
Extract from the USRN about the property: a review, features of receipt and sample

The collection of real estate documentation plays an important role for transactions. Without some papers, the owner will not be able to fully dispose of the property. Recently, in Russia, citizens began to issue extracts from the USRN on real estate. This paper is crucial. But what will you have to remember about it? How to get? How much does it cost to make the mentioned paper?extract from real estate about real estate

Short description

First of all, get acquainted with the description of the document. What it is?

An extract from the USRN about a property is a document that contains a detailed description of the property. Here you can see the detailed characteristics of the "real estate", data on its owners and encumbrances.

When is it needed?

Under what circumstances may the paper mentioned be required? It is necessary in transactions with property. Namely:

  • when giving;
  • during the sale;
  • at the time of registration of the inheritance;
  • upon alienation and pledge;
  • when applying for loans and borrowings;
  • during the judicial debate.

In any case, an extract from the USRN is a title document. It is required for any real estate transactions.

What is issued?

And what objects fall under the concept of "real estate"? What is considered lawful real estate in Russia? After all, not all property is characterized by a similar term.extract from real estate about property

In fact, a lot of diverse property. An extract from the USRN on the property is issued for the following property:

  • apartments;
  • land;
  • garages;
  • parking places for cars;
  • cottages;
  • houses;
  • rooms.

Also, real estate is considered to be shares in the listed objects. They also issue relevant certificates. In fact, there is nothing difficult in understanding the property. And in the order of the studied document, too.

The form

The form of extract from the USRN about the property may be different. It is possible to present the document both on paper and in the form of an electronic document.

It is important to remember that a certificate is mandatory in writing. Or as a graphic file / document, which can either be opened on a PC, or printed if necessary.extract from real estate on a property sample

About the content

What data is stored in the relevant statement? As we have already found out, we are talking about a document that fully describes the property. What exactly can I learn from the certificate?

An extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on a property is mandatory reflects the following data:

  • detailed description of "real estate";
  • property location address;
  • information about the owners of the object;
  • cadastral numbers;
  • encumbrances;
  • restrictions on real estate;
  • change of ownership history;
  • court claims;
  • information about the authority that issued the certificate;
  • date of execution of the document;
  • information about the recipient of the certificate.

Also, the cadastral value of the object will be discovered in the mentioned paper without fail. It will come in handy when paying taxes and some other real estate transactions.

Types of statements

The next important point is that the extract from the USRN may reflect different data. It all depends on what kind of document in question. Or rather, why the certificate was originally issued by a citizen.

To date, the following forms of help are distinguished:

  • about the characteristics of the object;
  • the transfer of ownership from one owner to another;
  • indicating the authority of the owner;
  • on recognition of the owner as legally capable with restrictions or incompetent.

Most often, people are interested in general information, which displays the maximum information about the property.get an extract from real estate on real estate

Extended statement

Forms of extract from the USRN about the property are already known to us. It should be remembered that the mentioned document can be both regular and extended. In the second case, the order is carried out mainly by the owner of the property.

An extended statement usually reflects the history of ownership of the property since it entered the Rosreestr. That is, a citizen will be able to find out data about all past property owners.

Issuing authorities

You can get an extract from the USRN about the property in different places. Basically, it all depends on where it is more convenient for a citizen to turn for help.

Among the organizations issuing the mentioned certificate, there are:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • Rosreestr;
  • cadastral registration chambers.

In addition, the relevant document is allowed to execute through the Internet. A variety of intermediary sites help here (using such resources is not recommended) and the Rosreestr site. Recently, the document is allowed to draw up through the "State Services".

Registration term

How quickly will the certificate of the established form be issued to a citizen or organization? Much depends on where the request for extradition was originally directed.extract from real estate about the property value

An extract from the USRN about the property (a sample of it will be presented below) is ideally issued in 3 days. But if a citizen came to the MFC for a service, then the waiting period can increase up to 5 days. And nothing more.

Sometimes you need to wait longer. How many? Depending on the load on the issuing organ. In real life, the violation of the terms for issuing certificates on paper is more and more common.

Order Guide

Need an extract from the USRN about the property? The MFC will help you get the relevant certificate. Below is an instruction to order a document in person. It will help to realize the idea through multifunctional centers, cadastral chambers and Rosreestr.

So, to get the studied paper, you will need:

  1. Form a specific package of papers. About it will be described in more detail later.
  2. Write and apply for a statement.
  3. Pay the fee in the prescribed amount. Experts recommend doing this before submitting a request to the issuing authority.
  4. Take a certificate of acceptance of the request. It usually indicates the date of receipt of the statement.
  5. At the agreed time, come to the registration authority and pick up the finished paper.

Everything is extremely simple! It is necessary to act somewhat differently if a citizen decides to order an extract via the Internet.

Registration through the site

But in general, the operation does not cause any trouble. An extract from the USRN about the property can be issued via the Internet. For example, through the website of Rosreestr. Here, the certificate is allowed to receive both in paper form and in electronic form.extract from egrn about the property

In order not to cause any problems, you can follow the instructions provided below. It looks like this:

  1. Visit the rosreestr.ru page.
  2. Go to the "Services" section.
  3. Click on the button "Get an extract from the USRN".
  4. Fill out an application for a document. Here you need to specify the paper presentation form.
  5. If the applicant has decided to obtain a certificate on paper, you will have to indicate a convenient place where you can pick up the document. For example, the MFC or the Federal Registration Service at registration.
  6. Pay the state fee. To do this, you will need to indicate the method of depositing funds, and then - the details of the account from which to write off money.
  7. Wait until the help is ready. The fact that the document can be picked up will be reported by e-mail.
  8. Come with a pre-prepared package of documents to the issuing authority and pick up the statement.

If a citizen ordered a certificate in electronic form, then he will receive a message in the mail with a link to download the certificate. It is not necessary to go to the issuing authority under such circumstances.

In approximately the same way, a person can order an extract from the USRN about the property through the "State Services". But only in this situation the alert about readiness will be duplicated in the "My Account" on the service website.

Important: to use the service through the "State Services" you must have an activated, verified profile. For this, a person is required to register on the portal in advance - approximately 14 days before the start of using its capabilities.

About Fees

And how much does the mentioned operation cost? As already mentioned, a citizen will have to pay a state fee to order an appropriate certificate.

Payment cannot be called unambiguous. It depends on a huge number of components. Therefore, the state duty of extracts from the USRN on the property may be different.extract from egn about the property of the MFC

It is recommended to navigate in 2017 at the following rates:

  • 750 rubles - to ordinary people, paper media, contains the characteristic of "real estate";
  • 2,200 rubles - to legal entities, on paper, characterizes the object;
  • 300 rubles - an electronic equivalent for individuals;
  • 600 rubles - an electronic format for organizations;
  • 600 rubles - an extract for citizens of the legal type;
  • 400 rubles - its electronic counterpart;
  • 1 700 rubles - title deed for organizations;
  • 800 rubles - in electronic form.

For more information on the cost of extract from the USRN about the property in this or that case, it is recommended to check directly with the issuing authority. The prices offered to your attention in practice are most often found.


Now it’s clear how you can get an extract from the USRN about the property. This operation does not cause any significant trouble.

Almost all citizens and organizations can order a certificate. But an extended statement is provided only to the owner of the property. The contents of the extract from the USRN about the property are clear to us.

They may refuse to provide paper. By law, such decisions are not subject to appeal in court. This nuance will have to be taken into account when ordering. But in fact, refusals to issue statements are extremely rare in real life. Usually they occur if absolutely strangers are trying to find out real estate data without reason.

In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. And if certain documents are available, everyone is able to get the maximum information from the USRN certificate. Since 2017, this paper has played a tremendously important role - it now replaces the certificate of ownership of the property. Therefore, from now on, each owner will face the mentioned paper. Only before the property transaction will you have to get a new copy of the statement.

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