
Is it profitable to take a vacation in January? Reasons why it is better to work in January

Agree, everyone likes to relax. This is much more fun than waking up on an alarm clock daily and, jostling in public transport, driving to work. In accordance with the Labor Code, an average employee can count on one month of well-deserved rest. But here the question arises: when to go on vacation? Not every month will be equally beneficial for the employee. If everything is correctly calculated, then you can win in money or the duration of the rest. Let's find out whether it is profitable to take a vacation in January and how to make the right choice.

When is the best time to relax?

In short, the month that has the most working days will be the most suitable for a vacation. If you follow this rule, it turns out that it is better to go on vacation in the summer. New Year holidays significantly reduce the first working month. This is why it is not profitable to take a vacation in January.

why it is not very profitable to take a vacation in January

However, you need to understand how this will affect the size of your salary. Particularly lucky are those employees who receive a salary. Even if there are only 15 working days in January, they still pay the full salary. However, if the vacation begins in December, the income will be slightly less. Because the last month of the year has more working days than the first.

When calculating whether it is profitable to take a vacation in January or in another month, you need to decide what you want: rest longer or earn more. Combine both of these will fail.

How to relax longer?

One of the goals that the employee pursues when calculating the most profitable month is the opportunity to get more vacation days. In this case, it is important to stretch the days laid down in TC for 28 days as long as possible.

taking a vacation in January is not profitable

How to do it? Suppose an employee wants a 15-day vacation. Then it is important for him to calculate everything so that before or after this period there are days off or holidays. Both that, and others in combination with paid days will increase the total duration of the vacation. In such a simple way, you can take longer from official duties. However, it must be understood that the employer will not charge for these days. On this issue, conflicts with accounting often arise. For the same reason, taking a vacation in January is not profitable. It will take longer to rest, but there will be no more money.

Why pay less?

The employee must understand that holidays that are not included in the holidays will not be paid. As a result, rest will last longer, but this will not affect the increase in payments.

Is it profitable to take a vacation in January? Now you yourself can answer this question. If there is a goal - to relax longer, it may make sense to go on a paid vacation right after the end of the New Year holidays.

Is it profitable to take a vacation in January

This option will suit the employee and his employer in the event that this does not affect the work process and the increase in the burden placed on other specialists. And also provided that the employee himself is not afraid to leave his place for a long time.

Vacation in parts

Some employers have a fairly clear position. Not all allow you to break vacation into several parts. This is usually indicated in internal acts. If there is no prohibition, then the employee can split his vacation into two or more parts. However, this is unlikely to please the accounting department, which will have more business to do.

How to earn more?

Let's look at another point of view, which will tell you in detail why it is not very profitable to take a vacation in January.If the employee does not pursue the goal of cooling longer, but wants to earn more, carefully calculate the size of potential payments.

why you can’t take a vacation in January

Experts in this case recommend not to divide the vacation into parts. It is better to immediately relax for 28 days, which will include a weekend. If for some reason this does not work, you will have to divide it in parts. But at the same time, everything needs to be calculated in such a way that each of them also includes a weekend.

Is it profitable to take a vacation in January to earn more? Rather yes than no. However, it depends on the form of payment: piece-rate or fixed? An employee receiving a salary will certainly win. But at the same time, someone who works on piecework wages will lose in income. After all, he is paid a salary for the amount of work done.

What affects the size of the payout?

If annual vacation is seen as an opportunity to earn more, there are several factors to consider:

  • The presence of holidays during the holidays. Such days are usually deducted from vacation, respectively, will have to rest longer. You can find out about the holidays from the production calendar. This is especially important if non-working days fall at the beginning or end of the vacation. In this case, it may be more profitable to slightly push its borders.
  • Additional payments. Features of their accrual depend on the internal payment system. Usually, all vacation days are paid based on average income. However, this indicator may include additional payments. For example, payment of food or travel compensation, etc. These payments are not included in the amount of vacation pay.
  • The cost of a working day. It is calculated quite simply. The more working days in a month, the cheaper each of them is paid. And vice versa. That's why you can’t take a vacation in January. Due to the abundance of holidays, each working day in this month is paid more than the other working days.

How not to make a mistake with the calculations?

Wise people believe that in the pursuit of material or other benefits it is important not to forget about the main thing. Vacation is needed so that the employee can rest. Therefore, it is really beneficial to take it when you really want to. It is very important to have a rest in a timely manner. Otherwise, constant overload leads to professional burnout, which does not compensate for the money earned.

why is it unprofitable to take a vacation in January

But if we talk about financial benefits, then in winter it is better not to leave the workplace. There is another time for vacation. January, February, and May are the months with the least number of working days. Those who care about money should work better during this period. It’s better to reschedule, for example, in the summer months, in which there are many working days.

It is enough to examine the issue in detail once to know exactly when it is really profitable to take a vacation. Someone who seeks enrichment will work on holidays, and someone, on the contrary, would prefer to spend this time in a different way.

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