
Payments at the employment center with a reduction. What documents are needed at an employment center

Everyone can lose their job. Dismissal threatens not only a malicious intruder. The company may reduce its staff or simply cease operations. But the state takes care of people who lost their jobs in an instant. A person without constant earnings can register and receive payments at the employment center with a reduction. How to do this, what documents need to be provided, and also for how long can I receive a formalized allowance?

When is it necessary to register with an employment center?

payouts at the employment center while reducing

To receive unemployment benefits, you must go to an employment center. This must be done in the very near future, after the reduction of the employee. The legislation sets a maximum period of 14 days. The countdown begins the day after the official dismissal.

Upon dismissal due to reduction of staff or liquidation of an enterprise, the employer is obliged to pay the amount of two average monthly wages to his former employee. If two weeks after the employee has been reduced, he does not find a new place, then he is entitled to another payment in the amount of 1 average monthly salary.

However, a payment in the amount of 1 average monthly salary is relied only if the person provides the former employer with a certificate stating that he is registered with the employment center.

What is needed to receive benefits?

In order to apply for temporary unemployment benefits, it is not enough to know what documents are needed at the employment center. It is also necessary to ensure that certain conditions are met:

  • Providing the employee of the center with a salary certificate for the last three months. It is on it that the amount of payment will be determined.
  • To receive benefits, an employee must work at the enterprise for at least 26 full weeks, about six months. This is checked by discharge from the work book.
  • The dismissal of the employee should take place precisely because of the reduction, and in no case because of violation of labor discipline.
  • If a person was sent to courses from an employment center, then to receive benefits they must be completed.

employee reduction

If the registration at the employment center was successful, and the person violated one of the above conditions, then the amount of the benefit is automatically reduced to a minimum amount of 45% of the average wage.

Required certificates and documents for the registration procedure

When applying to the employment center, you will definitely need a standard package of papers for processing payments upon reduction. That is why it is necessary to know what documents are needed in the employment center before coming to the institution in order to start collecting the necessary package in advance:

  • passport;
  • employment history;
  • copy of education certificate (diploma, certificate);
  • documents on professional development (if any);
  • TIN certificate;
  • SNILS;
  • certificate of work on wages for the last 3 months.

In addition to the document on education, all papers must be presented in the form of originals.

Also, in order to receive the allowance for dismissal for reduction, you must create a special account with Sberbank. It is on him that money will be transferred.

registration at the employment center

It is worth noting that a certificate of the last three-month earnings should be of a special standard form. Form 2-PIT is not suitable.

What mistakes are most often made when filling out an income statement?

In order for registration at the employment center to be quick, it is important to provide a full package of documents of the proper form. Problems with the population most often arise when providing a certificate of income. It is worth noting that errors in filling out occur due to illiteracy or inattention of accounting staff.

So, what should you pay attention to when obtaining such a certificate from an accountant, so as not to go after it twice?

  1. The document must necessarily contain a corner stamp. It should contain all the information about the organization: TIN, legal address.
  2. The periods for which this certificate is given should be spelled out correctly. At the same time, it does not matter at all how many years the employee worked in the organization. Employment center employees do not pay attention to this. Unemployment benefits will not be paid if the dates were incorrect.
  3. Also, the certificate must have two signatures. One is the chief accountant, and the second is the general manager. If the person was an employee of a small organization in which the director combines the post of chief accountant, then the signature is still put twice, and the post of chief accountant should be marked "acting."

Maximum and minimum unemployment benefits

It is worth noting that payments in the employment center during reduction are strictly regulated by the current legislation, as well as their size. In the Russian Federation, the minimum and maximum benefits are established:

  • minimum - 850 rubles;
  • the maximum is 4900 rubles.

Size varies depending on the region where the person lives. For example, in the regions of the Far North, this size is slightly higher due to special allowances for adverse climatic conditions.

what documents are needed in the employment center

In addition, other coefficients are superimposed on the minimum and maximum benefits, for example, Ural in the amount of 15%. Also, an additional allowance is received for citizens who were exposed to radiation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the Mayak association, as well as when dumping waste into the Techa River.

What does the size of the allowance depend on?

So, what does employment center benefit do when cuts? How much and how long will it be transferred to a person?

  1. The size and timing of payments is affected by the labor guard.
  2. Also, the amount of benefits depends on the conditions in which the person worked before.

Most often, the amount a person will receive depends on his previous salary, however, as elsewhere, there are some exceptions, namely:

  • the amount will be less if the person worked before the reduction in the enterprise for less than 1 year;
  • a small allowance will be transferred to the employee who repeatedly violated labor discipline.

Depending on the decision of the employees of the employment center, the amount may even be equal to the minimum amount set by the state.

What's next?

The city employment center provides assistance to those wishing to find work, taking into account their level of education, previous experience and wages.

city ​​employment center

A person who is registered must come to the center’s specialist appointment twice a month. At the time of admission, he may receive a special referral to a potential new job. If the registered person has ignored this direction, then employees are entitled to reduce the amount of benefits paid to him. However, if a citizen came for an interview, but the prospective employer himself refused the applicant, then this rule does not apply to him.

Also, when a person is registered with the CH and receives payments for reduction, he cannot have any other income. If other money officially begins to come to him, then payments will automatically stop.

What assistance can the employment center still provide?

When applying for help in order to receive payments, a person should not be wondering about which employment center to apply for upon reduction.Any branch is suitable for this, but in some cities it is desirable that the applicant apply to the one that relates to his registration.

In addition to the payment of benefits and the provision of a large bank of vacancies, employees of the employment center can send a citizen for retraining, which is paid by the state. This is necessary so that a person can consider the vacancies of a larger circle. Courses from the employment center are constantly changing depending on the demand for certain posts.

Bankrupt businessmen also have the right to rely on help from the employees of the security center. When drawing up a new business plan, anyone can receive a grant in the amount of 300,000 rubles, which will be used to develop their own new business. And in order to correct previous mistakes, the applicant can enroll in courses of individual entrepreneurs.

job center benefits while reducing

Unemployment Benefit Period

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the total payments at the employment center during reduction cannot be provided for more than 12 months, except in exceptional cases. Transfers will be made on a monthly basis, but only if the citizen arrives at the appointments without a pass and on time, and also does not refuse the scheduled interviews.

It is worth noting that if a person for good reasons could not find a suitable place of work for a full year, then he must go through the re-registration procedure at the employment center. Re-registration gives a citizen the right to continue to search for a new job and receive payments while reducing for the next 12 months.

Grounds for suspension of benefits

It also happens that payments at the employment center with a reduction can be frozen for up to 3 months. This happens when:

  • if a person has refused 2 offered vacancies;
  • if a citizen has arrived at the reception in the CH in a state of intoxication;
  • if the citizen refused to take part in paid public works;
  • if a person has not passed the re-registration procedure or has violated the deadlines;
  • if the applicant has been expelled from retraining courses;
  • if a citizen arbitrarily stopped attending classes for which he was sent by employees of the Central Health Center.

retirement benefit

It is worth noting that these three months are not included in the total term for payment of the reduction allowance. And with the resumption of payments, it is extended.

Grounds for terminating benefits

And when are employees of the city employment center entitled to completely stop the payment of reduction benefits?

  1. Payments are stopped if the applicant has found a new job.
  2. Benefits are not transferred if the applicant was sent to training courses and at that time a scholarship is awarded to him.
  3. A citizen does not visit the health center for a month, nor does he provide any supporting documents stating that these omissions occurred for a good reason.
  4. If it turns out that the applicant received benefits illegally.
  5. If a citizen has been convicted.
  6. If a person has been assigned an early pension. This is also considered income.
  7. In case of death of the applicant.

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