
Sberbank secure investment program: reviews, directions, conditions

Sberbank is the undisputed leader among the banks of our country. Customers see the guarantee of the safety of their funds in the accountability of this financial institution to the state. A controlling stake in its shares is owned by the Central Bank of Russia.

In addition to a wide range of deposit programs, Sberbank provides investment deposit opportunities.

Deposit or investment?

Unlike deposits, where a fixed rate is set, investments allow you to get much more profit. Define a tool for investing their own funds will have to themselves.

Investing in any field carries certain risks. High incomes balance periods without profit or even unprofitable.

Opening a term deposit, you are confident in making a specific profit. It is indicated in the contract in advance.

Banks do not give such a guarantee in their investment proposals. The investor deliberately takes these risks by concluding an agreement.

Investment choice

Investments attract people by the fact that when distributing investment risks (diversification of investments), assets bring good returns. Significantly higher than when using a deposit.

Program Advantages

Based on the feedback on the Sberbank Secure Investment Program, given by the specialists of this institution, we can highlight its advantages:

  • proposed to choose three areas of investment;
  • investment management is handled by a team of professionals;
  • opening an investment account, you get the right to a tax deduction of 13% of the deposit;
  • upon expiration of the contract, a refund of the deposited amount is guaranteed;
  • official income from deposits, the bank will withhold tax from it;
  • the amount of investment is not subject to arrest by law.

It is very convenient that Sberbank branches are located in any cities and even in small towns. It is convenient to open or close an investment account in any of them.

Protection of cash deposits

How is a guaranteed return on investment achieved?

You conclude an investment agreement, thereby transferring money in trust to a team of Sberbank professionals.

They invest in profitable financial instruments. Some of them bring “floating” income. This is a risky investment, but with great profitability.

The remaining instruments provide a low, but quite stable income.

Consider the most disadvantageous option.

Risky investments did not materialize. But the steady income of others over the term of the contract has time to cover the loss or loss. An investor gets his money back without profit.

Secure Investment Program Scheme

If risky investments have paid off, you get a good return. It will be higher than deposit for the same period.

Investment program directions

In the office of Sberbank you will be asked to choose one of three offers. The profitability of investments depends on this. Therefore, carefully read the directions of protected investment programs. The manager will tell you about them at the consultation.

Having concluded the contract, deposit money. Bank customers with open accounts are not subject to commissions.

  1. Good income comes from buying stocks in US consumer goods companies. The investment direction is called "US Consumer Sector."
  2. “New Technologies” - Sberbank is investing in innovation around the world. These investments are the most risky part. But they generate a high income.
  3. Capital can be protected from inflation by buying high-quality bonds in the global market. This area is called the Global Bond Fund.

Program Terms

While the contract is in effect, you can change the investment program, deposit additional funds, as well as withdraw the income received.

Sberbank Investors

In the reviews of the Sberbank Secure Investment Program, customers note the flexibility of the conditions:

  • minimum deposit of 100 thousand rubles or 50 thousand dollars;
  • the contract is concluded for a period of 5 or 7 years;
  • if necessary, you can pick up the deposit ahead of schedule. True, only part of the down payment will be returned.

Coupon version of the program

A new financial product was offered to investors by Sberbank - a secure fixed income investment program.

In addition to protecting your contribution, Sberbank promises investors income at a rate of 10.95% per annum.

equity investment

Funds are invested in the securities portfolio of three large companies. Their shares do not respond to lower incomes.

The coupon investment program has some differences:

  • the contract is concluded only for a period of 5 years;
  • investments are only in rubles. The minimum contribution is from one hundred thousand.

Coupon Program Benefits

A unique bonus to Sberbank for investors is a secure investment program with a fixed income:

  • at the expiration of the contract, a refund of the deposit is guaranteed;
  • if the dollar grows, ruble income also rises;
  • life insurance included;
  • “Memory effect” - in the absence of revenue growth in one year; if the next year is profitable, interest is paid for both years;
  • tax benefits: tax is paid when the rate of return exceeds the refinancing rate, and is not paid at all when transferring investments by inheritance;
  • investments are protected from seizure by law; they cannot be divided upon divorce.

Investment options

In addition to the Sberbank Secure Investment Program, feedback on other investment instruments is also attractive. The bank has developed a number of proposals.

Money can be invested in mutual funds. Their profitability is due to a portfolio of securities in the global oil sector, in shares of banks, and the metallurgical industry.

Investments in shares take up to 1 year. The minimum contribution is 15 thousand rubles. Deposits in foreign currency are possible.

new technologies of Sberbank

You can open an individual investment account for the purchase of securities - stocks and bonds. Buy both Russian and foreign securities. Open an account for a period of 3 years. The minimum contribution is 50 thousand rubles.

Endowment life insurance. A relatively new investment product for Russia. It contains many attractive points for the investor. Profitability formation by Sberbank: real estate, commodity assets, securities, information technology. The program is designed for a period of 5 to 30 years.

Precious metals

Many people prefer to invest in something tangible and more understandable. Gold bars are perfect. There is a desire to have investments in the form of gold - Sberbank will provide you with such an opportunity.

A special license is required. It contains the weight of the ingot, the data of the issued certificate. The features of the storage agreement are indicated.

Sberbank is entitled to accept precious metals only in the form of standard bullion with a passport. It confirms the originality of the ingot. The passport must indicate the manufacturer.

It is better to sell bullion in the same bank where they were bought. This will help to do without unnecessary checks and problems.

For investing in gold, Sberbank offers anonymized metal accounts. To simplify operations with ingots.

Gold bars in a jar

This account indicates the amount of metal owned by the depositor in grams. Data on the sample, place of issue and ingot numbers do not reflect there.

An investor can buy metal at any time or sell it to a bank. You do not need to get it in your hands. The verification procedure is avoided.Such accounts allow you to invest not only in gold. You can buy platinum, or silver, or palladium.

You buy metal on an impersonal metal account. An asset can be stored with you for as long as you like. When the price level has reached the desired level - sell.

The risk of investing lies in the fact that the law on insurance of bank deposits on an anonymized metal account does not apply.

Depositor Requirements

In order to open an investment deposit, contact the nearest office of Sberbank. Any adult can become a client.

You can open a contribution to the child. This is done by parents or guardians. Access to the account management will be transferred to him after reaching the age of 18.

The agreement with the bank is concluded upon a personal visit or by an authorized person.

When you issue an invoice, you need documents:

  • if you are not a bank customer, present your passport; pay attention to its validity;
  • if a proxy acts on your behalf, a power of attorney certified by a notary and a personal passport are required.

How to withdraw money?

Funds from an investment account are usually withdrawn at the end of the deposit term.

They can be invested again, then another service contract is drawn up. Or pick up with the earned income.

directions of secure programs

If the depositor has not arrived at the time of termination of the contract, and there are no orders, the prolongation condition begins to work.

When there is no such condition in the contract, the money is transferred to a separate open account.

The percentage on it is negligible or not at all. But the tariff for servicing the account is. Therefore, carefully consider the closing date of the deposit.

Although investment contracts have a long term, they can be terminated ahead of schedule.

The term for a refund is from a couple of hours to several days.

It should be noted that in case of early termination of accrual for the invested amount they will not be credited. In addition, the commission will be removed. The amount to return will be less than the initial investment.

Customer reviews

Sberbank offers investments to those customers who want to not only save money, but also make them their assets. Money should work. Investors are aware of possible risks and try to reduce them. To do this, invest in various financial products provided by Sberbank.

Reviews of Sberbank's Protected Investment Program show that the main fear of depositors is being removed - to lose their money.

Many of them consider the program ideal for those who are just starting to try themselves in the investment direction, as they know for sure that the initial contribution will be saved. Investors do not stop at one proposal, but try to work with other instruments for generating passive income, for example, invest in gold and consider Sberbank real estate offers. In a word, trust your savings to a reliable partner who helps to earn money.

global oil sector

Customers consider the availability of such a sustainable bank a great plus for themselves. His authority is confirmed by many decades of work. Branches are located in various parts of the country. Moreover, the opportunity of online asset management is provided.

Sberbank management reports indicate that 25% of affluent customers bought investment products only in the last month of 2017.

Wealthy customers are Moscow investors with deposits of 15 million rubles or more. In other regions - from 5 million rubles. Sberbank noted the growing interest of clients in investing in the segment of Moscow depositors with savings of more than 1 million rubles. In other regions - from 400 thousand rubles.

The financial literacy of the population is growing steadily. Sberbank provides one of the first investment products. Make the money work for you!

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