
Earnings on file hosting on the Internet. The best file hosting services for earning

Today we will try to reveal the main secrets of making money on file hosting (FO) or downloading files, which, in principle, is one and the same. This type of income is noteworthy in that the user does not have to be a web specialist and load himself with some specific skills. In addition, for earning with the help of file hosting you do not need your own website. Nevertheless, this type of income cannot be called passive, so you have to make a lot of efforts to get good profit.

earnings on file hosting

So, how to make money on file hosting? The secrets of making money are quite simple, and we will try to share them with you. And at the same time we’ll tell you on which resources it is better to do this and outline the main nuances of this seemingly uncomplicated enterprise, taking into account user feedback on venerable services.

What is file hosting?

Before identifying the main stages of making money on the Internet on file hosting, we will analyze in more detail what it is. FD is a resource that provides its users with a place to store data. Here may be video content, music, photos and any other information.

In what cases can this be needed? For example, you were at a wedding and shot a voluminous video on the camera. Naturally, you cannot wait to share your impressions with your friends. Sending such a large file by mail is very inconvenient, and not every client provides such an opportunity, especially if you need to send data to more than one recipient. Spread on YouTube? It's kind of personal information, and messing with filters and settings is a very long time. In this case, the FD will be very helpful: you upload your video to the service, then give the link to your friends, and they calmly download and watch.

It is here that the selfish component appears, that is, earnings on file sharing. You, as they say, kill two birds with one stone: share files, and at the same time earn.

Earning scheme

All FDs pay their users for downloading the uploaded data, that is, for each download of your file you will receive a pre-agreed cash reward.

best file sharing services for making money

The scheme for earning money on file hosting services is quite simple: you upload files to the selected service, then distribute links to them on the Web and to friends, users download them, and you get a reward. It looks simple, but there are also some small tricks that allow you to get a significantly larger profit.

Most of these services do not pay for individual data, but at the rate of 1000 downloads, where you will be paid approximately $ 5 to $ 15 for this unit. If you think about it, not everyone will have a thousand friends, and not only that, they should also be interested in downloading your files. Yes, and such a modest income on file sharing, like $ 5-15, is unlikely to suit you. This is where knowledge of some tricks and tricks will be needed to get an acceptable income. But first things first.

Why does the service pay us?

For a complete picture of what is going on, let’s figure out why FDs pay their users. Yes, they spend a lot of money on maintaining their resources and give webmasters a huge space for storing data. So why do they also pay extra for downloading?

Everything is simple here. Such services receive very good profits on all kinds of advertising, as well as on distribution among webmasters of premium accounts, which, incidentally, cost a lot of money.By and large, all rewards from the FD are a percentage of the visitors brought, that is, from the traffic.

Site owners

One of the main advantages of earning on file hosting is the ability to receive money without having your own website. However, for owners of resources open more bright prospects for profit with the help of FD.

The first is space saving. The provider charges money from the webmaster for the gigabytes used, including considerable ones, so here you can not only save on data storage, but also make money at the same time.

earning on file hosting reviews

Secondly, it is a visualization. Visitors to your site see a detailed description of the downloaded file or some images supplemented by a video sequence. Having thoroughly studied the necessary information, the user is more likely to click on the download link, as if it were on the FD itself.

And thirdly, service loyalty. Almost all resources of a similar plan are spent for webmasters who have their own websites, carry out some promotions, enter into long-term contracts, give access to a more flexible pricing fork, etc., allowing them to significantly increase earnings on file hosting services. The reviews of many Web users indicate the fact that, having your own website, you can increase your profit almost several times.

How to increase income?

Let's try to figure out how to increase earnings and get decent income from these services. As mentioned above, income can be obtained without a website and with one. The only thing worth clarifying is that the profit directly depends on the number of visitors to your resource, that is, the more users, the higher the income. Everything is clear here.

making money on the Internet on file hosting

Consider the option when there is no website and there are no opportunities to make it up either.

What do we need to earn money:

  • content for uploading to the FD;
  • Resources where we will provide links to this content;
  • users who will download this data.

The algorithm is usually as follows. We are looking for popular information on the Web, that is, data that will be of interest to a wide range of users. Next, download them to your computer and process them if necessary (archive, classify, etc.). Then we fill them in a file hosting service for making money and get links for subsequent posting.

Business features

Now you need to find thematic resources on the Web with high traffic. In order to designate a list of such sites for yourself, it’s enough to type a key phrase in the search engine and the first ten links will be exactly what we need. For example, you uploaded an archive with some mods to the Skyrim game onto the FD. We hammer in the search for "Skyrim fashion" and open each site in turn. As a rule, on every resource there is, if not a forum, the possibility of commenting - for sure. There we leave our links.

The best file hosting services for earning

There are a lot of services of such a plan on the Web, but not everyone should be contacted. For normal operation, it is better to dwell on two or three sensible DOFs, and not try to fill your content with everything that comes to hand. Intelligent means services with experience that are well established among webmasters and regularly, as well as good, pay.

Top file hosting for earnings is as follows:

  1. Depositfiles.
  2. DataFile
  3. Turbobit

All three services have long been working on the Web, have a flexible pricing policy and are respected by webmasters. Let's analyze each FD in more detail.


This is the oldest and most reliable service on the web. Most webmasters work with him because of the good payment and loyalty to users. FD pays the money earned through the Halileo Bonus affiliate program. Payment takes place for every 1000 downloads and also depends on the size of the downloaded data.

secrets of earning on file hosting

Base Price Fork:

  • 1-2 Mb - $ 2;
  • 5-9 Mb - 3 $;
  • 10-50 Mb - $ 5;
  • 50-100 Mb - $ 6;
  • 100-250 Mb - $ 8;
  • 250-1000 Mb - 10 $.

If the amount of downloaded information on your account exceeds the basic statistics, the service will offer you a more profitable pricing plug. For serious webmasters, it is possible to individually increase the payment rate.

The minimum amount for withdrawing earned money is $ 10. Very often, the service holds various promotions and puts out special offers for both new and old customers. Webmasters have positive comments on Depositfiles. Novice users are quite happy with the basic price range and a low payment threshold, and experienced users like a flexible service policy where everyone will find their own option for themselves, as well as a large number of various promotions and discounts.


It is also one of the oldest services that makes money by downloading content. In addition, FD pays interest on subscriptions and premium accounts. Payment is made for every 1000 downloads.

file hosting for making money

Base rate:

  • 0-50 Mb - 3 $;
  • 50-100 Mb - $ 6;
  • 100-250 Mb - $ 8;
  • 250-500 Mb - 11 $;
  • 500-1000 Mb - $ 22;
  • more than 1 GB - $ 45.

Payment can be received on the WebMoney wallet and ePayments. The minimum payout threshold is $ 10. Users leave mostly positive reviews about this service. DataFile is perfect for those who own well-developed resources, because after 1 GB the price for 1000 downloads rises significantly. Some users complain of the rarity of some actions and other interesting events, but this point can hardly be called critical.


A distinctive feature of this service is speed, and in almost everything. The updated interface does not make long wait for either webmasters or clients. In addition, payments at the minimum threshold ($ 10) occur three times a day, which is rare for file sharing.

top file sharing services for earning

It is very difficult to identify some individual tariffs for an example, because there are simply a lot of them, and everyone will find their own. We can only say that payment is not much different from the above services and supports the same principle - the more, the better, and therefore more profitable for a webmaster. It is also worth noting the completely transparent, and most importantly, understandable statistics, where you can see all the nuances that interest you, up to the incomplete download of your content by the client.

Webmasters respond to the service entirely in a positive way. They appreciated not only the variety of tariffs, where there is plenty to choose from for a beginner or an experienced master, but also a responsive support service that will solve the problem in a short time.


No matter what the advertising of these services says, but earning on file hosting services is not a passive activity, where you just need to fill in the content and wait for a miracle to make a profit. In any case, you will have to make some efforts, but for a decent income - considerable.

The income may not be stable, but judging by the statistics provided by webmasters, it is constant, that is, the main thing here is to find sensible and relevant content, as well as place links in the right place. If you do this business all the time, then after a while you will feel a profit increase, otherwise the receipts will decrease or even be reduced to nothing.

It is very difficult to calculate the specific income from these services, because here everything depends on the webmaster and his perseverance. Offhand, you can say that the average site owner with a traffic of 500 people / day playing or warez (OS builds, hacked software) topics, earns about $ 300 per month on file sharing services alone. The numbers are impressive, but you need to work a lot.

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