
Police salary - income of police officers

For today's youth, police service is a very prestigious as well as promising career opportunity. Ten years ago, employees of this structure did not receive the highest salaries. However, thanks to the reform that took place in 2012, the situation has changed dramatically. This was followed by an increase in the salary of police officers, and salaries were almost doubled. Thanks to this, the popularity of this profession is today at a high level. There are more and more cadets who dream to develop in this area. However, some time ago, the indexation of monetary allowance of specialists from these departments was suspended.

Russian police

In this regard, a quite logical question arises as to whether there will be an increase in salaries for police officers, and how much workers in this sphere generally receive. In order to get an answer, you need to consider all aspects that affect the amount of payments.

How the salary of a policeman is formed

First of all, you need to consider that the total amount that an employee of this service can count on depends on several factors at once. It is the salary that goes through the indexing procedure. Also, a premium is added to the total amount of wages. It is of several types. For example, the increase in the salary of the police is primarily affected by how many years an employee has been working in a particular position, that is, by length of service.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that today the state is interested in new personnel. That is why those students who study at qualified universities can count on an additional 20% increase in their standard salary. In addition, wages will depend on which regional authority a citizen works in.

Regional salary level

Of course, employees of the capital and other large cities of Russia can count on the most worthy contentment. The surcharge also depends on the population of a certain region. If we talk about increases in length of service, then having worked from 5 to 10 years, we can count on an addition of 15%. The longer the service life, the higher the premium.

A lot of cops

For example, if an employee has served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for more than 25 years, then in this case his salary increases by 40%. Also, the salary in the police depends on how often the employee has to risk his life or work in difficult conditions. In this case, again, we can say that in the capital and large cities, payment will be an order of magnitude higher.

What is the salary of a policeman in 2018-2019?

Since the indexation of monetary allowances has been frozen for some time, the question of how to bring the income of workers in this spectrum to the proper level due to compensation from the state is being actively discussed.

If you turn to the media, you can find information about what was previously said in the state body about the so-called May decrees, according to which the salary of police officers will be increased by 150% compared with the salary level for 2012. At the same time, employees retain the benefits received and continue to use additional social programs.

However, you need to understand that recently there was information that a serious budget deficit was observed in the country. In this regard, the next three years, police officers can rely only on standard indexing. But based on the data on the planned budget, one can also hope for an increase in the salary of the police in Russia in accordance with inflation.

Interesting data

For example, in 2017, workers in this industry received a bonus in accordance with standard indexation ranging from 5.5 to 7%. The exact amount of the salary increase for police officers depended on the position and other parameters. In 2018, indexation was only 4%. But, there is information that for 2019 certain programs for adjusting the country's budget have already been developed. It will have a separate column for expenses related to the police.

Police in Moscow

For example, for 2018, the budget amounted to only 67 billion rubles. However, in 2019 this amount increases to 83.9 billion. In 2020, the budget will be increased to 148.4 billion rubles.

Accordingly, it is easy to guess that the salary in the police by 2020 will be brought to the proper level. Talking about the exact numbers is still difficult, since official documents have not yet been provided.

How much was the policeman’s salary in 2018?

To understand the prospects of this area, it is worth paying attention to the latest statistics of the past year. At the moment, the salary of an employee of this structure can vary from 25 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the position and length of service.

For example, for an ordinary employee who has been working in the police for less than 5 years, the salary, or rather, the salary, is 25,000 rubles. Police officers with less than 15 years of experience can count on 36,000 rubles. For officers with the same period of service, a salary of 42,000 rubles is assumed. The largest salary goes to specialists in senior positions. They receive a salary of 100,000 rubles.

Police uniform


It is worth noting that in 2019, just as before, the salaries of police officers directly depend on how successfully they pass the certification. This procedure is carried out with the participation of a special commission, which includes security officers and other specialists.

In addition, all police officers must communicate with psychologists. It checks not only the qualifications of specialists, but also their emotional state. Additionally, testing is conducted, according to the results of which a review is prepared for each employee. It indicates its positive and negative sides, as well as growth prospects. Depending on the characteristics obtained, the policeman’s salary may be revised upwards.

Fringe benefits

Speaking about the salary in the police, you should not ignore this moment. If you translate benefits into a monetary equivalent, you get a very good addition to the salary. Since the police are civil servants, in this case they receive a fairly large list of additional incentives.

Police salary

For example, a police officer may rely on official housing or government assistance to purchase their own apartments. In addition, policemen are provided with free treatment in medical organizations from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If the employee of this structure is dependent on a relative, then he receives free service.

A police officer can use free dental services, as well as receive medicines at drugstores absolutely free. In addition, police are provided with free trips to sanatoriums and resorts. The same goes for their relatives.

Therefore, when speaking about the salaries of these employees, it is always worth adding those expenses from which employees are exempted. Thus, about 20% is automatically added to the total salary.

Also, for employees of this structure provides an increase in leave by 10 days. This is another additional benefit that is available to police today.

Interesting information

For 2018, the minimum wage for a police officer was 20,000 rubles. But in 2019, serious increases are coming. For example, investigators will receive a premium of 17,000 rubles.Detectives and other employees involved in particularly important matters can expect an increase of $ 19,200.

Stick sticker

Since the indexation of salaries has not been carried out for quite some time, the budget for 2019-2020 already includes the costs of increasing wages. Thus, an increase in monetary allowance is expected. Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that every year prices are rising not only for products, but also for housing and communal services and other services.

According to experts, by 2020 the minimum salary of a policeman should increase to 27,000 rubles. At the same time, you can increase income by promotion. Officers in the near future will receive at least 50,000 rubles. For senior officers, a base rate of 100 thousand rubles is provided. But as it really will be, only time will tell. The unstable economic situation affects all sectors. If you sharply increase the salaries in the police, then you will have to reduce the cost of wages in other sectors. And it can also cause a wave of indignation from the population. Therefore, the state is trying to minimize such risks.

At the service


These indicators of how much the policeman earns are only approximate. The final amount depends on a number of aspects. Salary in this case is calculated individually for each individual employee. It takes into account the region in which he works, the complexity of the service, his obligations and many other parameters. However, it is not difficult to conclude that even a novice cadet can count on quite a decent income. At present, the minimum is 20,000 rubles. Even after suspension of indexation, this is not the lowest indicator. Although, on the other hand, you need to understand that the work of a policeman is directly related to the risk to life, therefore there are all reasons to expect an increase in wages.

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