
Is Master's Second Higher Education? Second Higher Education after Master

Recently, they often talk about magistracy. They speak of something very prestigious and important. But does everyone understand what a magistracy is? Is Master's Second Higher Education? What place does it occupy in the modern education system?

Finding answers to these questions and finally understanding whether master is considered the second higher education, this article will help you.

steps up

What is a magistracy and undergraduate?

This important point should be noted. Before answering the question of whether magistracy is the second higher education, it is necessary to understand the meaning of these words.

Master's program is one of the degrees of higher education that has appeared in the Russian educational space in the irreversible process of universal globalization.

There are three degrees in total: undergraduate, specialty and master's degrees, and for a number of reasons, a decision was made to gradually refuse from the specialty.

Master has its own specifics. A master is higher than a bachelor or specialist. The master's degree relates more to scientific personnel and involves a broader study of the field.

In degrees of higher education, a stepwise principle is partially implemented. Thus, only a person who already has a bachelor's degree or a specialist in the background can enter a master's program, and nothing else.

The undergraduate, in turn, is the first step in modern higher education and assumes that the student has sufficient qualifications to perform professional activities in the position, the qualification requirements for which the applicant is expected to have higher education.

Confused? Not that word. So where did such a mess come from? Is a master's degree a second higher education or not? Let's figure it out together!

woman and books

Where did graduate and undergraduate studies come from?

The roots of modern reforms of domestic higher education lie in the nineties of the twentieth century. And everything happened just like that.

At the celebration of the eighth anniversary of the University of Paris, four ambitious and creative education ministers of European countries discussed the acute problem: how to make Europe have a single educational space? How to achieve the similarity of educational programs, methods and approaches to training and educational documents? The result of this conversation soon became the signing of the Bologna Agreement, an international process aimed at integrating higher education in Europe.

ministerial meeting

Currently, 48 countries have joined the Bologna Agreement, including the Russian Federation.

Each participating country, having entered into the process, has committed itself to launch reforms by a certain date aimed at uniformity of higher education throughout the agreement. In Russia, the reform has entered the active phase since 2010.

The new system involved two degrees of education: undergraduate and graduate. Thus, the specialty valid until 2010 turned out to be a relic of the previous system of higher education, gradually giving way to new degrees.

What is regulated?

In order to answer the question: “Is master's degree a second higher education?” - it is necessary to delve into the regulatory framework governing this issue.

The fundamental normative act on the territory of our country is the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

In part 5 of article 10 of the law, it is stated that magistracy, along with the specialty, is one of the levels of professional education. It is noteworthy that the bachelor's degree in this hierarchy is in a separate paragraph and stands out as a subordinate.

In paragraphs b p. 2 h. 3 tbsp. 12 of the law establishes that the educational programs of higher education include undergraduate, specialty, graduate and others.

Clause 4 h. 2 Article 23 of the law established that higher education programs are implemented exclusively in educational institutions of higher education.

Article 69 of the law is devoted to higher education.

Part 2 of Article 69 of the Law determines that only citizens with a secondary school certificate can study under the undergraduate and specialty programs.

According to Part 3 of Art. 69 only people with higher education, and of any level, can enter the magistracy.

To the question: “Is magistracy the second higher education?” - Part 8 of Article 69 of the law answers.

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In what cases will a magistracy be considered the second higher education?

Clause 2 of Part 8 of Article 69 of the Law stipulates the following nuances.

The second higher education master's degree is considered only for those who have already entered with a specialist diploma or master's degree. At the same time, at the end of 2014, the law was amended to restrict part of specialists in obtaining a second education after graduating from a magistracy.

So is the second master's degree considered the second higher education? The answer is yes. If a citizen enters, already having a master’s diploma, having completed his studies, he will receive another higher education.

Can bachelors get a second higher education after graduate? The answer is yes. A bachelor who graduated from a magistracy will be considered a master's degree and, accordingly, will receive additional higher education by enrolling in a higher education program of interest to him.

student depression

When will a magistracy not be counted as a second higher education?

They will not receive a second higher person who enrolled in a magistracy with bachelor’s and graduate diplomas. Who is a graduate? This issue requires a separate consideration.

How is a certified specialist different from a specialist?

In the transitional period of 2008-2010, universities were given the right to prepare students for the programs of graduates or specialty programs. Only in January 2011, graduates were abolished.

The difference lies in the standards by which students were trained, as well as in the form of issued diplomas.

hat and diploma

At the junction of the old and the new

The Bologna process has a number of pros and cons.

First of all, a single educational space in higher education is the ability to travel across many countries and carry out professional activities there.

It is also an excellent prerequisite for international cooperation between universities, student exchange and teacher training.

The main minus of the reforms is the existing confusion in the higher education system. The employer does not know what to do with the masters and bachelors. He is used to specialists.

In general, the prestige and quality of higher education have fallen. There were many people with 3-4 higher education.

Sudden changes in course are always alarming. Also here. After all, the previous system took decades and had a number of advantages. Now you have to start all over again.

In addition, reform is “imposed” from above. No one asked if this was necessary for students and teachers.

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