
Temporary identity card when replacing a passport: sample, registration, terms

Many people are forced to face situations where passport replacement is required. The process is performed when a certain age is reached, as well as when a document is lost or damaged. In this case, you can get a temporary identity card when replacing a passport, if there is a need for this document. It completely replaces the passport, and this is especially true for people who need to use banking services, buy a ticket or perform other similar actions.

The concept of provisional identity

It acts as an official document, which is an alternative to an ordinary passport. A temporary identity card is issued when replacing a passport with employees of the FMS. It is valid for the time necessary for the formation of the passport.

Passport replacement may be required for various reasons:

  • change of personal data of a citizen;
  • loss of document;
  • theft;
  • for various reasons, the documentation was seriously corrupted.
temporary identity card when replacing a passport form

A temporary certificate can be used up to 60 days from the date of receipt. It is allowed to extend this period under different circumstances.

When is it issued?

A temporary citizen’s identity card is provided when replacing a passport for various reasons. The process of issuing this document is not mandatory, so if a person can do without a passport for several days, then he does not need to receive a temporary document.

If, for various reasons, a temporary identity card is required when replacing a passport, then the corresponding application must be made directly at the FMS office. The process of creating this document does not take more than 10 minutes. For this, the applicant must have a photograph with him. Migration officials cannot refuse to issue such a document.

What does it look like?

The form of provisional identity card when replacing a passport is strictly established. The following information must be included in it:

  • from the outside there is a name of the document;
  • It indicates what date the certificate is valid;
  • the document number is registered;
  • personal information about the citizen is entered, to which F. I. O. belongs, date of birth and place of registration;
  • the applicant is signed on the document;
  • necessarily stick a photograph of a citizen;
  • the name of the organization issuing the document is indicated below;
  • the period of its validity is given;
  • the reason for the formation of a temporary certificate is indicated;
  • at the end is signed by the head of the FMS department, as well as the seal of the migration service.
temporary identity card when replacing passport sample

After entering all the information, some lines remain empty. They are filled in if for various reasons it is required to extend the validity of this document.

What documents are required?

When replacing a passport, a temporary identity card is issued only if there is a corresponding request from a citizen. You can get this document right away, so you do not need to leave a request in advance. You don’t need to have any specific documents with you, so the information is entered on the basis of the transferred passport. It is only necessary to take a photograph measuring 35 x 45 mm.

Often, citizens submit an application with the help of State Services. In this case, when visiting the FMS department to obtain a temporary certificate, you must have the following documents with you:

  • direct passport to be replaced;
  • birth certificate of a citizen;
  • marriage certificate, as well as other documents, on the basis of which the person’s personal data were changed;
  • documents for children, if available.

Additionally, you need to take a photo in advance. Some departments of the FMS have equipment that allows you to take a photo on the spot.


A temporary identity card is formed when replacing a passport literally within 10 minutes after the citizen has submitted the appropriate application. The document is provided free of charge, so you do not have to pay any fee for it.

The fee is paid only for the passport, and its size depends on the reason for the replacement, since if the process is carried out as a result of reaching a certain age, the fee is 300 rubles, and if replacement is required due to loss or damage, the fee increases to 1.5 thousand roubles.

temporary identity card when replacing passport photo

If the application is submitted through the "State Services", then you can immediately pay the fee. Until the beginning of 2019, a discount of 30% is provided when using this electronic service. An application for a temporary certificate is most often executed if a citizen has any trip planned or if he needs to have an identification card to attend work. Such a document is a complete replacement of the passport.

What rights are granted?

Upon receipt of a temporary identity card when replacing a passport, a citizen can take advantage of numerous opportunities. Fundamental rights include:

  • it is possible to buy tickets for various modes of transport until a new passport is issued;
  • when a citizen is stopped by police, it is not difficult to confirm his identity;
  • it is allowed to apply to the bank with these documents for various operations, and bank employees do not have the right to refuse to accept this paper;
  • based on Art. 65 of the Labor Code, in the process of employment, each citizen must confirm his identity, for which they are given a copy of the passport to the future employer, and they are also allowed to use a temporary certificate, driver’s license or even a military ID.
registration of a temporary identity card when replacing a passport

If the company management refuses a citizen to apply for a job due to the fact that he does not have a passport, then a written refusal must be requested. After that, a complaint and a copy of this document can be applied to state organizations to appeal against an illegal refusal.

Who is issued?

Registration of a temporary identity card when replacing a passport is carried out directly in the passport office. This organization is called the migration service. The recipient can be any Russian citizen who changes his passport for various reasons.

To prepare an application, you can get a special form from the employees of the organization. You only need to have one photo with you. The received document is valid for the entire period during which a new passport is made. May be extended for a temporary identity card when replacing a passport validity period, if there are good reasons for this.

Previously obtained temporary certificate is handed over to the FMS after receiving a passport. If for various reasons the document is lost, then you will not have to pay any fines.

Other nuances

The rules for obtaining a temporary citizen of the Russian Federation include:

  • a document is issued not only in the department at the place of permanent residence, but also at the place of temporary stay of the citizen;
  • even if the application for a new passport is submitted through the State Services, then in order to receive a temporary certificate, you will have to come to the FMS office;
  • such a document has practically the same legal significance as a regular passport;
  • you will not be able to use it only at the time of marriage or the registration of a permanent registration;
  • it is not allowed to use it as an identity card in another state, so the trip will have to be postponed.
temporary identity card when replacing a passport

The standard validity period of a document is only 60 days, but different reasons may arise for extending this period. A sample provisional identity card when replacing a passport can be studied above.

What are the difficulties?

Even if a citizen receives a temporary certificate, then anyway he will have certain difficulties, which include:

  • it is impossible to register on an ongoing basis in any real estate object;
  • there is no opportunity to officially register a marriage;
  • since the document does not contain the number and series of the passport, it will not work to purchase an air ticket for visiting another state;
  • although banks must accept this document for various operations, in fact, many people are faced with the fact that they are denied by employees of banking institutions to provide numerous services, which include even opening or closing an account.

Due to the above problems, people are forced to incur certain losses.

Can I get a job?

A sample provisional identity card when replacing a passport makes it possible to examine what information about a citizen is entered into this document. This information is sufficient so that a person can officially get a job.

Each employer, before accepting a new hired specialist, requires him to transmit the identity document presented by the passport. The temporary certificate is its official analogue, therefore, if the management of the company refuses to be employed due to the lack of a passport, then the citizen performs the following actions:

  • initially it is necessary to refer to Art. 65 of the Labor Code, which states that it is allowed to present not only a passport at employment, but also another document acting as an identity card;
  • if the employer still refuses to register a citizen due to the lack of a passport, then the refusal is recorded in writing;
  • this refusal with a written complaint is transmitted to the prosecutor's office and labor inspectorate;
  • additional compensation for non-pecuniary damage can be recovered altogether, for which it is necessary to apply to the court.
when replacing a passport, a temporary identity card is issued

Most often, employers are well versed in the law, and therefore do not refuse to employ citizens. At the same time, there is always a photo on the temporary identity card when replacing the passport, which confirms that the document belongs to a particular applicant.

Can I get married?

If a citizen with a temporary certificate decides to enter into legal relations, you will have to wait for a new passport. This is due to the fact that when registering a marriage, a special stamp is certainly put in the document. It is not possible to put such a seal on a provisional certificate, so you will have to postpone the date of the marriage to the day when the citizen will already have a new passport in his hands.

Difficulties with air travel

Some airlines accept a temporary ID to purchase tickets. But often situations arise when a citizen urgently needs to fly to another city, but a ticket is not for sale to him.

Therefore, if you need to buy a ticket, then the following actions are performed:

  • You need to find a counter at the airport designed to buy tickets
  • if airport employees refuse to break through a ticket according to a temporary document, then one should refer to paragraph 51 of the Transportation Rules, which states that it is required to have only an identity card to buy a ticket, which also includes a temporary certificate;
  • often such actions lead to the fact that a citizen buys or gives a ticket;
  • but if the charter documentation of a particular airline contains information about the ban on the use of temporary certificates, then it will not work to challenge a negative decision.

Therefore, usually people have difficulties with flights.

obtaining a temporary identity card when replacing a passport


If a person needs an identity card, he can receive a temporary document when replacing his passport. It is issued completely free for 60 days. It is allowed in various situations to extend the validity period of this document. Using a temporary certificate, you can use various government services or get a job, but there are difficulties with marriage or buying tickets.

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