
Jurisprudence - who can work? Occupation Overview

The legal profession does not lose its relevance, as before, many applicants submit their documents to the faculties of legal specialization. However, at the end of the university, a logical question arises for former students: who can work after law?

A lawyer is a specialist who owns legal knowledge, knows how to use it and even educate others. Without legal experts, society would long have plunged into chaos.

Specialization Types

Absolutely all specializations in the field of jurisprudence allow you to occupy any position in the field of law and teach. You can get higher education in the following areas of law:

  • forensic examination;
  • jurisprudence;
  • law enforcement activities;
  • legal support of national security.

jurisprudence who can work

Prospects for a young specialist

Despite the overcrowding of the labor market, a qualified lawyer can count on high wages. Beginning specialists can count on 30 thousand rubles, provided that they will be engaged in improving their professionalism, ready for an irregular working day. But we are talking about lawyers who want to realize themselves in the field of protecting the interests of the enterprise. Who else can work in the field of jurisprudence? Standard posts include the following:

  • lawyer;
  • judge;
  • notary;
  • the prosecutor.

However, it should be remembered that these professions are potentially dangerous and carry risks, even a threat to the life of such a specialist.

A non-standard approach to choosing a profession

Have you been attracted to law? Who can work? The overview of professions that you will find in this article will allow you to look at the issue much more broadly.

who can work after law


The mediator is a fairly new phenomenon for our country. This is a legal specialist who acts as a mediator in disputes. The main goal of a specialist is to resolve a dispute that has arisen in almost any branch of law, in labor or family legal relations, economic or financial. In this case, a lawyer can conduct his activities on a professional basis, that is, receive an appropriate qualification certificate or act as an individual.

The mediator is not entitled to disclose information obtained during the resolution of the dispute. The cost of intermediary services is determined by agreement of the parties. It is worth remembering that, holding a public post, a lawyer cannot act as a mediator.

The main advantages of the profession include a free work schedule, high wages and interesting acquaintances. In addition, a specialist in this field should not directly resolve the dispute, but only must establish communications between the parties.

But, having received an education in the field of jurisprudence and who you can work with - having decided on choosing the profession of a mediator, you must remember that such a specialist is obliged to compensate moral damage, losses if they occurred to the parties as a result of the actions of an intermediary. This is not to say that customers are constantly knocking on the door; they will have to look. The services of a mediator who has not received a certificate cannot be advertised in the media.

The average price for the services of a specialist in one dispute is about 170 thousand rubles.

jurisprudence who can work and salary

Patent Attorney

The patent attorney is another specialist in the field of jurisprudence who can work with.

The specialist carries out his activities in the field of intellectual law, interacts with public authorities.The main goal of the profession is to protect and preserve the rights to the results of the intellectual activity of the customer, namely:

  • inventions and achievements in almost any field, literature and art, culture;
  • trade marks;
  • Utility industrial models and designs;
  • innovative inventions;
  • phonograms, video sequences.

To professionally engage in such activities, a lawyer will have to pass certification on knowledge of law in the field of intellectual property and have at least 4 years of experience in this field.

The main functional responsibilities include:

  • on behalf of the principal to analyze the documents;
  • interact with the patent office;
  • carry out examination of documents;
  • represent the interests of the principal in the authorities and courts.

The quality of work of a patent attorney is 95% dependent on work experience. The specialist has the right to independently carry out entrepreneurial activity.

The profession has a number of advantages, first of all, it is a highly specialized expert who has much more advantages over an ordinary lawyer, especially if there is a qualification certificate, and minimal competition. The country's accession to the WTO gives a chance for the development of the intellectual industry in the state, therefore, work will always be.

The minuses include the monotony and monotony of activity.

The average salary of a patent attorney in the country is 40 thousand rubles. If this is a private practice, then earnings are much higher, but irregular.

jurisprudence who can work reviews

Credit attorney (or anti-collector)

We continue to review professions in the field of jurisprudence. Who can work and what salary will be? Consider anti-collectors. A relatively new profession and is associated with the rapid development of lending. Naturally, not all people know how to calculate their capabilities and fall into a debt hole. Against this background, collectors appeared who, violating all the rights of the debtor and not neglecting any methods of collection, practically beat out debts. It is logical that people appeared to help protect their rights - credit lawyers.

The specialist will help at the stage of concluding a loan agreement, so that after a while it does not appear that the borrower needs to pay some fees and hidden fees. But nevertheless, the main task of the anti-collector is the legal optimization of debt by reducing penalties and interest. A lawyer may represent the interests of his client in court, give recommendations and objections to the actions of the bank and the collection agency.

The anti-collector can work for hire or conduct individual practice. It is advisable that such a specialist have practical experience in the banking sector.

Salary is about 40 thousand rubles, if you work for hire, in other cases it all depends on the client and the amount of debt.

jurisprudence who can work overview

Private detective

In the field of law, who else can work? It is worth considering the profession of a private detective. Usually, at the mention of this, there is only one association - Sherlock Holmes in a dark hat and with a pipe in his teeth. In practice, these are usually former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who were engaged in operational-search activities, or investigators. Although this experience is not necessary for this work.

To date, the work of private investigators is fully regulated by regulations, and lawyers who wish to master this profession will have to obtain a license.

Main functions:

  • investigation of crimes;
  • search for disappeared property;
  • verification of a specific person, even during employment;
  • observation;
  • intelligence activities in the field of business.

The amount of remuneration in this case completely depends on the client and the complexity of the task.

jurisprudence where you can work

Arbitration Manager

Another area of ​​jurisprudence where you can work as a lawyer is the arbitration manager. To become a specialist, it is not enough to have in your hands only a law degree, you will have to undergo special training.The position does not imply career growth, but it is one of the highest paid. But for unlawful acts of a specialist, they can disqualify and even bring to justice. The arbitration manager is entitled to simultaneously engage in any other activity. The essence of the work of the arbitration manager is the conduct of bankruptcy proceedings.

Who can work in law? The reviews recommend several more professions:

  • Rosreestr specialist in registration of property rights;
  • an international lawyer in any company will naturally require knowledge of a foreign language;
  • in the police.

The conclusion suggests itself that getting a legal profession is still promising, there will always be work.

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