
The salary of a younger caregiver. A kindergarten teacher

Kindergarten is the first team that a child faces in his life. How successfully the baby adapts to peers and adults, largely depends on the teacher. This profession is very responsible. Therefore, the salary of the educator and junior educator should be appropriate. Let's find out, is this really so?

kindergarten teacher salary

Educator salary

Younger educators do not expect the most attractive conditions. Unfortunately, in the field of preschool education, rather low salaries are observed, the result of which is an increased staff turnover. That is why everyone who is over eighteen years old and fit for health reasons is admitted to these vacancies.

On average, the salary of a caregiver and a caregiver is only six to ten thousand rubles. This data is all over Russia. In the metropolitan region, the situation with the remuneration of teachers is slightly better, but the difference is not significant. On average, in Moscow kindergartens, educators are paid about twelve thousand rubles. For the capital region, this is not much at all. However, the salary level may be affected by the category of preschool educators.

The only advantage that the position of a junior teacher gives is the availability of state benefits. For example, the opportunity to receive a pension after working hours.

The salary of the educator and junior teacher depends on success in work. If the amount of remuneration at the current place of work does not suit, the teacher can get a private kindergarten with more comfortable conditions.

The presence of experience allows you to get a category. For example, after a year of work in kindergarten, a junior teacher may receive a second category. What are the future prospects? Certification of the teacher in the 1st category is carried out with more than three years of work experience. For this, it is necessary to conduct a series of training sessions in the presence of a competent commission.

Junior kindergarten teacher

Let's talk about work in general and about who is accepted for a similar vacancy in particular.

The situation with kindergartens is such that often there is a shortage of places. That is why some mothers are ready to get a day care center to get a place for their child.

Usually they are interested in positions that do not require professional education and skills. That is why they apply for the vacancy of a nanny, assistant tutor, etc.

teacher assistant

It is worth saying that such professions are quite in demand by society. Therefore, it is difficult for their representatives to remain without work and salaries, respectively.


As mentioned above, the salary of a kindergarten teacher cannot be called high. For this reason, qualified personnel with appropriate education are in no hurry to occupy vacancies. On the contrary, they are often claimed by those who do not have experience and relevant skills in the chosen field.

The requirements for an assistant teacher and other similar vacancies are low. However, they often pay attention to the presence of secondary specialized or higher education. At the same time, the specialty in which the diploma is issued may not have anything to do with educational work. This neglect of recruitment is due to the fact that the salary of the kindergarten teacher is quite low, despite the huge number of responsibilities that he has to fulfill.

salary increase for junior teachers


The employee of the preschool educational institution has a big burden.The junior educator performs a fairly wide range of responsibilities, which has expanded even more in recent years.

First of all, this specialist should focus his efforts on ensuring that a comfortable and calm atmosphere reigns in the children's group. In addition, the younger teacher has to monitor compliance with sanitary standards. Also, one of his duties is to change clothes for children. The need to set tables is also the responsibility of the younger caregivers.

All responsibilities for this vacancy should be listed in the job description. It is usually issued to future employees during employment.

junior kindergarten teacher

What should a junior caregiver do?

Typically, the job description includes several large items.

  • Pedagogical activity. Assumes assistance to the educator in carrying out activities planned by the daily routine.
  • Security. The junior teacher should monitor the safety of life and health of children.
  • Ensuring cleanliness. To this end, the younger caregiver performs wet cleaning, changes clothes, etc.
  • Organization of sleep and nutrition.

In addition to the above activities, the junior educator performs other duties. For example, the prevention of bad habits.

Against the background of a large number of duties assigned to employees and low remuneration, it seems logical to increase the remuneration for the difficult work of raising children.


Dow educator category

The reward system for educators is not as simple as it seems. The salaries of these employees depend on several factors. This is a combination of salary, as well as additional interest accrued for the performance of duties and additional hours spent at work.

So, what affects the salary of a junior teacher:

  • Qualification. There is a specific tariff grid that allows you to calculate premiums. In accordance with it, the salary increase for younger educators occurs with the next qualification.
  • The number of hours worked. It is easy to guess that the more time the teacher spends at work, the higher his income.
  • Allowance. The Labor Code considers the work of a junior caregiver as hard work and therefore establishes an appropriate allowance of ten percent.
  • If the teacher works in a round-the-clock kindergarten, he will be increased by fifteen to twenty percent in the presence of night shifts.

However, one must understand that a small salary was initially set for this position. Therefore, even with allowances, the total amount remains small.

Private kindergartens

It may seem to some that in these preschool institutions, younger educators earn more than their colleagues in state gardens. This trend does occur.

However, with the increase in the number of private kindergartens, the salaries of teachers are decreasing, allowing their owners to withstand competition with other preschool institutions.

Attractive salaries to their employees, including junior teachers, can be offered by prestigious kindergartens. However, in most of these institutions, the salary will not differ much from state preschool institutions.

certification of a teacher in 1 category

Offering a high salary, the employer puts forward the relevant requirements for potential junior teachers. However, if you manage to take a vacant place, this will allow you to get a decent reward and have a lower load, which is associated with the small size of children's groups.

Planned increase

In another two thousand and twelfth year, an increase in payments to state employees was planned. In accordance with the previously signed decree, their salaries should be close to the average statistics for the regions by two thousand and nineteen.

However, the unstable economic situation makes junior educators wonder whether the government will keep the promise made earlier or not.

teacher salary

The budget is planned in such a way that the increase in the salaries of educators should occur. Firstly, the algorithm for calculating payments has been changed. The basis for further calculations becomes the base salary, depending on which accountants calculate the remaining allowances. However, this is unlikely to dramatically affect the salaries of junior educators.

Where do they pay more?

As you know, all kindergartens are divided into two large types: public and private. It is believed that in the latter, younger educators are paid more. Is it really?

State kindergartens are completely dependent on financial support from the state. Most of these facilities accept children over two years old. Gradually, nursery groups will be completely eliminated due to lack of funding. When giving a child to a state kindergarten, parents only pay an advance payment for food. Other services are provided free of charge.

Private kindergartens are completely dependent on the money transferred by the parents of the pupils. Accordingly, giving a child to such a preschool institution, you need to prepare for serious expenses. However, they accept children from an early age, allowing parents to quickly return to their main job.

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