
What is temporary disability?

Many of us often heard about the concept of "temporary disability" and related derivatives - insurance and benefits - from the media, in banks and other institutions. But not everyone knows the meaning of the concept under consideration and it is not always clear what pitfalls it carries.

temporary disability is

According to the legislation, this definition means a person’s inability to work for a certain period of time. Distinguish both full and partial disability, but with a reversible character. It turns out that it is restored in a short time. Therefore, there is disability temporary and permanent:

• Full and constant implies a loss of ability to work: the patient should be at home.
• Partial, temporary: the patient is not able to perform the previous work, but without harm to health can work in another position.

Let's talk about the concept in detail. So, temporary disability is only a small period of time for the rehabilitation of an employee due to illness or injury. This is the most common type of inability to perform official duties. Other causes and benefits during the illness period will be described in the article.

The most common cause of temporary disability

Dacryocystitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, scleritis - this is an incomplete list of eye pathologies that lead to temporary disability. Eye disease can be seasonal, as is the case with conjunctivitis. In order to discuss the issue of insurance and benefits during this period, you need to contact specialists and conduct an examination. How it is carried out will be described later in the article.

temporary disability examination

Remember that in case of prolonged eye problems, the question of insurance and temporary disability benefits is, of course, removed. Since this condition should last no more than three months (this is a prerequisite). If it is observed, then go to the next item.

Who receives temporary disability insurance

Let us describe in more detail those who can be insured in case of temporary disability:

1. Workers who carry out official duties, as well as heads of companies, are the only participants.
2. Citizens in the public service or employees of municipalities.
3. A citizen who replaces the one who is acting as the head of state administration.
4. Employee at the factory (rank does not matter).
5. The priests.
6. Persons sentenced to prison and working in prisons.

These citizens may well get insurance if they comply with the conditions prescribed in federal law.

Maternity and social insurance

The state has developed a system of measures to compensate citizens for lost wages or additional costs when paying an insurance certificate for mandatory social benefits. insurance at the time of temporary inability to perform work in connection with motherhood. Let us examine this question in more detail.

Compulsory social insurance (it is also a temporary disability benefit), which is the most important social measure. citizen support in case of illness. Payment of benefits from the fund for social. support - this is an opportunity without monetary losses for the employer to save a job for his sick employee. The state also set the task of providing financial assistance to families.

case of temporary disability

Compulsory social insurance event.insurance for temporary disability and motherhood are various events (for example, illness), in which the obligation of insurers from the social security fund begins. insurance, and in some cases - the insured for the implementation of insurance coverage (payment of benefits).

According to motherhood earnings

Benefits when it is impossible to work due to pregnancy, as well as quarterly payments if a child is available, are considered if the citizen’s earnings are not high, registering each type of payments, bonuses, benefits for which contributions were calculated according to the law for two seasons.

The average wage implies a newborn care allowance - the amount for any quarter that exceeds the final number of the base is taken into account. Know that temporary disability and motherhood is not a problem. The main thing is to start making out insurance in time that there were no unexpected obstacles to payments.

Disability examination: characteristics and features

People who receive social insurance in case of temporary disability, illness during work, pay for it. In legal terms, this action means an insurance premium.

Sometimes a temporary examination may be necessary - it is also a kind of medical checkup for the worker. It is carried out in the hospital by doctors (consilium) or one doctor. Temporary examination of incapacity for work - these are specialists with the authority to legally release employees for the following reasons:
• illness;
• pregnancy with childbirth;
• care for the sick in the family;
• installation of prostheses in the dental department of the hospital (in a hospital);
• treatment in a sanatorium.
All these reasons should be known in the medical commission. Experts have such goals and objectives as resolving the controversial and complex issue of examination, approving and prolonging sick leave for a period of time (at least thirty days).

disability insurance

Temporary disability is a small period of unemployment, and doctors who are qualified on this issue must issue relevant documents. About them further.

What is the competence of specialists when working with patients?

A temporary examination of incapacity for work established an important requirement: the expert in this organization is obliged to issue conclusions that guide him in the possible transfer of an employee to light work. This also includes transferring to another job, exemption from a shift, and so on.

temporary disability calculation

When a temporary examination of incapacity for work takes place, then the experts are also required to issue a confirmation - a sick leave. It is issued in the case when a person is being treated in a sanatorium, is at a resort or undergoes special. treatment in the city is not registered. In addition, the expert undertakes to send his subordinate to a medical and social examination.

Sick leave

A certificate of incapacity for work is a document confirming and attesting to employers that an employee is sick or caring for a sick relative. This confirmation must be issued for the following purposes:
• confirmation of exemption from authority.
• accrual and payment of benefits due to temporary disability;
• registration of statistics on which the analysis and generalization of the incidence rate is carried out.
A large number of sheets are assigned to a therapeutic patient. By order of the sheets issued by doctors who carry out treatment in honey. organizations where the appeal came from. Also, it (sick leave) is issued by paramedics or dentists when the order is submitted by the federal body from the executive branch.

How are wages for temporarily unemployed calculated?

To calculate it, take into account the following criteria:
1. Calculation of the period.
2. The amount of payments that are provided by insurance benefits and are taken into account during the calculation period.
3. The employee wages in one day.
4. The current minimum wage. It has been functioning since the beginning of insurance.
So, temporary disability is, according to the law, the period after which the payments of the sheet confirming the disease are summed up. Each confirmed payout type is considered.

What should be considered when calculating?

When calculating the average earnings, it is very important to take into account such moments as:
• wages accrued to the employee on working salaries, as well as rates as a percentage of the revenue of products (performance of work, services);
• unreliable salaries;
• commission remuneration;
• payments to a person acting as deputy chief of a branch in the public service;
• salary for a teacher in a vocational technical education system;
• payments to the employee in the media;
• allowance and surcharge;
• all prizes.
During an increase in salary, the salary rises. It is very important to note that the date for which money could be credited in case of disability is not important. Calculation of temporary incapacity for work is carried out on the item that will be indicated in the article. But first, let’s give an accrual basis, which are used to calculate the salary calculation.

Margin for assessing the premium

Let us give an example of the data of the limit base in years:
• Until the eleventh - 300 thousand
• Eleventh - 300 thousand
• Twelfth - 350 thousand
• Thirteenth - 400 thousand
• Fourteenth - 430 thousand
• Fifteenth - 450 thousand
• Sixteenth - 500 thousand
• Seventeenth - 500 thousand

This base will help to calculate the amount of earnings not included in the period of illness.

Calculation Example

How is temporary disability calculated? Let's consider in more detail on an example.

An employee Petrov is on duty at Lukoil: about six years experience. Petrov fell ill and could not work for a week.

disability and motherhood

How to calculate the earned money?

This season includes both the sixteenth and seventeenth years. During the billing period, Petrov earned about one million rubles.

• Months: December - January of the sixteenth year - 500 thousand.
• Months: January - December of the seventeenth year - 500 thousand rubles.

It can be seen that the real earnings of this employee in the period for the sixteenth year are higher than the indicated numbers when compared with the limit base for crediting the contribution (five hundred thousand> four hundred and eighty thousand rubles). But this employee could not reach the maximum “line” in the seventeenth year (five hundred thousand> five hundred eighteen thousand rubles). Therefore, the amount is calculated based on the point of accumulation of the contribution for the sixteenth year. For the seventeenth year, you need to look at the payment that has occurred, which is accrued for Petrov.

It turns out that the real income calculated by the accountant for Petrov will be about 950,000 thousand rubles (four hundred and fifty thousand + five hundred thousand rubles).

Injury and disease - causes of temporary disability

Temporary disability is, as described in the legislative act, the period in which benefits are required for treatment or surgery. The employer pays benefits to his employee, who is insured and registered. For the final period from the beginning of the 4th day of illness, money is paid from the fund - temporary disability insurance. The issuance of benefits is an obligation of the state in the event of a temporary inoperability of a citizen. We list all the reasons for which payment and insurance are possible.

Benefits for caring for a sick close relative

The allowance is issued when caring for a sick family member, as well as:
• under the quarantine of a person protected by insurance and quarantine of a child under the age of seven who is attending a kindergarten, illness of a child attending a kindergarten;
• when installing prostheses in a hospital;
• during diagnosis and treatment in a sanatorium.
Only after an employee is in the hospital for treatment, management is obliged to pay money from the first day of illness of the employee from the social protection fund.

Maternity Insurance Benefits

Since the beginning of 2017, questions regarding the calculations and payments of insurance in connection with temporary disability and during motherhood have been regulated by the chapter of the thirty-fourth part in the Russian tax code.

temporary and permanent disability

Basic social insurance payments:
• cash payment to disabled women;
• cash payments to women for the period of development of the fetus and childbirth;
As well as various benefits for registration and registration of a child who is no more than 1.5 years old.

Where to go if benefits are not paid

The territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation is called upon to help temporarily unemployed citizens.
This organization can be contacted by ordinary employees if:
1. The employer has ceased to fulfill its duties to a temporarily disabled employee.
2. There is not much money in the employee’s account to pay benefits.
3. There is no way to establish the whereabouts of the employer.
4. Conduct bankruptcy proceedings for the employer.
But in any cases, you need to draw up a certificate of incapacity for work, as temporary disability is an important period.

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