
Replacing a driver’s license at the MFC: step-by-step instructions

Today we will be interested in replacing a driver’s license at the MFC. Is it possible to carry out the corresponding operation? And if so, how exactly? What difficulties may arise during the implementation of the task? How much does a w / o replacement cost? How long does the service last? Answers to all these and other questions will be surely presented below. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

How to reissue a driver’s license

When exchange is required

In what cases may I need a replacement driver’s license at the MFC or other registration authority? The driver is not always required the appropriate operation.

Here are the reasons to start the procedure:

  • damage to a previous document;
  • paper expiration;
  • change of personal data of a citizen or his gender;
  • strong changes in appearance;
  • assignment of a new driving category;
  • health changes affecting driving;
  • old documents are lost.

In addition, a replacement w / o is required if:

  • rights are issued with errors;
  • typos and inaccuracies were found in the driver’s license.

In any case, it is important to understand how to act in a given situation. The main difficulties arise during the preparation of papers for the replacement of high-tech.

The right to appeal to the MFC

Is it possible to replace a driver’s license through the MFC? Previously, such a service was not provided in the respective registration authorities. Since 2017, everything has changed.

Now citizens can replace and restore a driver’s license through multifunctional centers. First, the corresponding right was granted to residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. At the moment, every citizen is able to apply to the MFC for rights. The main thing is to know how to act.

Exchange of a driver's license at the MFC


Are you planning a replacement driver's license at the MFC? Instructions for the implementation of the task will help navigate the upcoming manipulations. Every citizen is able to remember it.

The guidelines for exchanging I / O through organizations such as "My Documents" have the following interpretation:

  1. Generate a package of papers necessary for re-issuing driver's rights.
  2. Choose a place to apply. It is better to contact the MFC at the place of registration of the applicant.
  3. Make an appointment with the selected registration authority. This is an optional step, but it will save a lot of time.
  4. Appear at the MFC with the prepared certificates.
  5. Fill out an application for a replacement of rights and give it to the employees of the relevant organization.
  6. Pay the operation fee. It is recommended to do this in advance.
  7. Appear on the appointed day at the registration authority and pick up the ready rights.

That's all. Replacing a driver’s license at the MFC is a minimum of hassle. Especially if the driver prepares for the corresponding operation in advance.

International law

But that is not all. Replacing a driver’s license at the MFC in St. Petersburg and other regions of the Russian Federation is carried out in different ways. Applicants may use the previously proposed guidelines to accomplish the task. Especially when it comes to national rights.

In Russia, drivers can arrange for themselves an international sample document. This is a very common practice among travelers.

If you need to replace an international type driver's license through the MFC, you must:

  1. Change national driver's license.
  2. Fill out an application for the exchange of foreign rights.
  3. Pay the operation fee.
  4. Contact the MFC for the appropriate service.
  5. Pick up your rights on the appointed day.

Fast, easy and very convenient.The main thing is to remember that a person cannot re-register foreign rights without replacing national ones. This is a legal requirement, registration authorities do not make exceptions.

Replacement of international rights

Terms of service

The time for replacing a driver’s license at the MFC is regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Replacement of the mentioned document should take no more than 5 working days. In fact, everything is different.

Exchange in / through multifunctional centers takes about 10 days. During this period, citizens can issue a ready-made driver's license. The exact waiting period depends on the workload of the registering authority.

Important: sometimes replacing rights takes only a few hours.

Basic Help

What documents are needed to replace a driver’s license at the MFC? The documentation package will vary depending on the situation. Therefore, further we will consider a short list of various securities, and then we will find out where to order them.

Without fail, when exchanging a military unit, you will need to prepare:

  • applicant's identity card;
  • statement of established form;
  • old driver’s license;
  • receipt of paid duty;
  • personal photos (2-3 pieces).

It is recommended to take a certificate of residence of the applicant. If a civil passport is used as an identity card, it is not necessary to take the appropriate paper.

Change of personal data

Replacing a driver’s license at the MFC is almost the same as in the case of applying to the traffic police. The difference lies in the fact that the studied technique is simpler and more convenient for the population.

Search for the nearest MFC office

If a person applies for a replacement of rights due to changed personal data, he will additionally need:

  • certificates of marriage;
  • a certificate indicating a divorce from a spouse;
  • statements on the change in the gender of the applicant;
  • certificates of change of name or surname.

As a rule, this will be enough. There should not be any significant problems. Especially if you make copies of these statements in advance.

New Driving Category

We studied the procedure for replacing a driver’s license at the MFC. There is nothing difficult in this operation. The most difficult is the formation of a particular package of documents for the implementation of the task.

If the driver receives a new category of driving, he will have to take with him to the registration authority:

  • certificate of graduation;
  • certificate of successful exams;
  • a medical report indicating the current state of health of a citizen.

Sometimes you can do without the last statement, but it is better to do it. She will not be superfluous.

By time

The term for replacing a driver’s license at the MFC varies from 1 to 10 days. In general, the procedure is carried out extremely quickly. The process does not cause any real trouble.

Do you plan to exchange a w / o after the expiration of the old document? In this case, the citizen must take with him:

  • health report (required);
  • old rights.

Of course, these components are applied to the main package of papers. Replacing a driver’s license at the MFC gives drivers a minimum of trouble.

Documents for foreign rights

Special attention is recommended to be paid to the re-preparation of foreign driver's licenses. Typically, not every person is familiar with such an operation.

The following components are useful to the driver for the realization of ideas in life:

  • national high school;
  • statement;
  • photos of the applicant;
  • receipt confirming payment of the fee;
  • old rights of a foreign type.

That's all. We have already studied the algorithm of actions for translating ideas into reality. What else should everyone know?

Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation to replace rights

Cost of service

How much does it cost to replace a driver’s license at an international financial center in Moscow and other cities? This is an important point that you will have to pay attention to.

In 2018, the driver is required to give 2,000 rubles for the re-manufacture of a high-end national type. This fee is charged for any reason for applying for a service.

If the driver exchanges foreign rights, you will have to pay 1600 rubles. So much is the fee for the mentioned paper today.

Important: if a person makes a state fee through "State Services", you can count on a 30% discount. The corresponding bonus is valid until January 1, 2019.


Now it’s clear how the MFC driver’s license is being replaced. And where to get these or other components to receive the corresponding service?

Let's start with a variety of evidence. For example, from certificates of marriage / divorce.

These papers must be kept by every citizen. In the first case, the applicant must come to the registry office with his soulmate, and then file a request for marriage, having paid the corresponding service. On the appointed wedding day, the spouses will be issued a marriage certificate.

Divorce paper is also in the hands of a citizen. It can be obtained during the termination of a marriage. This is done through the court or in the registry office.

Medical report

Under current laws, a medical report on the driver’s health status is mandatory if:

  • a document is replaced due to a change in health;
  • the document is exchanged upon expiration;
  • the applicant receives another category of driving.

In other cases, a medical report is provided by the driver at will. Better prepare it.

The certificate is taken at the clinic or in a private medical center after passing the driver’s commission. It includes:

  • a psychiatrist;
  • narcologist;
  • therapist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • optometrist;
  • surgeon.

If there are no contraindications for driving, the person will be issued a medical certificate of the established form. Otherwise, the paper will not be issued.

Important: you will have to pay for the driver's commission. On average, the cost of inspection of the driver is from 2500 to 6000 rubles.

Obtaining rights in the traffic police when applying through the MFC

After examination by doctors, you can use the issued medical form for exactly one year. Further, the documentation loses its validity, the driver will again have to go through the commission of the established form.

In some cases, an examination by a cardiologist and an ECG may be required.


Replacing a driver’s license at the MFC isn’t as much a hassle as it seems. Every citizen is able to cope with this task. In particular, if he is prepared in advance for appropriate manipulations.

Where to get an identity card? This document must be in the hands of every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 14 years of age. It is drawn up in the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, MFC or UFMS. Subject to mandatory replacement at 20 and at 45 years old.

If you do not have a civil passport, you can use a temporary ID. In fact, the registration authorities have a lot of questions in this situation. Therefore, it is better to wait until the usual passport is ready.

Photos of the applicant

Special attention is recommended to give personal photos of the driver. Without them, to cope with the task will not work.

When applying, a citizen will have to prepare 2-3 personal photographs. They can be black and white or color. It is better to take fresh photos, otherwise they will refuse to accept the application for an exchange of rights.

It is allowed to use old photographs of a citizen. They should be made no more than six months ago. Such a requirement is put forward by the traffic police.

You can take photos on documents directly at the MFC (not everywhere) or directly at the photo salon. In the second case, the citizen must be informed that he needs pictures on a driver's license of one type or another. A salon employee will prepare a photo according to established requirements. It remains only to take the pictures at the appointed time and attach them to the application.

Help for rights

Service Application

We got acquainted with the procedure for replacing a driver’s license through the MFC.And where can I get these or other certificates to translate ideas into reality? We also almost completely dealt with this issue.

An application for the exchange of high-tech can be printed out through the website of the State Service or requested in the traffic police at the place of registration of the person. Most often, citizens simply come to the IFC and say that they want to replace the rights. The employees of the relevant organization fill out the application on their own, and the driver can only verify the correctness of the entered data and sign the documentation.

Fast, easy and very convenient. It is recommended that you do not print application forms yourself. This can lead to certain problems.

Certificate of exams and studies

Certificates of completion of driving instruction are issued in specialized schools. They teach future drivers there. Typically, such a certificate is issued at the end of training for all who successfully pass the exams.

A certificate of successful completion of the examination work is issued either at the driving school or at the traffic police, where the citizen passed the test.

Important: when applying to the MFC for the exchange of rights you will have to use only the original certificates.

Reasons for rejection of application

Replacing a driver’s license through the MFC may be refused. When does this happen? Usually such situations are extremely rare in practice, but you still have to remember them.

Reasons for refusing to consider an application for an exchange of driver’s rights may include the following scenarios:

  • the applicant was deprived of a military education;
  • the person brought an incomplete package of documents;
  • certificates submitted are fake or invalid;
  • there is no medical report on the state of health (provided that paper is required without fail);
  • the applicant did not pass exams at the traffic police;
  • when submitting the application, old photographs are used (or the pictures were taken not according to the established standards).

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