
What is jewelry? How to choose jewelry?

It is difficult to find a woman who does not like jewelry. Especially when it comes to jewelry. Jewelry is the best jewelry that can emphasize individuality. Jewelry is, of course, far from a cheap purchase, so their purchase must be approached in detail. A new thing should certainly please, and not bring disappointment. In the article we will talk about how to choose gold jewelry in a jewelry store.


To have a lot of jewelry is the dream of every girl. However, in real life it is not necessary to buy expensive jewelry. Making a good purchase is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. Modern jewelry stores offer a large selection of rings, chains, earrings, bracelets. Understanding this diversity is far from easy. In the article, we will talk about the most important points that should be considered when buying.

Jewelry is not a simple decoration, as it is made of precious metal. Most often on the shelves you can see items made of silver, gold and platinum. Also on sale are jewelry made of platinum group metals: iridium, rhodium and palladium.

Jewelry store

The most popular among buyers are silver and gold. The remaining species are most often used for precious alloys to improve the properties of products.

There is a sample on every piece of jewelry in the jewelry store. The mark indicates the origin of the product, the percentage of valuable metals. If there is no stigma on the jewelry, this indicates that the buyer is fake or the item was made in a private workshop, and not in a jewelry factory.


For many, a piece of jewelry is a piece of gold. The metal can be 375, 500, 585, 750, 958 and 999th samples. Of course, the most common 585th. Jewelry of this sample is most often presented on store shelves, as they are the best solution in terms of price-quality ratio.

If the buyer likes gold jewelry, he should be aware that the metal can be presented in three shades that give it alloys. In addition to classic yellow gold, jewelers use pink, red and white metal. Less commonly, items from blue, green, and blue metal may be present in products.

Modern jewelry factories produce a wide variety of jewelry. The product range is impressive. Therefore, buyers are not so easy to understand when buying. A lot of products are now made from white gold. It is more difficult to buy earrings or a ring of such metal. The advantage of white gold is its hardness. The product made of it cannot be scratched. But there are also disadvantages - this is the presence of a brownish or yellowish hue. However, this point can be circumvented by purchasing a product with a rhodium-plated coating, which gives shine and brightness.


Platinum is also good for making jewelry. The metal is malleable when machined and strong when worn. It is for this reason that complex products are made from it, which will last a very long time. Platinum products are suitable even for allergy sufferers, since the metal is the purest.

Jewelry factory

In the manufacture of jewelry, iridium and ruthenium are added to the composition, which makes the products very expensive. Platinum items can have 850, 900 and 950th samples.


Silver is a great metal for making jewelry. It has a white color and high reflectivity.The metal is very malleable, it is easy to polish and give the product the desired shape. It is for this reason that a variety of jewelry is made from silver - rings, earrings, pendants, brooches, cufflinks, chains, necklaces, bracelets and more. Metal is often used in combination with black, gold, enamel, ivory, precious and semiprecious, mineral stones. Silver earned the title of democratic metal. Products from it can have a 720, 800, 900, 950th test. The most demanded alloy of the 925th test.


Stones are often used in jewelry. They can be precious (sapphire, emerald, diamond) or semiprecious (topaz, turquoise, jade, carnelian). Inserts made of mineral stones - amber or pearls are also possible. You can choose a product with a stone based on color, your character or style of clothing.


Every woman dreams of decorating with diamonds. Not everyone can afford such accessories. And yet, how to choose a diamond jewelry? When considering a product, be sure to pay attention to the stone cut. It is she who gives him such a sparkle. The standard and most common option is 58 faces for round shapes. To fully appreciate the luster of the stone is possible only in daylight. Only in this case you can see the real brilliance of a diamond. Gems can be represented in different shades: pink, yellow, blue, white, brown, green and even black.

Jewelry Adamas

The most valuable are colorless or bright stones. The rarest and most expensive diamond is pink. One carat is estimated at one million dollars.

A very important point when choosing a diamond is its transparency. If inclusions and imperfections are visible in the stone, then its cost is low. But if no defects are visible at a 10-fold increase, then the diamond is perfect. In this case, its cost is incredibly high. The weight of the stone is measured in carats. It is on this characteristic that women pay attention when buying. One carat is 200 mg.


Jewelry with other precious stones looks no less impressive. How to choose an emerald? In jewelry, determining the naturalness of a stone is very difficult. Only specialists can do this, and yet there are some nuances that are worth paying attention to.

Emeralds are gems of saturated green color with a yellow or blue tint. The latter are considered very expensive. When choosing a jewelry with emerald, you need to pay attention to color. It should be rich and vibrant. Purely green stones without shades are a rarity. They are very expensive. An emerald with a strong yellow hue should alert, as it can be peridot or garnet. If you want to consider all the color nuances, use white paper. Put the product on the sheet and carefully examine it. A good emerald has a rich color. Its color should not be too light. Light stones are most likely beryls.

Jewelry 585

Natural inclusions are always present in natural emeralds, due to which the stone is a little muddy. Perfect transparency has a synthetic material. When considering a stone, it is worth paying attention to the fact that inclusions are not located near the surface itself, since they make the emerald brittle. Small cracks and bubbles do not allow minerals to shine brightly in the sun. If the stone sparkles brightly, it is most likely zirconium.

According to experts, the sale of jewelry is a very profitable business, but there are a lot of products with fake stones on the shelves. Therefore, the choice of jewelry with stones must be approached thoroughly.


Among lovers of jewelry with colored inserts there are many admirers of rubies. Natural stones are highly valued in jewelry. So, how to choose jewelry with rubies? Real stones have a rich red color.Their cost depends on the size. Some high-quality large rubies are much more expensive than diamonds. Burmese stones are recognized as the best in the world. But they are very rare in domestic jewelry stores. Most often, stellate stones are found for sale, which are characterized by diverging rays of inclusions.

When buying jewelry, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the ruby. Through a magnifying glass, you can see blotches inside it. The presence of such defects suggests that the buyer is a real stone. Artificial fakes have perfect transparency. But at the same time, it is not recommended to buy a ruby ​​with too many such inclusions, since it does not have a shine, and its strength causes a lot of doubts.

How to choose gold jewelry in jewelry stores

Such a mineral is very strong. Its density is second only to diamond. Therefore, it is impossible to leave scratches on a quality stone.


Very beautiful jewelry with sapphires. Stones are called royal. In a gold frame, they look truly luxurious. Then how to choose sapphire in jewelry? The main criterion for evaluating a stone is its color and transparency. There is a misconception that sapphires can only be blue. This is not true. In nature, stones of 160 shades are found. Sapphires cannot be only red, since then they are rubies.

In the process of choosing jewelry, it is necessary to evaluate the transparency of the stone. It cannot be ideal, since there must be impurities inside. They can be subtle or very pronounced. Synthetic sapphires inside have characteristic air bubbles.

How to choose a diamond jewelry

In nature, a twin of stone is found - cordierite. Both minerals are similar, but significantly different in cost. There are several ways to identify a fake. It is impossible to leave a scratch on sapphire, since it is very durable. Holding it in his hand, you can notice that he remained cool. This suggests that the stone is real. But fakes very quickly change the temperature.

Semi-precious stones and minerals

No less beautiful and popular jewelry with semiprecious stones. Turquoise, topaz, quartz or opal are also good as inserts in products. Such jewelry is more accessible to customers.

Minerals are also in demand in jewelry. Coral, pearls and amber are the perfect complement to any jewelry. Pearls can be natural and artificial. The second is much cheaper and does not have natural beauty. Natural pearls are rare and expensive. Most often, pearls cultivated in water factories are sold. When buying, pay attention to the shape, color and luster of the mineral. Real pearls seem to glow from the inside, and not just shimmer over the surface. It can be gray, white, black or pink. The latter is extremely rare. It is necessary to select the color of jewelry based on the shade of skin, hair and other features of the appearance.

Amber also looks very beautiful in a gold frame. Determining its naturalness is easy. There are some easy ways. The stone must be rubbed against the fabric, it will immediately become electrified and begin to attract hair to itself. If you attach a hot needle to amber, you can smell the rosin. The aroma of scorched plastic suggests that the buyer is fake.

Stone fastening

Continuing the conversation about how to choose the right jewelry, it is worth remembering that when buying jewelry you need to pay attention to the fixing of stones. This avoids the frustration of detecting defects. Jewelry when worn under stress, which means that the stones in them must be qualitatively fixed.

Jewelry sale

Attention must be paid to the rim clip that holds the gem in the product. She is also called the princess.

But the spring clip is completely different.It seems that the stone is floating in the air, although in fact it is firmly fixed in the product. The convenience of fixing is that it allows a large number of rays to fall on the gem, which makes it shine more strongly.

Also in jewelry often use classic pawls. This option mounts focuses on the stone. To install several small stones, pave is used, while the gems form a single whole. For the manufacture of wedding rings, channel clips are usually used when diamonds are placed inside the channel. There can be a lot of stones in this case.

Product Size

When buying jewelry, it is very important to choose the right size. It must match the image. Slender, thin girls should choose miniature products. More complete ladies need to pay attention to large jewelry.

How to choose sapphire in jewelry

If you need to buy a thing for every day, you should prefer neat and small products so that they are comfortable to wear.

How to wear jewelry?

For jewelry, the principle is “better, less is better.” This means that you should not immediately put on everything that is in the house. The abundance of jewelry speaks of bad taste.

In addition, there are rules that should be observed when wearing jewelry:

  1. Diamonds are usually worn by married ladies. An exception may be a thin ring with a small stone. Turquoise and coral are suitable for young girls.
  2. Silver items are everyday jewelry. Only the most beautiful items can be allowed to wear with a cocktail dress.
  3. Do not overload your image with all the items from one headset at once. It is recommended to wear a ring and a necklace or earrings and a bracelet at the same time - this will be enough.
  4. Diamond necklaces and watches are appropriate only at ceremonial receptions, provided that there is an open dress with a neckline.
  5. In one image, several metals cannot be combined simultaneously. Caution is necessary to combine semiprecious and precious stones. Minerals should be about the same price level. Opaque and transparent minerals can only be combined if they are framed in the same metal. Jewelry should blend perfectly and complement the outfit. For bright clothes fit products made of silver and white gold. But colored stones look good with dresses of pastel colors. Opaque minerals look great on a green, blue and purple background.
  6. At social events and parties, stylists recommend wearing wide bracelets, large long earrings, necklaces, pearl threads or brooches.
  7. When buying jewelry, it is worth choosing it according to the color of eyes, skin and hair. For golden skin, white gold and silver, pearls, turquoise, rose quartz, onyx are ideal. Agate and jasper look good on a white body. Blondes are tender shades (turquoise, pearls, coral); red-haired ladies - green and purple stones; brunettes - warm colors (jade, amber, onyx).
  8. When choosing earrings, you should focus on hair and face shape. If the customer has a long face and a slender neck, you can safely take long flowing earrings. The droplets are suitable for women with a round face.
  9. Massive rings are suitable for large hands, delicate small jewelry is needed for thin fingers.

Jewelry for the wedding

A wedding is a very important event that requires serious preparation. The choice of jewelry is far from the last thing on the list. Experts recommend paying attention to jewelry with pearls and diamonds. They look most harmoniously in the image of the bride. Rings, diadem, necklace and bracelets should be combined with each other. They should complement the dress, and not be a bright accent. Minimalist and vintage jewelry is now in fashion.

How to choose an emerald in jewelry

The groom can pick up cufflinks or a tie clip. However, it is very important not to overdo it with decorations.It’s good if the precious accessories of the bride and groom are combined - this makes the image of the couple complete.

Instead of an afterword

In the vastness of our country there are numerous jewelry stores. Adamas, for example, is one of the largest corporate establishments. Brand stores are available in all major cities. Experts recommend that before going to the jewelry store to get acquainted with the products of the manufacturer of a particular network. This will allow you to have an idea of ​​the models and trends of fashion. Perhaps the buyer will choose for himself certain models that can later be tried on in the store. Ordering jewelry online, like other products, is convenient, but risky. Without trying on, it is impossible to understand whether the size is suitable (it can vary depending on the model), color, style. In addition, the store is easier to see the product in the light of lamps.

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