
Earnings on writing articles for money: tips and step-by-step instructions

Earnings on writing articles on the Internet is now quite popular. Many users realized that you can earn income without visiting the main place of work. This led to the emergence of freelancers - people who work at home. By the way, not everyone will be able to organize their time, knowing that he has no bosses behind him. What can be earnings on the Internet? Writing articles, reviews, placing advertising posts, attracting new customers - all this can be profitable. The article will focus on writing and selling your articles, as well as completing paid tasks on content exchanges.

Why do I need articles for the Internet?

Is making money on writing articles real? Yes. It’s really possible to make money like that. The fact is that every day there are many new sites that need to be filled. Old ones will also die without regular filling.

Not every website creator is a good author of texts. Not everyone can have so much free time. In addition, one person may not be well versed in all topics. Therefore, the creators of blogs and sites often turn to third-party authors for help.

earnings on writing articles

Where to find a customer? The main ways

Making money writing articles for websites is a tempting thing. However, you need to find someone who wants to pay money for the work done. That is a bona fide customer. The easiest option for beginners is content exchanges. After registration, the user gets access to orders. Here you can test your strengths, find out the intricacies and nuances of a copywriter, get acquainted with the requirements of customers.

The second option is direct customers. However, in order to interest the representative of the site, you need to have a portfolio - written articles already posted on other resources, preferably on the subject of the site.

making money online writing articles

Finding a direct customer: basic steps

A direct customer is directly the authors of a blog or site, their representative, working directly with the author without intermediaries. There are several options for finding such a client outside of content exchanges:

  • Transition from the exchange. This option is relevant when the author works with the customer and decides to switch to "free swimming" so as not to pay a commission to intermediaries. In this case, the author no longer needs a portfolio.
  • Search for specialized sites or forums. You can find a customer on the site "Freelance.ru", as well as on other sites offering jobs. You can also browse specialized forums for copywriters - this is what authors of articles on the Internet are called.
  • Sending letters to site owners. The most expensive method in terms of time. You should create a competent resume, select examples of work and write in feedback to the site for which I would like to write articles. There is no guarantee that an answer will come. However, if the site is interested in new authors, and the portfolio is of high quality, it is likely to get a good customer for a long time.

making money writing articles online reviews

Earnings on the Internet: writing articles. Benefits of working with a direct customer

Why do I need to search for direct customers, if there is an exchange where many site owners are gathered? It's all about paying. On the exchange are often the so-called resellers. Therefore, the cost of the article, which the author is trying to sell, can be significantly lower. So, according to user reviews of some exchanges, an article for which 40 rubles for 1000 characters will be paid at a certain site can cost 200 rubles for the same number of characters when ordered by the site’s direct creator.Earnings on writing articles in newspapers and magazines is also possible, and payment is likely to be higher, but for working with sites this is the maximum possible amount.

However, there are also disadvantages. It's about fraud. Not every customer agrees to work on a prepaid basis, so there is a risk of submitting your article for free. In this regard, the exchange helps to get your money. She also protects the rights of customers.

Content Exchanges: Key Options

Do content exchanges help make money writing articles online? Reviews say yes. There are several similar sites that place orders and ready-made articles. The most popular include:

  • Advego. One of the first exchanges of this kind. It contains orders not only for articles of a different plan, but also for invitations to groups on social networks, registration of subscribers, leaving feedback on products. Payment at e. Conclusion only to the WebMoney wallet.
  • Etxt. Currently the most popular content exchange. It attracts a large number of orders that help to have good earnings on writing articles. There is also a store of ready-made texts and photos. It is possible to withdraw funds to different wallets. Payment is in rubles.
  • TextSale is a veteran among similar sites. It offers many orders on various topics, and also allows the placement of articles for sale.

Earnings on writing articles: copyright, rewrite and CEO

After a novice copywriter has chosen a stock exchange and registered on it, it is necessary to deal with varieties of articles. There are several text options for sites. The customer can create an order for:

  • rewrite;
  • copyright;
  • CEO text;
  • transfer.

The latter is less frequently demanded, but payment for such services is higher. However, carriers of not so popular languages ​​as English or German are often required, and people who can beautifully and correctly translate texts from Italian, Chinese or Hungarian. You need to translate both into the language that the customer needs, and vice versa - from foreign into Russian.

Rewrite: features

A rewrite is a writing of an article based on existing texts or works. Roughly speaking, this is a retelling. The author selects several articles on the necessary topics and compiles them into one, fully revealing topic. In this case, copying of the material is excluded.

That is, you cannot just copy sentences from each article and swap them. It is necessary to write a new, unique article, but containing information that already exists on the Web.

Most copywriters do just that. It is difficult to distinguish a deep and high-quality rewrite from copyright, since any information has already been published or heard somewhere. Earning articles requires the ability to find and process information, presenting it as new.

making money online writing articles for money

Copyright - everything is new

Copyright implies a text that the author writes without relying on other sources. An example is a master class with step by step photos. Here, the copywriter describes his actions, which are unique.

Copyright - these are texts that are taken "out of my head." Suitable for masters of some business, professionals. So, an accountant can write about taxes or vacation calculations without the help of the Internet. At the moment, earnings on writing articles, reviews of which are mostly positive, are built on copyright, as this is the most popular text format.

SEO texts. Work for search engines

What is the peculiarity of the texts with the prefix "CEO"? In fact, these are the same articles, both rewrite and copyright. The main thing in them is the keys. These are queries for which the user searches for any information. It is these keywords or phrases that need to be inserted into the text, preferably beautifully and organically.

Key queries can be changed or diluted with punctuation marks, but this point is best checked with the immediate customer so as not to redo the finished work.It’s quite possible to make good money writing articles or rewriting them, especially if you have no problems with grammar and you are able to clearly and coherently express your thoughts (or at least rephrase the text you read). Experienced copywriter reviews say that payment for an article written with the addition of keywords is increasing.earnings on writing articles for sites

Examples of work on the Etxt exchange. Step one

First of all, you need to register on the exchange. The form is standard. You must provide your email, phone number. Having thought up the password and received confirmation on the mailbox, you can get to work.

First of all, you need to fill out your profile. Many beginners neglect this, which is a mistake. If the author is a beginner, then he still does not have a high rating or reviews. Therefore, they will choose it based on personal data. It’s better to indicate in which topics you are strong. If you have experience working outside the exchange or on other sites, it is better to indicate this. However, you cannot enter links to third-party resources.

What else needs to be done for those who aim to earn money on the Internet? Writing articles for money suggests that these funds need to be withdrawn from the exchange somewhere. There are three options on this site:

  • Yandex Wallet.
  • WebMoney.
  • "Kiwi".

Each of them has its advantages. It is better to choose a wallet based on where you plan to withdraw funds. earnings on articles writing and selling articles

Second step

Now you can go to the job search. It is worth noting that now users who have not passed the literacy test are allowed only to orders that cost up to 20 rubles per 1000 characters. This is a small price, but newcomers can often rely on such orders, especially if they do not have a portfolio. However, it is better to take this test to prove your literacy.

The order feed is a list of ads from customers. Here you can see the price per 1000 characters, the amount of work, the total price, the amount of commission, deadlines for the work, as well as the conditions of the order. The latter include the presence of keywords, the desire to check the article on anti-plagiarism from other exchanges, the structure of the article, and much more. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the conditions as carefully as possible so as not to get into an unpleasant situation.

You can apply for an order by going to the tab of the same name. It is advisable to provide her with a comment on why this author should be entrusted with the work on the text. When choosing an artist, the customer can focus on:

  • Rating. It is charged for each completed order and is withdrawn if the author refused or failed the work.
  • Stars. They are given for writing free articles from a special section. Checked by the moderators of the exchange, so getting the highest score is difficult.
  • Reviews about the work. Each user can leave feedback on the work of the author or customer. Moreover, comments can be both positive and negative. Information is free to read to everyone.
  • White and black lists. Each user can also include another in his personal list.

After filing the application, you can wait for a message about exactly who is appointed as the contractor. Applications can be submitted for an unlimited number of orders, but it is worth remembering the timing. If all applications are accepted and the deadline is short, the author may lose the rating.earnings on writing copyright rewriting articles

Third step

After receiving the order, you must proceed to its implementation. The finished text is best taken in the "Word", unless otherwise agreed with the customer. Before submitting, you must subtract the text and check its compliance with the conditions of the site for which the article is intended.

After that, go to the tab "Submission of the result of work" and download the file. After clicking the “Send” button, the work will go to the customer. Now he has time to check the order, which will have to wait. Some customers check lightning fast, others, on the contrary, take a very long time.

You should be prepared for the fact that the article will be returned for revision if the customer decides that it does not meet the terms of reference. After accepting the text, money is received to the author’s account within three or four hours, minus the exchange commission. They can already be withdrawn to your wallet. Normal withdrawal takes five business days. You can also make an urgent withdrawal for an additional commission. However, the first conclusion cannot be urgent according to the rules of the exchange.

It is also worth noting that there is another income on the articles. Writing and selling articles on topics of interest to the author are also relevant. You can upload your texts to the exchange store. However, do not wait for a quick purchase, as many customers prefer to search for authors in the order feed.

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