
Why can I return income tax? Legal advice

Today we have to find out why income tax can be returned. This issue is of interest to many citizens. After all, the tax authorities offer registration of the return of a portion of funds for certain expenses. This process is called a deduction. What should every citizen know about him? What to look for first? The answers to all these questions will be discovered later. In fact, figuring out why and how often you can get a personal income tax return is not as difficult as it seems. Enough to study the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.for which income tax can be refunded


Is it possible to return income tax? Yes, this process is called a tax deduction. The process is faced by many citizens.

A deduction is a procedure for refunding 13% of certain expenses against an income tax. In other words, for some operations in Russia you can get back a little money. This is a legal right of almost all citizens. But why can I return the income tax? Who can count on the approval of the process?

Who is eligible

Today, not all people living in the Russian Federation can return part of the money for certain expenses. Will have to comply with some requirements of the tax authorities.

Among the recipients of the deduction are:

  • adult employed citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Organization
  • residents of the country.

Important: to process the return of personal income tax, a citizen must have income taxed with 13% tax. Otherwise, the person will be denied a deduction.Is it possible to return income tax

It follows that the following categories of taxpayers cannot demand the return of personal income tax:

  • persons caring for babies up to 1.5 years old;
  • companies and entrepreneurs working on special taxation systems;
  • pensioners;
  • unemployed persons.

But why can I return the income tax? And how often does a person have the right to do so? Answering these questions is easier than it sounds.

Types of Deductions

It is necessary to remember the classification of deductions. It will help to understand for which operations a citizen may demand a refund of part of the money. Nothing difficult or incomprehensible.

To date, the following tax deductions are distinguished in Russia:

  • standard;
  • social;
  • professional;
  • property.

Professional practice is not very common. But all other deductions require special attention. What everyone needs to remember about them? Why can I return the income tax in Russia?

Description of Deductions

Now a little about what applies to each category of deductions. It is the description of all personal income tax returns that will help determine what a citizen can demand money from tax authorities for.what income tax can be returned

Standard deduction - it is customary to call it "for children." It relies on all working citizens with children. It is aimed at reducing the tax base when calculating tax.

Social deductions can be different. Among them are the following species:

  • for treatment and medicines - is provided after payment of medical services and drugs;
  • tuition - you can apply if the citizen pays for the study from his own funds (his own, children, sisters, brothers).
  • for retirement insurance;
  • for charity.

Property deductions - a refund for the purchase of real estate. For example, houses or apartments. Property deduction is:

  • mortgage;
  • on interest on a mortgage;
  • ordinary (if the apartment is bought immediately, under the contract of sale).

Now it’s clear why you can return the income tax. But this is not all the features that a citizen should know about.

Revenues taken into account

And what kind of budget revenues will be taken into account when making the deduction? As mentioned earlier, not all earnings are taxed at 13%.Often, personal income tax refers to a tax deducted from the official salary of a citizen. This is a normal occurrence.

Nevertheless, 13% of the profit must be given to the state for:

  • sale of property that belongs to a person less than 3 (for property received before 2016) or 5 years (if it is registered after 2016);
  • rental of property or vehicles;
  • income from consultations and private entrepreneurship.

Accordingly, it is not necessary to have an official job. A deduction can be requested even if it is absent. The main thing is to have income taxed at 13%.Is it possible to return the income tax from the purchase

How often to demand

How many times can a citizen apply to the tax authorities for a deduction? The law does not provide for any restrictions in this regard.

Is it possible to return income tax a second time? Yes. And the third? Also. Making deductions in Russia is allowed throughout life (if there is an appropriate income) an infinite number of times.

However, some restrictions still exist. Tax deductions have limits on refundable amounts. Until they are exhausted, a citizen may demand a refund for the previously described expenses.


And how much income tax can be returned? It must be remembered that a citizen is not able to demand more money than he transferred from his profit. In addition, you need to focus on the set limits for deductions.

Standard deductions imply a decrease in the tax base by 1,400 rubles for 1 or 2 children, 3,000 for 3 or more babies, 6,000 for guardians of disabled people and 12,000 rubles for parents of disabled children 1 or 2 groups. A deduction is granted until the applicant begins to receive more than 350,000 rubles a year in the form of an official salary.

Social deductions have the following limitations:

  • 120 000 rubles - for education (not more than 50 thousand for each child, brother or sister) and for treatment;
  • 13% of the total cost of treatment - with expensive services.

how much income tax can be returned

Property deductions imply the return of personal income tax in total:

  • 260 thousand rubles - if we are talking about the sale of property;
  • by 390,000 - with a mortgage (including interest on it).

There are no more significant restrictions on the return of personal income tax. Citizens can demand money throughout their lives. The main thing is to remember that the limitation period for circulation is 3 years. This means that if more than 36 months have passed since the spending, deduction for the operation will be impossible.


Is it possible to return the income tax from the purchase of an apartment? Yes, the owner of the property has such a chance, if he himself paid for the transaction. The procedure for applying for deductions under any circumstances (with the exception of the standard deduction) comes down to collecting documents and submitting an application for the provision of personal income tax return. The request is submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the person.Is it possible to return income tax a second time

What documents will be required? The first step is to understand why you can return the income tax. Depending on the situation, the following papers may be useful to a citizen:

  • identification;
  • TIN;
  • certificates of ownership of property (extracts from the Unified State Register of Enterprises are also suitable);
  • Marriage certificate;
  • birth certificates of children / brothers / sister (for training relevant persons);
  • educational institution license;
  • specialty accreditation;
  • license of a medical institution;
  • permission of the doctor to carry out activities;
  • an agreement with the institution in the name of the applicant (educational, medical);
  • checks and receipts indicating the transfer of money by the applicant;
  • prescription for a medicine;
  • contract of sale of property;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • application for deduction;
  • income statement;
  • tax return;
  • mortgage payment schedule (for deduction for mortgage);
  • student certificate.

In addition, you will need to specify the account details for the transfer of funds. From now on, it is clear what income tax can be returned. It is not difficult to do this.It is important to note that this process takes a lot of time. On average, checking a package of securities takes about six months. Therefore, many require a deduction immediately for 3 years (training, paying a mortgage).

If you want to receive a standard tax deduction, a citizen should apply to the employer with a corresponding application and birth certificates of children. It'll be enough.

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