
Foreclosure in a private house: the scenario of meeting the groom. Funny scenarios of redemption of the bride in a private house

A wedding is one of the most important days in the life of both the groom and the bride. Therefore, every person wants his wedding to be held at the highest level. However, to achieve this without preliminary preparation is impossible. It is necessary to organize the celebration itself, a banquet, a photo shoot and many other moments that require time and money.

At the same time, do not forget about the redemption of the bride, as this process is one of the most important and most traditional in the whole event. Naturally, it is necessary to pay attention to exactly where the ransom is made, since its scenario may depend on it.

Do not try to do something banal in a hurry: you need to either properly prepare, or even abandon this idea if it is not interesting to the bride or groom.

If you still want to hold this event, then this article is suitable for you, as the ransom in a private house will be described here, as well as possible scenarios. Why a private house? You can find a lot of information about ordinary apartments on the Internet, and you can come up with a lot of options yourself, but a private house is a reference to ancient traditions, when the bride was bought in villages.

A ransom in a private house is an event that you can beat very interestingly and vividly, and with the help of this article you can achieve incredible results.

Ransom bride, what is it?

ransom in a private house

Before considering a ransom in a private house, it is necessary to tell what constitutes this event in principle. The fact is that many people have not often encountered weddings in their lives, so they may not have a fairly clear idea of ​​what is happening there.

So, if you do not know what the bride’s ransom is, then you should not worry, because there is nothing complicated about it. The essence is very simple: before the marriage the bridegroom arrives at the bride’s home, but there he is waiting for the bride’s witness and her girlfriends, who prepare various contests and trials that the bridegroom must pass in order to get her bride.

But why, then, a ransom? The fact is that if he cannot cope with the test, answers the question incorrectly or is unable to overcome a certain obstacle, he will have to pay a ransom in order to move on. It can be both money and various pleasant things, such as sweets, flowers and so on. Only after fulfilling all the conditions, the groom can reach the bride and marry her. But what features does a foreclosure have in a private house?

Foreclosure in a private house

 ransom bride in a private house

Frankly speaking, the ransom of a bride in a private house is not very different in essence from what happens in any other place. However, this does not mean that you should not include imagination and carry out everything at a basic level, in the same way as with millions of other people.

You should use the presence of a private house as an excuse to add a bit of traditional theme. This can be manifested in the costumes that the bridesmaids choose to buy, in essence the tasks, in how they will communicate with the groom (you can always use folk ditties, the old village dialect and other tricks to make the process more diverse and interesting) . But, of course, the essence should not differ much from the classical idea of ​​redemption.

You should not do a large number of tasks, as this will tire both the participants and the audience, and you should not do the tasks too complicated, because if the groom just has to pay the ransom to the witness at every step, then there will be no interest in the process.

Also, do not forget that the groom has a witness, which you can also include in tasks, so that a fun pastime does not turn into a routine for the groom. In general, there should be few tasks, they should be simple, varied and involve not only the groom. It is on this that you should build a ransom scenario in a private house.

Where does it all start?

 private house foreclosure scenario

So, the main advantage of a private house is the fact that it has only one entrance, and you can get to it only through one gate or entrance. Therefore, you first need to decorate the yard of the house thematically.

To do this, you can use standard jewelry, such as balls and ribbons, as well as more appropriate options, such as images of the bride and groom. You can diversify what is happening by playing traditional instruments, such as the button accordion or balalaika.

It all starts at the gate, where the groom and the witness are met by the witness and bridesmaids. They block the entrance to the courtyard, not letting the men in, until they agree to pass all the trials that were invented for them.

Only when they agree, the witness and girlfriends part and let the groom and the witness into the yard, from where it is already possible to start the test, without waiting for the entrance to the house. This is another advantage of conducting a foreclosure in a private house. The scenario of buying a bride in a private house from this becomes only more diverse.

Answers on questions

scenario redemption bride in a private house

The most important element of the ransom in any conditions are questions to the groom regarding his bride. You can ask them just like that, or you can make them more interesting, for example, by drawing traces on the garden path along which the groom needs to move.

If he answers the question correctly, then he can move one step closer; if he made a mistake, he is forced to step back a step. In order not to delay the process, you can offer an alternative and pay part of the ransom for each incorrect answer, so as not to receive a fine, but only move forward.

A modern bride ransom in a private house may include additional special effects, such as light music or something like that, but attention will still be focused on the main action.

What questions to ask? Here, bridesmaids and her witness should already be imagining. Naturally, here you need to find a balance so that the questions are not too complicated, but at the same time do not seem commonplace. You can ask the bride’s eye color, date of acquaintance, size of shoes or rings, his last gift for her (or vice versa), your favorite dish, first or last date, and so on.

There are many options, so you need to carefully approach this point and choose only the most interesting questions. A ridiculous ransom of a bride in a private house can also include various outdoor trials, but you should remember that these trials should not exhaust the groom too much, humiliate him and force him to do things that you yourself would not want to do. So be careful about street testing.

Test of strength

modern bride ransom in a private house

Funny ransoms in a private house most often include any elements that allow a man to prove that he is strong and strong enough to protect his future wife in life together.

For example, it may be a test in which the groom must hammer a nail into the board, but this option is traumatic, so you should include it only at your own peril and risk.

It will be much more interesting and safe to place a log across the entrance to the house, which the groom (himself or with the help of a witness) will need to cut to go further. So he can prove that he can protect the fragile bride in later life, taking her from the hands of her father, who did this earlier.

Door test

funny ransom bride in a private house

How can I continue the scenario of buying a bride in a private house? A cool option will be available to you if you have more than two rooms. And given the fact that in most private houses there are much more rooms, this scenario may suit you with a very high probability.

So, its essence lies in the fact that three or four rooms are locked with a key, and the witness takes these keys for herself, who has cards with tasks corresponding to the keys to the closed rooms. The groom must take one card, cope with the task and get the key to the room.

Naturally, in these rooms it will be empty, but it will be set according to the script so that in one of them the groom finds his bride. What tasks can you come up with? You can already solve this yourself. Or you can always use the tips from this article!


ransom bride script modern in a private house

What kind of trials to buy a bride? A modern scenario in a private house requires one setting, a traditional ransom requires another, but all this is done quite easily, but interesting tasks are a much more complex problem that not everyone can competently solve.

After all, if the tasks are too complicated, the groom will spend a lot of time on them, and failure can ruin his mood. If they are too banal and simple, then no one will enjoy the decision.

Well, the mosaic may be the test for the first door. You can purchase a children's mosaic, or you can make the test a little more personalized: print a photo of the bride and groom, cut it into squares and offer him to collect a whole photo. You should also keep track of time: it needs to be limited, because viewers can get bored if the groom fiddles with one trial for too long.

Find out your favorite

This is a classic element of any ransom, within its framework each bridesmaid and witness leave a lip print on paper, and among these prints there is also a bride print. The groom's task is to choose the imprint that belongs to his beloved.

Game with little things

Given that this is a ransom, the groom and the witness should have enough money. They can also be activated by asking the groom for a limited amount of time to lay out the bride's name on the floor with coins.


It is necessary to write one letter on the sheets of paper, if you wish, you can add a camomile from these leaves. The groom should tear off the daisy from this daisy, characterizing his future wife with a word beginning with the letter that is shown on the petal. It can also be compliments, affectionate nicknames and other pleasant things.

Last steps

As mentioned earlier, the bride will not be in the rooms, but in the last room you can open a window to stage the bride's escape. And the groom will only have to find her, using the prompts of a witness.

The bride can hide in the garden, with neighbors, in the car or in any other secluded place. You can come up with an additional test to find the bride, or you can simply send the groom, for example, on the principle of "hot" and "cold."

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