
Temporary passport. Temporary identity card when replacing a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Almost every modern citizen of the Russian Federation was faced with the procedure for issuing a civil identification card. This service is to be introduced to all persons who have reached the age of 14. It is at this age that for the first time a person is issued a civil passport. Sometimes you have to replace the mentioned paper. But according to the law, for example, you cannot live in an apartment without an identity card. This act is an administrative violation that entails a fine. In order not to be punished, as well as not to lose the right to receive state and municipal services, a person can get a temporary passport. We will get to know this paper later. When and how to draw up documentation? What is required for this? And can they refuse the corresponding service? The answers to all these questions will be described below. In reality, everything is not so complicated. Especially if a person is aware of his civil rights.

Temporary passport

Short description

What is a temporary passport? Only a few citizens are faced with this paper. After all, the bulk of the population does not suspect the existence of a document.

Temporary ID is an analogue of a civil passport that is issued to the applicant instead of the main document. It has a limited duration.

A temporary passport in Russia is rarely requested by citizens. Nevertheless, the presence of such paper will greatly simplify life. After all, then they will not be able to refuse state services for which an ordinary passport is needed.

When do you draw up a document

The next question that interests many people is when can I apply for a temporary passport?

Usually this document is requested when the restoration or exchange of the usual identification card is carried out. For example, in such cases:

  • change of surname;
  • theft or loss of a passport of the Russian Federation;
  • damage to ID cards;
  • exchange paper by age.

As a rule, registration authorities rarely report the right to receive temporary identification paper. Therefore, the citizen himself must act as the initiator.

Where do they ask

Where can I get the study documentation? It is worth remembering that there is no single answer to this question.

To date, thinking about where to get a temporary ID, the applicant can apply to such organizations:

  • passport and visa centers;
  • migration services of the Russian Federation;
  • management companies;
  • multifunctional centers.

In addition, a person has the right to submit an application to the passport office at the place of registration of the main passport. This is a fairly common scenario.

FMS and temporary passport

It is important to remember that the paper under study is issued only at the time of the exchange of ID. It’s just not possible to request documentation.


Do IFC issue a temporary passport? Yes, there is such a service in this organization. What else is important to know about this document?

As we have said, a provisional identity card has a validity period. It is not too long. The maximum duration of the "life" of the paper is 2 months. During this time, migration services must issue a main passport.

If for some reason the civil type certificate is not yet ready, you can re-apply to the listed organizations with a request for the exchange of a temporary equivalent of the document.

Receiving Guide

How to get a temporary passport? To do this is not as difficult as it seems.We have already said that this paper is issued during the registration of the main passport.

That is, the instruction for the design of the studied documentation includes:

  1. Collection of documents required for obtaining a civil passport.
  2. Payment of state duty.
  3. Applying for a passport exchange.
  4. Drawing up a request for a temporary passport.

It's all. No special action is needed. Each citizen can easily cope with the task.

Documents for the service

A huge role is played by the preparation for the procedure. What documents for a temporary passport are asked for by modern citizens?

Passport and temporary certificate

You will need to prepare a package of papers for re-issuance of a regular identity card. Most often it includes:

  • Photo;
  • statement;
  • old passport;
  • receipt of payment of duty in established amounts;
  • base document for reissue of paper (certificate of loss of a passport, certificate of divorce, and so on);
  • certificates from the place of registration of the citizen.

In order to get a temporary passport, a person just needs 1 photo more than usual. You will have to bring 3-4 photos to the registration authority.


How much does the studied service cost? Does the passport charge for a temporary ID?

Under current laws, the issuance of an ordinary civil passport provides for the payment of a fee. It will be 350 or 1,500 rubles. The second amount is paid for reissuing a certificate that helps to identify a person due to loss, theft, damage.

They don’t take money for a temporary analogue. Temporary certificate is issued completely free of charge. The main thing is to pay a fee in advance for the main civil document. Otherwise, the document will not be issued. In this case, the refusal will be legal.

Can refuse

A temporary passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is a certificate that not everyone knows about. Can migration services refuse to issue documentation?

Absolutely not. If the request for the manufacture of an ordinary passport was accepted, it is forbidden to refuse a temporary analogue. Moreover, some services simply do not want to do paperwork. A person should not be afraid to assert his rights and demand the issuance of a temporary identifier for a person. The requirement is completely legal.

MFC and obtaining a passport

How does it work

And what can be done with the studied paper? This question arises among many citizens.

What to do with an ordinary passport is understandable. But what about its temporary counterpart? Can I get a loan with a temporary passport? And to apply to the bank for this or that service?

By law, a temporary identifier acts in the same way as the main document. It remains valid for the entire period indicated on the form.

Accordingly, a person will be able to use a temporary identifier in the same way as the main one. There should not be any problems with the purchase of tickets, banking operations and other services.

What cannot be done with a temporary certificate

Are there any services that are not provided with a temporary passport?

Yes, but not many. To date, among these, only registration of residence registration is noted. This is due to the fact that the corresponding stamp is put in the passport. And in its temporary analogue there is no place for entering the mentioned information.

By registration or not?

We found out which registration authorities are issuing temporary identity cards. Does registration play a role in this case?

Not. The thing is that everyone can apply for a temporary type of passport at any migration center. Registration does not play a role here. Unless there are fewer questions when contacting a citizen at the place of registration.

FMS of Russia

Registration term

How long does it take to produce and fill out the form? Temporary type identification is issued very quickly.

Practice shows that the form of the established form in the filled form is issued within 5-10 minutes after the citizen has applied for the document. And only occasionally have to wait a few hours. This is an extremely rare occurrence. It is possible only with a heavy workload of the registering authority.

In fact, applying for a permanent passport, a person can leave the FMS with a temporary identifier. As already mentioned, this is not the most frequent, but occurring in practice, phenomenon.

Can registration authorities force a person to wait for a temporary citizen certificate for several days or even weeks? Not. The paper we studied should be issued as soon as possible.

Registration of a passport through the "State Services"

What else is important to remember about the operation?

Some citizens order passports and other documents through the State Services portal. If you carefully study the application form, there will be no mention of the temporary form of the document.

Will have to act only in person. After the application for reissue of the passport is considered, he will be assigned the status of "Accepted." Only in this case, a citizen can apply with a photograph to the FMS with a request for the issuance of a temporary identifier.

Form 2P

Is anything else needed? Not. No additional inquiries from the person will be required. Therefore, issuing a temporary passport is a minimum of trouble.

After delivery of the main document

There is one more nuance that was not mentioned. A temporary passport in Russia is subject to return without fail. What does it mean?

After the applicant is issued the main civil passport, you need to return his temporary equivalent to the registration authority. Such rules apply in Russia today. Leaving a valid temporary citizen ID is not recommended.


The studied paper is made on a blank in the form 2P. What information does it carry?

On paper of the established form they write:

  • name of the registering authority that issues the certificate;
  • Applicant's full name;
  • place of birth of the owner of the document;
  • registration of a citizen.

The applicant is also signed here. In addition, the document indicates the serial number of the passport.

Important: on temporary identification cards you can find the reason for replacing the main passport. This information, as a rule, is for informational purposes only and is not indicated anywhere.

Will there be a photo of a citizen on form 2P? Yes. It is pasted in the same place where the basic data on the owner of the paper is written.

Reason for replacing a passport

Practice shows that earlier, using a temporary identity card, it was not always possible to complete a number of operations. In particular, we are talking about services for which passport details were required. In a temporary analogue they simply do not exist.

But over time, this problem was successfully fixed. Now in the forms on form 2P there is a column “Reason for replacing the passport”. Here you can not only see why a citizen issued a temporary identifier, but also get acquainted with the details of an identity card.

Since then, the temporary passport has fully replaced the ordinary civilian document. Sometimes problems may arise with its use, but it is worth remembering that the studied paper serves as an official identification card. This is indicated by all employees of the FMS.

Passport issuance


Now it’s clear how to get a temporary passport. We studied all the nuances of this procedure. From now on, everyone will be able to cope with the task.

Some problems with using temporary IDs arise when buying airline tickets. At airports, people who carry the indicated paper are denied service. It's illegal. As already mentioned, a temporary passport is an official identification card.

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