
Opening time of exchanges Moscow time

All world exchanges where financial transactions take place have a specific mode of operation. To trade profitably on the Forex or stock market, you need to know the opening time of exchanges. The schedule of their work is different, and for each direction of trading, these hours are set individually. If the investor or trader knows what time a particular exchange is working, then he will be able to choose for himself the most relevant option for trading.

Exchange trading

opening time of forex exchanges

Depending on the liquidity of the period, you can choose a convenient chart with the necessary volatility parameters for a particular trading asset that the speculator is interested in. There are times when there is real chaos in the financial markets. Naturally, in such periods it is best not to engage in trading.

Therefore, before embarking on trading in any assets, it is necessary to carefully study the schedule: the opening time of exchanges, as well as their closure.

Exchange and OTC markets

Trading in financial markets is divided into two groups, which depend on the direction of the instruments:

  1. Exchange trade.
  2. OTC transactions.

In the first option, trading takes place directly on the exchange itself, that is, in a certain place, where all financial transactions for the sale and purchase of assets are concluded. Therefore, it is very important for traders to know the opening time of exchanges and their closing, since they can only trade at certain hours.

It should be noted that the time interval range depends on the time zone. The largest world exchanges are located in different countries. Sometimes, due to the difference in time zones, speculators have to trade at night. For example, a trader working on the American stock exchange has to adjust his schedule. When most of the Russian sites have already closed, the United States is in the midst of a busy day.

Forex open time

If we consider the OTC transactions occurring in the Forex currency market, we can highlight their advantage compared to the stock market, since they work around the clock. Therefore, traders have the opportunity to trade at any time, day or night, when it is convenient for them. All week, except Saturday and Sunday, as well as holidays and weekends.

Types of world exchanges and their work schedules

All world stock exchanges have specific opening hours, which will be discussed later in the article. Unlike Forex, where you can trade at any time of the day, in these specialized centers the time period is strictly regulated.

Opening time of exchanges in Moscow time:

  1. Euronext, opening hours from 10:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m. The platform provides financial and information services for trading in the stock market.
  2. Frankfurt Stock Exchange, working hours from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. It brings together major European trading floors and is located in Frankfurt.
  3. Moscow Exchange, a fairly popular center among Russian traders and investors. Opening hours are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. The platform stops work 10 minutes before the end of the trading day and provides services in the financial market in trading and investing with a wide variety of instruments and assets. For example, stocks, bonds, metals and more. It was formed in 2011 during the merger of two large centers of the MICEX and RTS.
  4. The London Stock Exchange, one of the oldest venues in Europe. Opening time of the London Stock Exchange at 11.00 in the morning, closing at 19.00. The largest volume of transactions for all global stocks, including Russian types, takes place at this specialized site.In trading, you can use both alternative and basic options of securities.
  5. NASDAQ, opening hours from 5.30 p.m. to midnight, i.e. 00.00 a.m. On the site there is the opportunity to work with securities of high-tech enterprises and companies.
  6. The New York Stock Exchange, many known by the name NYSE, is open from 5.30 p.m. to midnight. The opening time of the American Exchange corresponds to the beginning of the session. This is one of the world's largest stock market platforms, which supports almost all investment and trading instruments.
  7. The Chicago platform for exchange trading is open from 18.30 to one in the morning. She was the first to support various latest innovative technologies and provided opportunities for automated trading. The exchange is equipped with modern equipment, programs and unique developments that allow investors and traders to analyze and trade in financial markets.

And also keep in mind that the opening hours of exchanges vary depending on the time of year. That is, they periodically undergo transitions from winter to summer variants of trade regimes.

opening time of the london exchange

Features of the work of exchanges on weekends and holidays

During these periods, all exchanges are closed. Financial venues do not work during major government events, even if it is a normal weekday. For example, Catholic holidays, important world events that are recognized in all countries.

The following weekend days are officially set for the Forex currency market:

  1. Asian session - from January 1 to 3 and December 31 (New Year holidays), from December 23 to 25, February 11, May 3.
  2. Pacific session - from December 24 to 25 and New Year holidays, from January 1 to 2.
  3. European Session - December 24, 25, January 1, 2, June 4 and May 7.
  4. The American session is the same days as Europe, except May 7, and additionally February 20.

In addition, America and Europe are closed on Easter holidays, the dates of which are periodically changed, they are different every year and therefore they must be tracked in the calendar (it is best to use the economic calendar of events).

Forex Opening Times

When does the foreign exchange market begin to work? In its specificity, Forex provides speculative financial transactions services for traders around the clock. It trades in currency pairs, indices and derivatives. For example, an asset of the European currency to gold.

The opening hours of Forex exchanges occur every Monday at 0:00 o’clock, and they close on Fridays at 24:00 o’clock. Saturday and Sunday are days off.

Forex is an international decentralized currency market that is not tied to any of the exchanges. It does not have a physical office or center. Transactions on it occur every second, and trading does not stop all 5 days a week and move from one session to another.

Trading Sessions

Forex trading hours are distributed for special periods:

  1. Pacific session.
  2. Asian trade period.
  3. European session.
  4. American trading period.

The beginning of the day, according to Moscow time, is 3.00 in the morning, Tokyo opens. An hour later, Singapore and Hong Kong join it. And after some time there is a change in trading sessions. And so - in a circle.

, the opening time of exchanges in Moscow time

It should be noted that the sessions are not easy to follow each other, but may overlap. A new period may open before the end of the previous trading interval. For example, the American session begins when Europe has not yet worked out and as a result two periods work for several hours.

Exchange selection

Each trader selects an exchange to work depending on the instrument with which he is going to trade. In trading, an asset is the main parameter for earning a speculator. All instruments in the trade have their own characteristics and characteristics. Depend on the following parameters:

  • liquidity of an exchange asset;
  • volatility
  • the level of supply and demand in the market for the selected instrument;
  • profitability and much more.

The volume of operations on exchanges is highest in the morning, and after lunch their liquidity decreases. In addition, it depends on the tools that are presented on the trading floors, that is, their relevance and specificity.

opening time of the american exchange

Swaps and Forex Commissions

They can have positive or negative values ​​and depend on the characteristics of trading assets.

For example, with most brokers for the EUR / USD currency pair, a “positive swap” is charged when opening a purchase transaction. But if the same asset is left overnight with a sell position, then negative values ​​will be calculated for it.

In addition, on Wednesdays such a commission is charged three times. Therefore, when opening a position, you need to pay attention to this feature of the foreign exchange market.


opening time of forex exchanges

It is very important for every trader to know the opening time of exchanges. With such information, he will be able to compile for himself the most convenient and effective work schedule.

Before choosing a trading direction, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the stock market and Forex. It is important to understand that the same instruments used on different exchanges can bring both profit and loss.

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