
Payments for a dependent to a pensioner: accrual procedure, calculation features

Citizens of retirement age who are supported by disabled or minors are entitled to receive dependency payments to a pensioner. Each such person, according to Russian laws, is entitled to a certain amount in a certain amount or the so-called social support. These payments are made in the form of an increased insurance part, which is included in the pension payment upon accrual every month. What are the sizes of surcharges, in which case they are assigned - we will talk about this in this article.dependent payer pensioner

Who are the dependents?

There is no direct mention in the legislation of who dependents are and what benefits pensioners can rely on when caring for these categories of people. But there is an indication of an increase in the insurance part in the labor pension accrued on non-working family members. Who can be recognized as a dependent:

  • Family members, close relatives with disabilities or disabled citizens, if recognized as such.
  • People with previously installed benefits. This applies to obtaining benefits and assistance under the terms of a lifelong maintenance contract.
  • Minor children, sisters, brothers and grandchildren.
  • Older people before and after 80 years.
  • People who have reached retirement age.

amount of payment per dependent to a working pensioner

What are dependency payments?

In our country, the government has adopted several programs that relate to the assignment of allowances for payments of all kinds: social, pension, for athletes and military personnel. The procedure for calculating and paying allowances is legislatively fixed: in the Federal Law No. 178 of July 17, 1999, On State Social Assistance, Federal Law No. 173 of December 17, 2001, On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 4468-I of February 12, 2001. 1993, which regulates payments to military pensioners for dependents, employees of internal affairs bodies or the penal system of punishment and their relatives.

The size of additional payments in accordance with the last legal act is calculated depending on the following indicators:

  • length of service;
  • amount of pension payments;
  • the number of unemployed persons who are dependent.

There can be no more than three dependents in a family. Such restrictions are introduced by Russian law. The amount of payment for dependents to pensioners is calculated as a percentage of the amount of the pension:

  • if there is one dependent, then payment will be made in the amount of 32%;
  • if there are two of them - 64%;
  • in the presence of three disabled persons, full pension is paid, that is 100%.

payments for dependents to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

What needs to be done to receive payments?

In order for the allowance to be paid by state bodies, a package of documents for payments to dependents to a pensioner should be submitted. The calculation also takes into account the district coefficient, if it was used in determining the pension. Inoperative citizens are considered:

  • children, sisters or brothers, grandchildren under the age of majority;
  • close people who care for elderly relatives (and therefore they cannot work);
  • old-age pensioners;
  • persons who receive payments for the implementation of the contract for life support;
  • disabled people;
  • a pensioner is also paid for a dependent - full-time student, if the student is not older than 23 years.

The concept of “dependent” does not require confirmation only in relation to persons under the age of majority. All others will be recognized as dependents if the full content of their breadwinner is confirmed.

payments to dependents pensioners size

In which case are co-payments applied?

Additional financial payments represent pension payments by increasing the insurance part, which is charged in accordance with the established amount. If several children or elderly parents are dependent, then payments will be assigned for each.

Retired workers are also eligible for co-payments. Recalculation of the size of the payment to the dependent working pensioner is done every year as of August 1.

Elderly citizens who are not disabled, have not reached the age of eighty and have dependent dependents, it is necessary to apply to the pension fund for calculating allowances. In this case, the size for one disabled citizen is 5844.79 rubles, for two the amount is 7305.98 rubles, for three or more - 8767.18 rubles. If a citizen is over 80 years old, then the payments will be as follows:

  • in the presence of one dependent - 10228.38 rubles;
  • two - 11,689.58 rubles;
  • three - 13,150.77 rubles.

payment to military pensioners per dependent

What does the law on payments to mothers with many children say?

If you have the status of a mother with many children, federal premiums in our country are currently not paid. In this case, payments are made at the regional level in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

If a woman has five or more children, she may be assigned a pension of fifty years. The payment of allowances for the maintenance of the dependent shall cease if the circumstances that were the basis for their accrual have disappeared:

  • coming of age;
  • graduation (or deduction);
  • reaching 23 years of age.

Retirement benefit allowance

To receive payment for a dependent, a pensioner needs to apply to the FIU with a package of documents. The specialist will make a decision by analyzing the following documents:

  • application (separately for a child before coming of age and for a dependent from 18 years old to 23 years old);
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • a copy of the work book notarized;
  • certificate that the other spouse does not receive payments, and the social payments are not accrued to the children;
  • information from the tax that you are not an individual entrepreneur;
  • any document confirming your child’s stay with you;
  • certificate from the educational organization where the dependent is being trained, with reference to the date of enrollment and the date of graduation.

If one of the spouses who has another spouse dependent is applying for a bonus, then he provides the following to the Russian pension fund:

  • marriage certificate;
  • a certificate from the house administration about cohabitation or a copy of the house book;
  • a copy of the passport of the spouse;
  • work book;
  • SNILS;
  • a certificate of income if one of the spouses is working.

payment to a pensioner for a student dependent

What to do to extend payment deadlines?

When it is necessary to extend the period for calculating payments for a dependent, the pensioner should be provided with 4 documents:

  • certificate from the tax office;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • certificate from an educational institution;
  • a copy of the work book certified by a notary.

The allowance intended for pensioners with dependent unemployed persons shall be paid in addition to the old-age pension. As a rule, documents are reviewed within five days if all relevant documents are provided. The list of documents to be provided can be clarified in an individual consultation with a pension fund specialist, even if it concerns payments to dependents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the penal system or military pensioners.

Accrual procedure

The exact amount of the premium payable is calculated only by pension fund specialists. The calculations in this case are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law on pensions (Federal Law No. 400 of 2016).procedure for completing a supplement for a pensioner dependent

First, the amount of the insurance part is established.In order to do this, it is necessary to divide the amount currently in the individual account at 228 months (the waiting period for the labor payment). Then, the amount of basic payments (the fixed amount from insurance payments) should be added to this value. It is calculated on the basis of certain indicators: the age of the applicant and the number of disabled citizens who are in his care. When spouses apply for payments, the accrued bonuses are paid to one whose income is greater. In order to extend payments for disabled children, you should contact the PF annually in September, having in your hands a certificate from an educational organization. Additionally, it may also be necessary to have an extract from the personal account and a certificate stating that the children do not receive any social and other payments.


There is no procedure for ending a payment or surcharge for a dependent for a pensioner, since payments are stopped if the procedure and deadlines for submitting documents confirming the presence of dependents, their social and age status, and the application itself to the Pension Fund for payments are violated. A list of documents for social payments must be provided annually.

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