
Employment center payments: how much they pay on the labor exchange

Every citizen who is on the labor exchange receives payments from the employment center. An unemployed person who has to apply to this institution needs to know how long the payments are transferred, how much benefits are provided and how to defend the right to receive unemployment funds.

employment center payments

Terms of payment by the employment center

The most important condition for accruing benefits to a person is recognition as an officially unemployed citizen.

According to the law, any person has the right to contact the employment center. Unemployment benefits will be paid only if the citizen provides the following papers:

  • application (filled out already in the center according to the model);
  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • document confirming the availability of education;
  • all data on the last place of work, including a work book, all kinds of characteristics, etc.
  • certificate for the last 3 months about the salary of the established sample.

The collected package is handed to the center employee at a personal reception. After that, the case will be referred for consideration. The decision to pay benefits is made within 11 days. After making a decision on registration, a person must appear in person at the center with a passport. If the citizen missed the reception, the decision is automatically rejected.

Benefit Size

Payments to the unemployed at the employment center are charged from the first day after registration. The “ceiling” of the benefit amount is set at 4,900 rubles (2016 data). The minimum amount is 850 rubles.

dismissal payments at the employment center

There are some conditions that directly determine the size of the allowance for a person:

  • whether the citizen worked the last year before registration at the center;
  • how much people got in the last place of work for the last 90 days;
  • why a citizen was fired from his last job;
  • for how long a person is no longer working.

In order to determine the size of the allowance, the employee of the Central Health Facility takes as a basis the average salary of a citizen, which is presented in the certificate from the previous place of work.

The amount of benefits for those who have never worked

The minimum payments of the employment center are provided only for those citizens who have never worked anywhere, but decided to join the labor exchange. In addition, the minimum allowance of 850 rubles will be accrued to the following groups of persons:

  • who worked before, but more than 1 year has passed from the time of dismissal to being placed on the labor exchange;
  • citizens who were dismissed from their previous place of work for any violations;
  • citizens who do not work for a long time and also have a short overall work experience (no more than 26 weeks);
  • the minimum allowance will be accrued to an individual entrepreneur who, for whatever reason, has stopped his official activities and decided to join the labor exchange;
  • members of the peasant (farm) economy.

what are the payments at the employment center

How are payments calculated?

To find out the amount of payment at the employment center, upon dismissal, you must order a special certificate of the established form for the last 90 days. It should be noted that this document must be executed in a special way. Standard 2-PIT is not suitable for this.

Also, without fail, a person must work for at least 26 weeks. Without this condition, a citizen can only rely on the minimum allowance.

It is also worth noting that when calculating payments on the exchange, only legal or “white” wages are taken into account.If a person received part of the salary in an envelope, then this will significantly affect the amount of benefits from the security center.

So, the size of charges depends on the period:

  • in the first three months, 75% of the average monthly salary of an employee will come from the employment center;
  • the next 4 months, that is, from the 4th to the 7th, 60% of the average monthly wage of a citizen will be transferred;
  • starting from the eighth month, the allowance will be equal to 45% of the average monthly official income.

payroll employment center

It is worth noting that over the entire period of the accrual, the employees of the CP will stimulate the person to continue looking for work, to offer vacancies and send for interviews.

Citizens who live in the Far North, the minimum and maximum payments increases by the established district coefficient.

How much benefits are paid from the employment center?

According to the law, the allowance begins to accrue from the moment a citizen is registered.

  1. If the organization was liquidated or a staff reduction occurred, then in this case, payment is accrued immediately after the dismissal of the employee, until there is a loss of average earnings.
  2. How long are accruals made?
    • The first period lasts 12 months. In this case, there may be an interruption when the employment center is paid. By agreement of the parties or by reduction, the employee was dismissed - it makes no difference.
    • The second period lasts another 12 months. It begins after the first year and only if the citizen has not been employed. In the second period, the person will be charged only the minimum amount of benefits. It is worth noting that to start the second period, a citizen needs to go through the re-registration procedure.

Payments recorded at the employment center

After two periods have passed, a person who has entered the labor exchange automatically loses the status of unemployed and no longer receives any help.

Grace periods

Also, according to the current law, there are also grace periods for accruing benefits, which any employment center must comply with. Payments can be prolonged if a person was fired before reaching retirement age, but already has sufficient experience (20 years for women and 25 for men). Grace period also falls into this category.

So, for each additional year worked, the term for transferring benefits is extended by 14 days, while the total payment period can still not exceed two years.

To make it clearer, you need to consider an example.

The woman was fired for a reduction of 49 years. She decided to join the labor exchange. Her total work experience is 27 years, which is 7 years more than established by law. For each year, she is entitled to an additional 14 days to transfer unemployment benefits. Total - 14 weeks. This means that her first period, during which she will receive assistance from the Central Bank according to her average earnings, will last not more than 12 months, but a little more than 15 months.

Suspensions of transfers

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there are certain cases where payments registered with the employment center may be suspended:

  • If a citizen twice refused the offers of a specialist at an employment center. At the same time, the workplace met all the requirements (decent wages, proximity to the place of residence and compliance with the state of human health).
  • If a person refuses to take advanced training or retraining courses, to which he was sent by an employee of the Health Center, three months after registration.
  • If a person came to an appointment with a health worker in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication.
  • If a citizen has been expelled from free courses through his own fault.
  • If a citizen arbitrarily stopped attending classes at an educational institution where he was sent by an employment center.
  • If it turns out that a citizen was fired from his last job for violation of labor discipline or similar acts.

In this case, the employee of the Central Employee has the right to stop the transfer of unemployment benefits up to 3 months.

unemployment benefits at the employment center

When does the payment of benefits stop completely?

Also, for some actions, a person may even lose the right to receive payments from the employment center:

  • If a citizen officially got a job.
  • If the unemployed is trained and at the same time receives a scholarship.
  • If a person has decided to not voluntarily come to appointments at an employee in an employment center. However, a valid reason has not been established or confirmed.
  • If a citizen has changed his city of residence (then he needs to register with the Central Employment Office at his new place of residence).
  • If it was found that a citizen received benefits in a fraudulent manner, for example, by providing false documents.
  • If a citizen has been convicted and is in prison.
  • If a citizen decided to refuse the help of the employees of the central lock.
  • If the transfer of an old-age pension has begun.
  • In connection with the death of a person.

Special cases

In addition, there are special cases when the transfer of benefits is stopped, but this time is not included in the total period when the state is obliged to help a person. Moreover, it does not matter what payments the citizen receives at the employment center.

So, this list includes:

  • if a woman went on maternity leave while receiving benefits;
  • if a citizen was involved in military service (including mandatory service in the army of the Russian Federation);
  • if a citizen who is registered decided to move to another city to study there.

employment center unemployment benefits

It is worth noting that after completion of training, military service or the birth of a child, a person can again submit documents and the transfer of payments to him will be resumed.

Can benefits be reduced?

Many citizens are mistaken in the fact that they will receive payments from the employment center until they find a permanent job. There are a number of reasons why the amount of benefits can be reduced by a whole quarter:

  • If the unemployed did not voluntarily come to the employment center in order to get a referral for an interview or to take advanced training or retraining courses.
  • If the citizen did not come for an interview with the employer, the direction was received on hand. It is worth noting that this must be done within 3 business days.

It is important that the employees of the CP are obliged to warn the unemployed about a reduction in the amount of benefits with an explanation of the reason.

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