
Introduction to the position and adaptation of new employees. Training of new employees, job description, mentor. New job

Do you know that the effective work of any company without exception is impossible without procedures such as the introduction and adaptation of new employees? If the leader ignores this fact, he may expect disappointment. It would seem that before this person showed excellent results. And you, at a new place of work, after two weeks everything still doesn’t get used to and is more in the way than good.

Why does this happen? Any manager should make clear to himself that even the most promising novice employee cannot know all the subtleties and provisions adopted at a new place of work. Starting work duties, he proceeds from his own ideas and experience, which is far from always suitable.

Tell him about the company.

First of all, a new employee from the very beginning must be confident in the reliability of the company, its value for customers and himself as an employee. He certainly needs to be introduced to the main goals and history of the organization. The manifestation of genuine interest in the listener is a good indicator.

It should be made clear that the new job implies a good prospect for professional development and growth. From the very beginning, one should outline possible career prospects and actions necessary to achieve them. It is advisable to conduct training for new employees with the help of orientation materials. They can be presented in the form of information brochures, presentations or videos containing information about work in your company. Ideally, training materials should be preceded by a greeting and an address by the head to new employees.

Knowing the assortment of those services and goods that the organization offers on the market will significantly accelerate the introduction of new employees into the working rhythm. The presence in their hands of reference materials in print or electronic form is a guarantee that the employee will not distract you from solving many small issues.

the introduction and adaptation of new employees

More specifics

It is very important to describe to the beginner what specific results are expected from his activities. His presentation on this issue should not diverge from the opinion of management. Do not assume that a person will understand things that are obvious to you by default. Any details should be clarified.

A clear job description for each employee is an indispensable condition for the activities of any company. It is possible to evaluate the specific result of labor with the help of clearly formulated criteria, with which the beginner should also be introduced.

At the initial stage, a completely definite task should be set for him with a result that is measurable in specific figures or other indicators. It should be feasible on the basis of the knowledge and skills that a person possesses without additional training.

Since the assimilation of a large amount of new information is not an easy task, a mentor for the employee is not only desirable, but also necessary. Choose one from among the most competent employees. Reserve time to discuss tasks and results with your mentor.

Human factor

On the first working day, the adaptation of a new employee in the team begins. It should be presented to colleagues what can be done during the general meeting or by going around everyone in the office one by one.Separately, pay attention to the newcomer to those people with whom he will constantly interact according to the duty of his duties.

Explain which company has adopted communication methods. If you have Skype communication between colleagues, do not forget to add a newcomer to the general chat and provide all the necessary contacts for work. The same applies to using a corporate telephone with a list of service numbers. In general, a list on paper or electronic media of the names of colleagues indicating the positions and terms of reference is an irreplaceable thing for any beginner.

new job

A tour of the office does not hurt. At first, a "fresh" employee may be shy to ask about any trifles himself. Having told where what lies, how to make coffee, etc., you will make a person feel that they care about their comfort.

Each company, as a rule, has its own corporate standards of conduct. The introduction and adaptation of new employees implies, among other things, familiarization with them as well. This may concern a certain dress code, a ban on the use of mobile phones on personal issues during working hours, or the need for employees to be noted in a special magazine in the morning. Notify the beginner about these rules immediately to avoid misunderstandings.

Introduction to the position and adaptation of new employees are major milestones

Let's look at what stages the procedure for adapting a novice employee should be broken down. There are several such periods, and each has its own measures and adaptation methods. The first of them begins even before a new employee joins the team. The other - introductory - lasts for his first working day.

In the first working week, the process of familiarization and general orientation of the beginner takes place. It is about introducing the organization as a whole and its specific unit. Then he has to enter the post. Subsequent stages are designated as effective adaptation of personnel to full functioning.

The whole process ends with an assessment of the results achieved and the adoption by the management of a positive or negative decision on the further stay of the employee in his position.

And now - in full detail

The organization of adaptation of new workers begins with the clarification of the level of preparedness of each of them. Based on this, a set of adaptation measures is selected (individually in each case). By the first arrival of the employee should prepare the workplace. When it comes to production activities, it is required to ensure the availability of the necessary tools and a set of work clothes (its size can be indicated in the questionnaire when applying for a job). If the new work is of an office nature, a completely free table is organized with a chair, a computer and other necessary equipment.

staff adaptation

When the workplace needs to be supplemented with any new equipment, the need for this should be reflected in advance in a special application sent to the administrative department.

An approximate plan for entering the working rhythm should be sketched out by the manager in advance or exist in the form of a standard draft "Adaptation of personnel" for the main circle of available posts. This document should not exceed a page.

A novice should be identified by a mentor, and the issue of passing a medical examination should be clarified with him. The team is informed about the arrival of a new colleague. If a candidate for a managerial position is considered, he is usually invited to get acquainted with future subordinates before going to work.

What happens on the first day of work

On the very first day of an employee’s appearance at a new workplace, clearance should be made in the personnel department and familiarized with all the necessary documents.Their list usually includes a job description and a list of necessary regulatory local acts. At the same time, an employment contract must be signed and the internal rules studied.

The introductory conversation held on the same day with the newcomer consists of mandatory points - the main points of TB training, wages with clarification of information about bonuses and bonuses, as well as the conditions under which processing or changes in wages are possible, are discussed. All possible questions are clarified regarding the work schedule, the provision of leave and the payment of sick leave.

The novice is duly informed of fines and penalties, as well as of obligations under the probationary period and presented during his requirements. It is imperative to explain to him which of the parameters will be subject to special control, and to whom to contact on emerging issues.

If there is a "beginner's kit" (a collection of information materials), as well as a fresh issue of a corporate newspaper, they must be handed over to a new employee.

On the same day, a small tour of the unit and acquaintance with colleagues should be organized. Particular attention should be paid to the conversation with the leader and mentor, containing explanations on the points of the plan, according to which it is necessary to enter the position. An important issue is the organization of conditions for introducing a corporate information system into a database with the creation of a separate email address.

employee mentor

Acquaintance with the organization of the enterprise

The first working week is considered the stage of familiarization and general orientation. At this time, the employee gets acquainted with the company as such, the corporate rules adopted in it, the work schedule, as well as its traditions, history and unwritten norms and principles. If a beginner has experience working in similar structures, the adaptation period will pass quickly and painlessly, but in any case, the situation will be unfamiliar to one degree or another in connection with the specifics of a particular activity.

What organizational arrangements should be foreseen for this period? It is necessary to arrange for a newcomer to take part in an introductory corporate training consisting of a detailed tour of the entire enterprise, watching an information video or film, visiting (if available) a corporate museum. The employee is introduced to the management of the remaining divisions and transferred to him for study the necessary documentation.

The degree to which the future colleague is involved in the system of values ​​and attitudes approved by the organization depends on how well this stage was carried out. At this time, sprouts of commitment and loyalty are laid. The employee receives a lot of new information about the number of units and the order of work in each of them, their location and features of the activity. He assimilates a management policy regarding personnel, the content of discipline requirements, the availability of career opportunities and available benefits.

In the mind of a newcomer, the necessary information is laid down to the smallest detail - the organization of dinners, breaks, the accepted style of communication between colleagues and other household details. The introduction and adaptation of new employees with regard to such trifles can be entrusted to the personnel manager.

In his department

The procedure for introducing a unit is to form an attitude to work in a team. The new employee should be familiar with everyone with whom to communicate in the course of activity. He should become aware of the internal rules of his department. With the mentor - fruitful cooperation has been established, and the replacement of the latter is possible with the transition to a new stage of adaptation.

In the early days, the group manager or one of the most experienced employees can act as a mentor.Ideally, when the head of the department will be able to carve out part of his own working time to perform such duties. Usually the immediate superior is in charge of theoretical issues. At the stage of development and practical activity, the instructor-mentor accompanies the beginner. Most often this applies to the sales department and joint visits to customers.

clear job description

Keep getting used

At the second stage, which implies entering the post, relations with colleagues are established and the basic functions of both the unit and the employee are mastered, as well as the basic rules and procedures. This continues the usual first three working months. The mentor or immediate supervisor issues the beginner with documentation containing the main points needed in the work.

The employee gets accustomed to a new workplace, clarifies where certain documents are stored, and masters office equipment (photocopier, fax, own work computer). The skills needed to carry out work in this position are specified and specified.

At this stage, the mentor should outline the goals and objectives whose achievement will be evaluated at the end of the trial period. The employee must be properly informed by what criteria it is necessary to judge its work. It should be introduced to the frequency of reporting, as well as its forms. It is necessary to fully maintain feedback with the employee in order to clarify certain issues and adjust mutual expectations.

Change status

The stage of effective orientation consists in the gradual entry of a newcomer into a new status and the establishment of interpersonal relationships with colleagues. Within its framework, the employee’s active actions in various fields of activity should be encouraged by checking and clarifying how information is acquired. Here, as never before, it is important to maximize his support with an assessment of the effectiveness of certain actions.

adaptation of a new employee in the team

Upon completion, his employee enters the stage of full functioning. It is characterized by the completion of overcoming problems - both production and interpersonal, with a transition to a state of stable work. With the proper effectiveness of the adaptation process, this is possible after only a few months from the date of admission. Such a reduction in the entry period helps the organization to obtain significant financial benefits, especially when hiring new staff in large numbers.

At all stages of adaptation, it is very important to ensure effective interaction with those who are assigned to the role of a mentor, to monitor compliance with what has been planned, to monitor the employee's participation in training programs and to ensure that he or she is provided with any necessary materials and tools.

To summarize

At the final stage, an analysis of the success of the adaptation process and its individual elements should be made. Usually this stage is timed to the end of the trial period. Two weeks before the scheduled date, the manager should be reminded of the upcoming procedure and provide him, along with the mentor and the employee himself, with forms to evaluate the work of the latter during the trial period. Not later than three days before the deadline, you should control the completion of such assessment forms, discuss the results of adaptation and summarize the necessary results.

If the decision is negative, the employee is offered either a new position (by transfer), or he is informed of the dismissal. When a positive decision is made, congratulations on the successful completion of the trial period follow and a conversation is held, the content of which is the setting of key tasks for the next working year and the development of an individual development plan.

training new employees

And further...

At each stage, difficulties are possible called adaptation crises, which is fraught with a state of anxiety and stress.

If (as is often the case nowadays) employees are moved between company divisions in different regions, the personnel service should work out all organizational and other issues related to such rearrangements in advance. It will not hurt any company to have the necessary statistics regarding the average length of the adaptation period for beginners, which will make it possible to successfully organize the work of newly hired personnel.

The adaptation process can be considered fully completed when the employee finally joins the team and ceases to be a novice.

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