
Locking device for doors in the entrance: types, installation, payment

Many residents of apartment buildings advocate for the security of their entrances, trying to protect them from the penetration of hooligans, noisy companies and animals. In this they will be helped by a locking device - an intercom. It is a kind of device that serves for voice calls and provides for the presence of two-way communication. The main objective of such a device is to provide control, as well as control access to the entrance of visitors.

intercom near the door

The intercom system is designed to ensure the tranquility of residents and their safety. It is installed by agreement between people whose apartments are in this entrance. And before a contract is concluded with an organization that will install the equipment and take over its maintenance, residents need to study the types of locking devices and determine which one they would like to purchase.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of intercom systems. What they are and what is the principle of their work will be discussed in this article.


The locking device for the entrance door of an apartment building or for a private home has several advantages. First of all, the advantages of an intercom system are that only the one who has the key can open the front door. In addition to the residents of an apartment building, such a possibility will only be with the service organization. And to make such a key in the nearest workshop does not work.

Another advantage of the intercom system is the security of the entrance from companies and homeless people trying to enter it just to keep warm. Animals do not penetrate here. And if the owners do not have a desire to receive guests, then they can simply turn off the ring of the locking device in their apartment. Unexpected visitors will not be disturbed in this case by a knock on the door. After all, they simply cannot enter the staircase.

woman calls the intercom

The advantages of the intercom are also in that a safe distance is maintained between the visitor and the owner. In this case, the tenant of the apartment or house can find out everything necessary about the visitor and make a final decision on his admission.

Based on practice, most cases of robbery, robbery, fraud and other unlawful acts aimed at unlawfully seizing property of citizens, as well as encroachment on the health and life of people occur after the person who is attacked voluntarily opens the door.

Organizational moments

The issue of installing a locking device for entrance doors is decided by all homeowners at a meeting specially convened for this. A decision taken by 51% of voters will be considered legal. If the house is private, then the installation of the intercom system is carried out on the initiative of the owner.

At a meeting of residents of an apartment building, the issue of paying for the locking device, as well as raising funds for its installation and deductions for operation, should be resolved. Often at a meeting you can meet the owners of apartments who do not agree with the installation of the intercom. If, by a general vote, a decision to install it was nevertheless made, then the minority tenants have the right not to deposit money. In this case, certain amounts for the locking device will not appear in the receipt issued by the service organization. Entrance keys must be issued to such residents without fail.Otherwise, such actions may be regarded as a violation of the right of the homeowner.


Maintenance of the locking device is carried out by organizations that specialize in this activity. Moreover, the mentioned service for residents is considered optional. The locking device has nothing to do with basic utilities. That is why the decision to use it or not, is voluntary for residents of apartment buildings.

Anyone who did not want to be given this service should not be afraid that a fee for the maintenance of the locking device will appear on the receipt issued by the housing and communal services. The presentation of such amounts in such a case would be unlawful. Payment for the locking device will be charged only to those residents who have agreed to the provision of additional services and individually entered into an agreement with the organization serving the intercoms.

Lock Capability

The intercom system is a castle-intercom equipment, the power of which is carried out either from the mains or from autonomous sources. The second name of the device is “call video or audio panel”.

panel with buttons

Locking devices in the staircase allow users to identify the guest by image and voice, as well as remotely control the doors. The intercom controls the entrance and exit of the building, while possessing advanced features.

Elements of such a device are installed in the apartment of residents. And on the entrance doors of the entrance or in the immediate vicinity of them, the door panel with buttons is mounted. When dialing a digital code recorded in the device’s memory, the switch transmits a signal according to the principle of telephone or video communication. Some types of locking devices can be opened by a tenant using a special chip.

The intercom has the ability to program. This allows you to change its initial password, if necessary.

Intercom Functioning Process

The subscriber entering the entrance can open the electric lock installed on the front door using a magnetic key fob (chip) or when dialing a code on a digital (push-button) external unit. And if a visitor wants to go into the house? Then he needs to dial the call button assigned to the subscriber, or the apartment code. After receiving the signal from the locking device, the owner identifies the guest by voice or image. He also lets the visitor in by pressing the unlock button on the electric door lock, which is located in the apartment on the panel of the indoor unit.

The system is working. The porch door opens and a visitor enters the house. After that, the device displays whether the front door is closed or not after all these manipulations. Some types of locking devices lack the remote opening function. They are usually installed in private homes. In this case, homeowners are forced to approach the front doors to open them.

external and internal panels of intercoms

Locking devices are classified by the number of subscribers they serve and by the method of determining visitors. Consider these types of intercoms in more detail.

Number of subscribers served

According to this criterion, intercoms are:

  1. Individual, or single subscription. Such a locking device is most often installed at security posts, at the entrance to cottages, houses, etc. Already by the very name of such a doorphone, it becomes clear that it only serves one subscriber.
  2. Group. This is a small subscriber locking device designed to serve from two to six objects. As a rule, they protect closed apartment halls or nearby offices. Several families living in cottages located not far from each other can use group intercoms. The designs of individual and group devices do not have any special differences.Only the number of blocks of the same type can be different in them.
  3. Driveways. These are multi-subscriber intercoms. Their installation allows you to serve a large number of apartments, the number of which ranges from several tens to hundreds. Such locking devices are used in the entrances of high-rise buildings, in office buildings, etc.

The modern market offers multi-site integrated intercoms. They are installed simultaneously on several tens of entrance doors of entrances and discuss up to several thousand subscribers. Such systems are mounted in complexes of administrative and residential buildings.

Visitor Identification Method

image locking device

According to this principle, locking devices are classified as follows:

  1. Audio intercoms. Such devices are capable of providing two-way audio communication between the subscriber and the visitor. Identification of the guest at the same time occurs by his voice.
  2. Video intercoms. These locking devices are used to provide video control of the space located near the front door. Moreover, such devices provide two-way audio communication. This allows you to identify the guest by his voice and appearance. One of the elements of systems of this type are video eyes. With their help, the owner of the apartment or house conducts covert surveillance of the visitor. Video eyes are miniature cameras that are equipped with a special lens. Outside, such a device is no different from a conventional peephole.

Type of communication and principle of operation

According to this criterion, locking devices are:

  1. Coordinate-matrix. In such intercoms, a separate wire departs from the main unit to the subscriber unit. The main feature of such systems is the simplicity of their installation. The connection scheme provides for connecting the switch to the coordinate device. Thanks to the first of these two elements, the call is switched to a specific handset. In each apartment, the coordinate matrix intercoms are connected using two cables. Numbers are never repeated. The signal after being fed is processed by the modulator and redirected to the desired cable. Thus, a connection with a certain apartment occurs. If the installation is done incorrectly, this will disrupt the operation of not only one particular branch, but the entire system as a whole.
  2. Digital. Such devices are connected using a two-wire cable. Digital devices transmit video with granularity, while having advanced functionality. The signal call received on them is then transmitted using a two-wire line system. At the same time, the number of the desired apartment is determined. The handset of the digital intercom has a microcircuit. This is a controller to which one or all floors can be connected.
  3. Cable, wireless IP devices. Their principle of operation is based on the use of the Internet, network computer technologies (wireless and cable), as well as mobile and cellular communications (3G, GSM, IP-telephony). In these intercoms, the necessary information is transmitted using SIP and IP protocols in the same way as in local computer networks.


The operation of doorphone networks and equipment must be completely safe for those who comply with the rules for handling such devices. At the same time, the equipment must certainly meet the requirements of regulatory documents and standards for fire and electrical safety, which are valid in Russia. The installation of the locking device is carried out with special attention. After all, users of such systems are mainly people who do not have the necessary knowledge on the handling of electrical equipment.

silver doorphone panel

What rules must be observed when installing locking devices? First of all, they relate to the external unit and the electric lock.The voltage for powering these devices should be within 24 V and not exceed this value.

As for the subscriber unit, it must be placed inside the apartment or office in a place that will protect the owner from possible criminal actions by the visitor (for example, fired through a closed door of the shot), and also ensure the most comfortable use of the device.

The external unit of the locking device is installed by means of a tie-in into a wall located near the front door, into a door frame or into a door leaf. After fixing the supporting structure and the front panel of the intercom, the slots of the screws or screws must be drilled.

The installation of the external unit should be carried out at such a height that the use of the system is convenient for visitors conducting negotiations. The best is considered to be a distance from the floor of 1.5-1.7 m.

The intercom equipment to be installed in the entrance must be combined in mounting blocks placed in metal cabinets. The hall for the first floor is considered the best place for them.

All wires placed in the entrance are located in metal hoses, in metal pipes or ducts. Their installation is also possible through previously laid cable channels.

Entering lines into the housing of the intercom unit located outside of closed halls and apartments should be carried out using metal couplings, ensuring the tightness of the cables. If necessary, devices for flexible transitions from doors to walls, use connecting devices.

The sequence of the installation of intercoms includes the following steps:

  1. The choice of mounting location, which should ensure ease of use, as well as the required viewing angle.
  2. Wiring. The performance of the entire system depends on the quality of the performance of these works. It is desirable that the wiring is attached directly to the walls using fixing elements.
  3. Lock connection. To do this, you need to parallel lay another wiring line.
  4. Installation of an apartment device. For its installation, the cable drawn from the front door is connected to the internal panel, which is attached to the wall on a fixing plate.

Expanding the functionality of locking devices

Every day, manufacturers of intercoms improve their models. Today, devices with a large number of functions can be installed on the entrance doors of multi-apartment building entrances. So, some intercom systems have the ability to record or record video.

black doorphone panel

But that is not all. Some models of locking devices allow you to install fire and burglar alarm systems, which are displayed on the console of the Ministry of Emergencies or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Liaison can also be established with the ambulance service and the police, emergency services, etc.

In some video intercoms, it is possible to connect a monitoring system and face reading. Such devices greatly increase the safety of residents.

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