
Extract from the Unified State Register: how much is done, how to order, state duty. Extract from the EGRP online

Quite often, citizens think about how much an extract from the Unified State Register is made. We have to answer this question further. In addition, we will get acquainted with all the features of the design of the mentioned certificate. Why is it needed? How much is? How can I get an extract from the Unified State Register? The answers to all these questions will be surely found below. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. And even a person who is not too well versed in the bureaucratic system of the Russian Federation can cope with the task.extract from EGRP how much is done


First we’ll try to understand what kind of paper we are talking about. What is an extract from the Unified State Register? How much is it done in one case or another?

An extract from the Unified State Register is called a document that stores information about the property and its owners. Recently, in Russia, such a certificate began to replace the certificate of ownership. It is issued indefinitely, but before transactions you have to order a new sample statement.


The certificate from the Unified State Register, as we have already found out, contains information about the property. What exactly can be seen in this paper?

For example, the following data:

  • characteristics of the property;
  • data on all owners;
  • a history of transfer of ownership of real estate;
  • encumbrances;
  • the presence of arrests and other restrictions;
  • cadastral data (including number and cost);
  • date of formation of property rights (registration in Rosreestr);
  • graphic image of the object (plan).

In fact, extracts from the Unified State Register may be different. And they will reflect a variety of information. But often property owners order a document either of the usual type or extended. In the first case, you can see all of the above information, with the exception of the history of the transfer of property rights. In the second - with this very story.extract from egrp online

Why is it needed?

The question of how much the extract from the Unified State Register is made is important mainly for property owners. Why is this help needed? What does she give?

As we already said, this document has recently replaced the certificate of ownership. Therefore, for transactions with property, it is extremely important.

Need an extract from the Unified State Register in the following situations:

  • registration of gifts;
  • purchase and sale of real estate;
  • receipt and execution of an inheritance / will;
  • applying to the bank for a loan with a pledge of property;
  • mortgage credit lending.

As it was already possible to notice, any legally significant real estate transaction requires a mandatory study document. You can’t do without it.

About reality

How long is the statement received valid? After all, all documents in Russia have a validity period.MFC excerpt from EGRP

In general, extracts from the Unified State Register are issued indefinitely. But, as has already been said, it is necessary to obtain a new sample document before transactions with property. Basically, the certificate is valid for 30 days, in some cases up to 14 days.

More detailed information must be specified in the authority to which the studied paper will provide. It is advisable to focus on reality for a month.

Order Methods

How can I order an extract from the Unified State Register? This paper is issued free of charge only upon renewal of property rights. In other cases, you need to pay for the document. But more on that later. First, we’ll figure out how to issue a statement of the established form.

In Russia, such a certificate is allowed to issue:

  • personally;
  • through the Internet.

The receipt of a document, as a rule, occurs either by sending paper to e-mail, or in person at the registration authority. Delivery by mail is sometimes possible. But this option is not too often applied in practice.

Registration authorities

Where can I get an extract from the Unified State Register? It cannot be called one specific institution. Citizens of the Russian Federation have freedom of choice.state duty for extract from ergp

The registration authorities in our case include:

  • MFC;
  • Rosreestr;
  • local cadastral chambers.

In addition, if you want to draw up an extract from the Unified State Register of Payments online, you can use the "State Services" portal, as well as the website of the Russian Federal Register. Also on the Internet there are a number of third-party services offering the provision of information from the state register of real estate.


How much is the state duty for extract from the Unified State Register? It is noted that it directly depends on the type of certificate ordered.

There are 2 forms of extract - paper and electronic. The first, as a rule, is more expensive. It will have a seal from Rosreestr. Otherwise, the document is no different from electronic interpretation.

The state duty for extract from the USRP in paper form (for individuals) is 200 rubles. And the electronic analogue will cost 150 rubles. Legal entities can receive the corresponding paper for 600 and 300 rubles, respectively.

You will have to pay more when ordering an extended statement. It is available only to property owners and costs about 1,500 rubles. It is precisely such rates that need to be guided in 2017.Rosreestr order an extract from egrp


It is not difficult to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises in Rosreestr or any other registration authority. It is enough to bring a certain package of documents in order for the request to be processed.

Individuals must bring with them:

  • passports (or other identification document);
  • written statement;
  • duty paid receipt.

Legal entities will need:

  • passport;
  • documents on registration of the company with a power of attorney;
  • statement;
  • check with paid duty.

No further papers are needed. If there are title documents, then it is advisable to bring them. Especially in the case of an extended statement.

Action algorithm

Need an extract from the Unified State Register? IFC will help you get this document. In just a few days it will be possible to realize the idea.

Instructions for obtaining help in the established form personally look like this:

  1. Form a package of documents. About him has already been said. It is advisable to bring copies of papers with you.
  2. Write a statement to issue an extract. The form can be found in Rosreestr or on the website of this service.
  3. Contact any registration authority with a prepared package of papers. Give documents.
  4. Pay the state fee. Details can be clarified at any registration authority, even at the MFC. An extract from the Unified Register of Enterprises will not be issued without paying a fee.
  5. Get a receipt on the acceptance of documents. It will come in handy in the future.
  6. At the appointed time, pick up at the registration authority, presenting the passport and receipt, the finished statement.

That's all! In reality, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Through the Internet

Now let's try to understand how to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Payments online. We will use the Rosreestr website to implement the task.order extract from egrp for free

In this case, just follow the instructions:

  1. Go to rosreestr.ru.
  2. Click on the "Public Services" button.
  3. Fill out the form that appears on the screen.
  4. Choose the type of document you want to receive - electronic or paper counterpart.
  5. Type information about the applicant.
  6. Check the box next to "I agree."
  7. Click on the button "Go to data verification".
  8. Make sure the information is correct and click on "Send request".
  9. Go to the state duty payment page. You need to visit the address rosreestr.ru/wps/portal/cc_check_request_status.
  10. Enter data for payment.
  11. Choose a payment method.
  12. Confirm the operation.

Done! Now it remains only to wait. Extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises at the MFC can be collected at Rosreestr.If a citizen has chosen an electronic form, then it will come to e-mail.

How much to wait?

How much is an extract from the USRP made? It is definitely difficult to answer. Indeed, a lot depends on the type of document ordered.

Paper type help usually wait 5 days. When issued through the MFC, the waiting period can reach 10 days. The electronic analogue, as a rule, is ready for 3-5 days after processing the request.

How much is an extract from the USRP made using third-party services? Some people say that this document can be ready in 2-3 hours. But, as we have already said, using third-party resources to order statements is not recommended.

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