
Lifting payment to a young specialist: what payments are due, sample order

After graduation, former students are faced with the problem of finding a job in their specialty. Nobody needs graduates with honors. Most employers do not want to hire young professionals without work experience. This problem has become more widespread. In order to solve it and attract young staff to enterprises, factories, factories and companies, the state has created special programs for young graduates.

pay a lift to a young specialist

The payment of lifting to a young specialist, as well as who has the right to financial assistance, will be discussed in this article.

Who is considered a young specialist

Young specialists are students who have completed a full course of secondary special or higher education. They must be trained on an inpatient basis and at the expense of the state budget. This status is assigned for a year from the date of receipt of the diploma.

The graduate is sent to work on distribution, i.e., in law. He is taken immediately to a permanent job, without an internship. All the conditions for obtaining the status of "young specialist" must be met. This is the Labor Code, lifting payments Art. 70 of the Law of the Russian Federation regulates relations between an employer and a young employee.

Duties of the employer and the young employee

When employing a young specialist, the employer must pay a benefit in the amount of 3 tariff rates of 1 category, and also give a salary of at least 80% of the average monthly salary. If the employee does not have a place of residence, then the employer is obliged to issue housing from the corporate temporary housing fund. An employee with no experience has the right to ask the employer for material assistance at the birth of a child, marriage, and also benefits for childcare.

After concluding an employment contract, a graduate is required to work in the company for 2 years. If he decides to quit, he will have to return to the state compensation for his education and training at work. It is possible to dismiss a specialist without experience in the TC only if the organization is liquidated, or due to the state of health of a specialist who does not allow him to perform work duties.

lifting payments to young specialists to doctors

But in most cases, companies cannot provide a specialist without experience with a full social package. After graduation, graduates themselves try to get a job on their own, therefore they do not receive the status of “Young Specialist”.

What benefits can a young specialist receive?

Such employees are financially supported by the state. State social benefits are divided into two categories:

  1. A lump-sum payment under the law must be paid at the end of the term of the employment contract. If the employee himself writes a letter of resignation, then he will have to return social money to the state budget.
  2. The payment of lifting to a young specialist is charged from 2012 to those employees who graduated from the educational institution in 2011 and in the following years.

Lifting pay to young specialist

On June 22, 2012, the state adopted Resolution No. 821 on incentive payments for material support for young and inexperienced employees. The payment of lifting to a young specialist must be accrued within the first month from the moment of signing the employment contract. The amount of financial assistance depends on the specialty and the position. If the graduate moves to another city or village, payments will be canceled.

lifting payments to young agricultural professionals

The goal of such a project is to attract young, energetic and full of ideas of graduates to work in their specialty. An additional benefit and social assistance is the social program for the acquisition of housing. To obtain a living space, it is necessary to work in one organization for more than 5 years and need an apartment.

How should an order for payment of lifting to a young specialist be drawn up (sample)

Calculation of lifting payments is based on the order. The employer must independently compose it and warn the employee. An employee needs to sign an order only after familiarization. The application, a copy of the diploma and a copy of the work book (it indicates the date of registration for work), certified by a notary, is attached to the order. Documents for accruing material assistance:

  1. Order drawn up by the employer. It approves Appendix 1 “On the Procedure and Condition for Additional Payments to an Employee Without Work Experience”, as well as Appendix 2. At the end of the order is the date and signature of the head of the department.
  2. The order is supplemented by Appendix 1 “On the procedure and condition for additional payments to an employee without work experience”. It contains the general situation, the order of appointment and the amount of payments.
  3. Appendix 2 to the order is a statement of request for financial assistance written by a young employee.

order for payment of lifting to a young specialist sample

Teacher cash

The payment of lifting to a young specialist - teachers, is carried out on certain conditions. Criteria for financial assistance:

  • the teacher must be no older than 35 years old;
  • immediately after graduation, the graduate is obliged to get a job;
  • An employment contract must be signed for 3 years or more;
  • Experience in the specialty is required to obtain preferential mortgages.

The size of the lifting depends on the city and on the size of the scholarship that the student received during training. Teachers with no experience can be paid three types of social assistance:

  1. One-time payment. Its amount is from 20 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Salary increase. In the capital, the increase is 40% of the basic rate, and for graduates with a red diploma - 50%.
  3. Mortgage on preferential terms. A certain part of the mortgage is paid by the state.

payment of lifting to young doctors

All benefits accrued for support are tax deductible. To obtain housing on favorable terms, it is necessary to add a certificate to the general set of documents that confirms the need for an apartment. The only minus of preferential housing is the payment of a down payment of 30% of the total price of housing.

Cash payments to doctors

Lifting pay to young medical professionals can vary. This category of specialists has federal support. Lifting payments to young specialist doctors reach 1 million rubles. when a number of conditions are met:

  • higher medical education;
  • age up to 50 years;
  • relocation to the village with employment for 5 years or more.

A one-time payment is required only for doctors who have completed an internship. Lifting payments to young specialists-nurses, paramedics are not paid. They do not have the right to participate in the Zemsky Doctor program. The main goal of the Zemsky Doctor program is a stimulating payment for medical specialists who work in rural areas.

Financial assistance is paid by the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF). Within 3 days, the MHIF forms a payment. In 2016, 60% paid the federal budget and 40% - the regional.

lifting payments to young nurses

To receive financial assistance, a physician must send to the MHIF the necessary set of documents. List of required documents:

  • passport;
  • TIN;
  • certificate of higher education;
  • certificate confirming the end of the residency;
  • certificate confirming work in a medical institution;
  • statement that was concluded with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

It is necessary to have not only original documents, but also copies certified by a notary.

Cash assistance to agricultural workers

Due to the low standard of living, today there are few specialists who want to work in villages. Raising payments to young agricultural specialists means encouraging and attracting young workers to the agricultural sector. The size of payments is determined by specialty and district.

From 2002 to 2020 There is a program to improve the living standards of villagers and villages. In accordance with it, citizens will receive subsidies.

A program has been created for young professionals that assists in the acquisition of housing in the village. You can use this program only once. Young professionals are given a subsidy in the form of a soft loan, where the interest rate is 5% per year. An employee needs to make about 30% of his financing, since the amount of the subsidy is not more than 70%.

To participate in the Housing for Young Professionals program, participants must meet certain criteria. Program Terms:

  • not older than 35 years;
  • permanently reside in the village;
  • have a document that confirms the need for an apartment or house;
  • you need to have a certificate that confirms the availability of funds in the amount of 30% of the cost of housing;
  • diploma of completion of secondary or higher education;
  • have a document that confirms the adoption of a job after graduation within 3 months;
  • Work in the organization for more than 3 years.

Lump sum payments in 2017

There are no changes in 2017 on lifting payments for budget workers. All material benefits are set at the federal or regional level and are not subject to indexation. They can increase only due to the growth of the wage of the worker himself.

payment of a young specialist lifting to teachers

Payments to young workers are charged once a year for 3 years. In Novosibirsk, Ufa and Nizhny Novgorod, the first payment is 40 thousand rubles, the second - 35 thousand rubles, and the third - 30 thousand rubles. In large cities, St. Petersburg and Moscow, the amount of charges is much larger, since the standard of living and average earnings are higher.

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