from the next month, salaries will be paid without collecting personal income tax.


Reimbursement of personal income tax can be issued for different expenses. The taxpayer himself must deal with the registration of benefits if he has the appropriate grounds for this. To receive funds, you can contact the department of the Federal Tax Service or directly to the employer. For this, in any case, you will have to prepare various documents confirming the expenses incurred.

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