
Jurisprudence - what is it? Universities of Law

What is jurisprudence? What are the benefits of studying it? And where is the best place to comprehend this science?

general information

jurisprudence isLet's get started with terminology. Jurisprudence is a combination of theoretical knowledge and the results of the practical activities of legal experts. It may sound strange - how is it? The fact is that legal experts mean a fairly wide range of people. So, jurisprudence is judges, and directly lawyers, and lawyers, and many other professionals.

Let's look at a small example. This is where the criminal investigators are trained? In special institutes. But a person can get the same status, and having a specialized higher education. Jurisprudence in this sector will open its doors for him, but only after completing additional training courses. And it should be noted that you have to go from the lowest posts. Therefore, many people with a general legal education are betting on other career opportunities. Someone goes to lawyers to protect people, others try their hand at the judiciary. Of course, such a person should be honest and have a spotless reputation. So, if you have a shop robbery, you can forget about the work of the investigator.

We detail our research

jurisprudence trainingThe subject of this article has a lot of interpretations. So, experts study that jurisprudence is a science that deals with the state and law. Unclear? But what if we formulate it differently: it is a speculative (speculative) form of consumption and the unification of legal knowledge. That is, this is a joint collective body of information on the legal field. It provides a wide variety of professionals and interpretations of the law. In each case, the judge is guided by the general provisions, but at the same time a significant discrepancy is allowed in terms of conviction and the establishment of penalties (except in cases where there is "iron" evidence and requirements). That is, one person can be punished for violation with a fine, and another - to go to jail.

Case law

This is a rather interesting part of this science. Let's look at the example of the UK, where case law applies. The country is governed by a common code of laws. But there are certain differences in interpretation. To avoid this, case law was introduced. Suppose a trial is taking place that did not exist before. If the claim of the plaintiff is satisfied, then a precedent will be created. And in the event of such situations, it is necessary to focus on what has already been adopted earlier.

History of origin and development

law educationJurisprudence is an ancient science. It was formed back in the days of the Roman Republic (in the fourth or fifth century BC). One can quote Celsus's words that jurisprudence is a mastery of good and equivalent. Then it was believed that this science is engaged in the study of worldly and divine affairs and is versed in non / legal. It was a respected occupation. You can recall the lawyer Ulpian, who lived in the second or third century AD. This man noted that they were called priests due to the fact that they look for justice and isolate the righteous from the dashing. At the same time, they indicated the importance of moving to the truth and encouraging the righteous. The perfection of Roman jurisprudence was largely due to the achievements of ancient Greek political thought, which is often called unjust.Subsequently, developments in the field of law passed into the Middle Ages. And even now it is Roman jurisprudence that acts as a model for almost all functioning legal systems.

Development in the countries of the ex-USSR

Faculty of LawThe well-known Russian lawyer Korkunov said very well about this. He noted that it was necessary to begin with the study of the fruits of another's labor. Then the rise to a global level was carried out and a good and high-quality product was created. A widely known collection of laws is “The Truth of Yaroslav”, created during the time of Kievan Rus (first half of the 11th century) at the direction of the capital prince. Initially, law developed well. But then a number of negative events occurred that significantly threw us back in development. Jurisprudence in the modern sense begins to take shape at the beginning of the 19th century. At first, foreign professors were invited to teach this science. But since this is a simple matter, if you really deal with it, then a whole galaxy of domestic lawyers will soon emerge. Now comprehending this science is even easier. Now, as never before, law is available for study. In this case, training is conducted in specialized institutions, which allows for the best training.


areas of jurisprudenceThe field of jurisprudence is all legal relationships in society. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who honestly fulfill their obligations evoke respect. A similar attitude has always been. But with the advent of cinema, their image was further romanticized and heroized. Now prestige is supported to a greater extent externally, because from the inside it is a complex profession. We have to work a lot with literature, the legislation is constantly changing (in which you always need to be well oriented). In addition, to achieve significant success, one should have a certain civic stance, which will be expressed by a respectful attitude to the law, the human person and the law.

Where to go to study

University of LawOn the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 1200 higher educational institutions where you can learn this business. Here is a short list of the most popular universities where there is a field of jurisprudence:

  1. Law Faculty of Moscow State University.
  2. Moscow State Law Academy.
  3. Law School of St. Petersburg University.
  4. Novosibirsk Law Institute.
  5. Peoples' Friendship University.
  6. MGIMO.
  7. Law Faculty of Perm University.
  8. State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Finance.
  9. High School of Economics.
  10. Tyumen State University.

The situation is generally good. Wherever you want, get education there. Jurisprudence is quite clearly defined and spelled out. So if you want to study it is easy. With such an education, many dream of a significant salary. But, alas, there is a certain oversaturation of medium quality personnel on the market. Therefore, if there is a desire to comprehend this science, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that you will have to study a lot, so that later you do not look for even the most insignificant job. Therefore, one should think carefully whether the mind lies in such an activity. Sure? Go to the faculty. Jurisprudence is a difficult field, but the work of highly qualified specialists is well paid.

How is the training

higher education jurisprudenceFirst you need to get a basic higher education. For this, training is carried out in three basic areas: civil, state and criminal law. The first option is suitable if a person wants to work in enterprises or institutions. State law is useful to those wishing to get into the government. And criminal - for those who want to punish criminals. But no matter what direction a person chooses, after receiving an education, he can try to become:

  1. The investigator. This person is engaged in solving crimes, collecting evidence, finding out motives and other circumstances of the case, and also forms an indictment.
  2. The prosecutor.His tasks include taking part in legal proceedings, preventing crimes and combating corruption.
  3. The judge. A person who has shown himself to be good and has experience can become the legal arbiter of fate.
  4. A lawyer. This person specializes in protecting the legitimate interests of citizens. This should not be understood only as proceedings with criminals. After all, there are also quite routine civil processes.
  5. Notary. This is a person who certifies documents, and in general, a very useful element in the legal system, whose task is to prevent illegal actions from taking place. To obtain this status, you must pass a special exam and obtain the appropriate license.
  6. Legal Counsel. He provides legal support to organizations and individuals.

As you can see, there is a choice. And each direction is well paid. The main thing is to be a good specialist, honest and noble person. Universities of jurisprudence were listed, the case for small.

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