
Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on real estate: how to issue, features of receipt and sample

Many citizens have heard of such a document as an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on real estate. What it is? Why is this paper needed? Where and how can it be issued? The answers to all these questions are offered to your attention below. Each property owner should be familiar with the statement.


What kind of paper are we talking about? An extract from the Unified State Register on Real Estate is a document that every owner should have. It is a reference with the characteristics of the property.extract from the real estate company

Since 2017, this paper is both a certificate of ownership and a cadastral passport. Recent changes in legislation have abolished the listed documents. Therefore, for real estate transactions now you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register.

Document Information

What can be found in this paper? What data does it contain?

As already mentioned, an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for real estate replaces both a certificate of ownership and a cadastral passport. Accordingly, information from these securities will be displayed in the certificate.


  • footage of real estate;
  • address;
  • type of rights;
  • burden information;
  • information about the owners;
  • characteristics of an immovable object.

There are several types of statements. More precisely, there are two of them - regular and advanced. In the first case, the document contains all the information listed. An extended extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for real estate can be ordered only by the owner of the property or its legal representative. Such a document is supplemented by the passport details of the owner and the details of the owner, if it is a legal entity.

When required

Under what circumstances might this paper be needed? Need an extract from the Unified State Register? Rights to real estate are confirmed by this document.to receive an extract from the landline company for real estate

It follows that help may be required:

  • when buying and selling real estate;
  • if a deed of gift is issued;
  • in judicial debate;
  • upon alienation of property;
  • if you want to evict this or that tenant in court or register someone;
  • at the time of inheritance;
  • if citizens participate in state housing programs;
  • with loans and credits, where real estate will be a guarantee.

In other words, all operations requiring an assessment of living conditions or during which a cadastral passport is required provide for the receipt by the property owner of an extract from the Unified State Register.

Validity of the document

How much will this certificate be valid after issuance? There is no single answer to this question. It all depends on why the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate was originally ordered.

The thing is that this document reflects the characteristics of the immovable object and data on its owners at the time of issuing the certificate. Depending on the transaction, the duration of the document varies.

So, for example, for some operations, the statement is valid for two weeks. But most transactions provide for the relevance of the certificate up to 1 month. Nevertheless, it is recommended that when conducting real estate transactions, order fresh extracts from the Unified State Register.


It should also be noted that the document under study can be presented in several forms.

The extract form from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for real estate is most often printed. The certificate is printed, it is presented on paper.

You can also order an extract in electronic form. In this case, the document will be presented in PDF format as a separate file.If desired, you can print help on a PC.

Which option to choose? There is no difference. But most often in practice the first form of presentation of the document is found.extract from the landline rights to real estate


How much is the value of extract from the Unified State Register for real estate today? The answer to this question directly depends on the form of presentation of the certificate.

According to the law, a printed statement will cost more than an electronic counterpart. Also, the cost of the document depends on who exactly orders it - an individual or legal entity.

In 2017, you should focus on such rates:

  • 750 rubles - for ordinary citizens, paper document;
  • 2,200 rubles - to legal entities on paper;
  • 300 rubles - an electronic statement for individuals;
  • 600 rubles - a certificate in electronic form to legal entities.

The state duty on extracts from the Unified State Register of Real Estate changes from time to time. But for now, the above amounts should be paid. Payment of the certificate is made before submitting the corresponding request.

Where to order

And where can I get this document? What bodies are involved in its issuance and execution?

Today, all residents of the Russian Federation can receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for real estate in the following organizations:

  • cadastral chambers;
  • Rosreestr;
  • MFC;
  • portal "Public services".

You can also ask for help from intermediary firms and third-party Internet services. But doing so is not recommended. After all, there are a lot of scammers on the network.extended extract from the unified state register for real estate

How to order

Now a little about how you will have to act if you need to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate for real estate. The procedure is extremely simple.

It all comes down to the following algorithm:

  1. Collect a specific package of papers. A list of required securities can be found below.
  2. Contact a particular authority with a written request for information.
  3. Get a statement of acceptance of the application with documents.
  4. At the appointed time, come for a ready statement and get it.

No special knowledge or skills will be required to order a certificate of the established form.

About Documents

And what kind of paper can be useful for the implementation of the task? Fortunately, there are not many of them. Especially if you need an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate in the usual form. An extended document will require a larger package of papers.

It is noted that to order the studied certificate from a citizen require:

  • a statement indicating the address of the property;
  • a receipt indicating the fact of payment of the state fee in established amounts.

No more documents are needed. If it is planned to receive an extended certificate, a citizen must present an identity card without fail. However, it will be impossible to obtain an extract without a passport. Without it, the applicant will simply be denied service.order an extract from the landline company for real estate

Cadastral passport

Some people wonder if a real estate cadastral passport is needed when ordering a certificate from the Unified State Register of Enterprises. As was emphasized earlier, this statement is a kind of analogue of a passport for an apartment.

Nevertheless, if a citizen has a cadastral passport, then it can come in handy. When submitting an application of the established form, it is recommended to indicate the cadastral number of the property. Otherwise, you may encounter a situation in which the applicant will be informed in the Rosreestr that the property data is not in the archive.

We order through the site

Need an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate? Then you can order it through the website of Rosreestr. To do this is not difficult. Especially if you know how to act.

The process of making a request comes down to the steps:

  1. Open the Rosreestr website.
  2. Go to the "Services" section.
  3. Find there "Providing information from the Unified State Register". Click on the appropriate line.
  4. Fill out the application following the prompts.
  5. Choose the type of help - electronic or paper. In the second case, you will need to indicate the authority for receiving the document or the address to which the extract should be sent. In the first - the recipient's e-mail is registered.
  6. Click on the button “Form a request”.
  7. Choose the type of payment for the service. You can either deposit money through a Qiwi wallet or make a payment using a credit card.
  8. Confirm the operation.

You can wait until the document is ready. If an electronic help format has been selected, then after approval of the request, the corresponding document will be sent to the e-mail specified by the user.


What does the study paper look like? A sample extract from the Unified State Register on Real Estate is presented below.sample extract from the unified state register for real estate

This is just an example of help. Each statement is a unique document relating to a specific property. Therefore, the proposed template can not be called exceptional.

Production time

How quickly will a citizen issue an extract? This is another important point to which you should pay attention.

The term for the production of extracts from the USRP varies. It can reach 20 days, but usually the document can be picked up for 5-10 days after contacting the Rosreestr.

Sometimes an extract is issued faster - from several hours to three days. This is possible if the certificate is needed urgently. You will have to pay extra for urgency. Also, a citizen needs to prove that an extract from the Unified State Register is required as soon as possible.

Can refuse

But can they refuse to issue the studied document?

Theoretically, yes. Especially when it comes to an extended statement. In practice, the refusals to issue a certificate from the Unified State Register practically do not occur. This document can be requested by every citizen at any time. And after a certain time the paper will be presented in the format chosen by the applicant.

What to do if a citizen was refused the issuance of an extract from the Unified State Register? We need to ask on what basis this decision was made. For example, a certificate is not issued to persons who have not submitted an identity card, or to those who have indicated invalid data about themselves.

After finding out the reasons for the failure, you can correct the situation. For example, apply and do not forget to bring your passport. Or pay a state fee.

Conclusions and Conclusions

Now it is clear what constitutes an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate on real estate. This document is needed mainly by those who plan to conduct a real estate transaction. The "fresher" information, the more trust to it. This fact should be considered by every citizen.state duty extract from the unified state register for real estate

From the extract of the Unified State Register, you can find out the most accurate and current information about the property and its owners. A certificate can be ordered both personally and through a proxy. In addition, registration of the studied paper is allowed not only by contacting one or another authority, but also by submitting an application via the Internet.

Now it’s clear how to order an extract from the Unified State Register and how to use it. These processes do not require anything special from a citizen. Even a poorly versed in paperwork people can cope with the help.

Only occasionally can citizens be faced with a situation where the production of an extract is impossible. Typically, such cases occur in people who bought property in new buildings. Information about new housing is being collected over time. Therefore, an extract from the Unified State Register with current data can be issued only a few months after the house is put into operation.

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