
Who is the insured person? Rights of Insured Persons

In the article, we will consider who this is - the insured person.

This is a citizen whose life, health, property or pension is insured either by the good will of the insured or by direct indication in a special federal law.

Insurance pension

Citizens of the Russian Federation who officially carry out labor activities, in some cases, with a loss of income, can expect to receive compensation for their earnings. Payments in this case are made from the funds of the FIU in the form of payments and insurance pensions. Such a case may be the loss of the breadwinner, the onset of retirement age.

information about the insured

In modern Russia, almost all citizens have certificates of compulsory pension insurance. In abbreviated form - SNILS. This document confirms that a citizen has insurance of the pension system of the Russian Federation, and during his working life insurance premiums were paid.


SNILS is a mandatory document required for employment. In his absence, it is impossible in the future to form the right to receive an insurance pension.

SNILS can be voluntarily issued by non-working citizens, regardless of their employment, by foreign persons, minor children.

Upon receipt of SNILS, a citizen becomes the subject of legal relations in the field of pension insurance and acquires the status of an insured person. After that, he acquires certain duties and rights, bears responsibility if he does not fulfill them.

The concept and subjects of compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation

In order to create pension rights, working citizens must register with the OPS (compulsory pension insurance system). This system assumes that employers must contribute cash insurance premiums for their own employees. In addition, self-employed and unemployed citizens can make such contributions on their own.

pfd insured person

Among the subjects of legal relations of the OPS system, there are:

  1. The insurer. They may be the PFR or another non-state pension fund (NPF).
  2. The insured. The policyholders include all legal entities, employers, individuals who independently make pension contributions.
  3. Insured person. It is any citizen who has SNILS.

That is, the OPS system created by the state is a set of measures that are aimed at the formation, protection of pension rights of all citizens who have received an insurance policy in it. The specified system is based on insurance principles, according to which insurers are obliged to make deductions for persons who have insurance.

PFR insured persons

Who are they? In accordance with the law, insured persons are all people for whom insurance premiums are paid. These may include:

  1. Citizens of the Russian Federation who are employed abroad, but pay contributions to the FIU.
  2. Priests.
  3. Citizens belonging to clan communities of small nations in the Far East, North, Siberia, who work within the framework of traditional economic sectors.
  4. Members of farms and peasant farms are also considered insured persons of the FIU.
  5. Self-employed citizens who are individual entrepreneurs or engage in private practice.
  6. Citizens who are formally employed under GPC or employment contracts, that is, employees.
  7. Other categories of the population that have SNILS (adult citizens with no employment, minor children).
    experience of the insured person

In addition, the country's legislation provides that the insured person is not only a citizen of Russia, but also a citizen of another state, or one who does not have citizenship at all. It should be noted that foreign citizens temporarily or permanently residing in the country should not be highly qualified specialists.

Rights of Insured Persons

The insured person, like other objects of legal relations, has certain rights and obligations. The basic right of a citizen insured in the OPS system is the right to receive insurance coverage (pension) in a timely manner if an insured event occurs (death of a bread-winner, acquisition of disability, old age).

And that's not it. For insured persons, the legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for other rights:

  1. The right to receive pension savings on time (urgent pension payment, one-time, unlimited payment of the funded part of the pension).
  2. The right to dispose of their own pension savings (change of the management company, pension fund, etc.).
  3. The possibility of the formation of the funded part of the pension in a state or non-state pension fund.
  4. The right to protect one’s rights in judicial proceedings.
  5. The right to free replacement of the insurance certificate, if the former was lost, errors were made in it, personal data changed.
  6. The right to freely receive from your employer data on the status and balance of an individual pension account, the number of pension points, the amount of payments made, and other information. Such information can also be obtained from the FIU authorities, including through a personal account on the official portal of the fund.
    PFR office of the insured

Personification of accounting for pension rights

In order to record and organize the storage of information in the case of insured persons, a system of personalized (individual) accounting has been developed in the system of pension insurance. Keeps these records Russian Pension Fund.

This system contains the following information about insured persons:

  1. The number of accumulated pension points.
  2. Information on insurance premiums.
  3. Information about the periods of employment, wages.
  4. Personal information. Citizenship, place, date of birth, gender, full name, etc.

The main goal of developing and organizing personalized accounting is to record information about the earnings and length of service of the insured person and to control the regular payment of insurance pension contributions. This accounting system allows you to minimize inaccuracies and errors that may occur during the establishment of funded pension and insurance payments.

Individual personal accounts in the FIU

In the process of registering a citizen in the PFR system, an ILS (individual personal account) is opened for each citizen, and SNILS is assigned - an insurance number. The permanent insurance number contains control bits that allow you to determine errors in the accounting process.

In accordance with the legislation, the personal account of the insured person is divided into three parts. Each of them contains certain information about the person who has been registered in the OPS system.

  1. The first part is general. It encoded full name, income information, citizenship of the insured person, gender, address of his place of residence, periods of official employment, other data.
  2. The second part is special and reflects data on the pension right of the insured person to the funded part of the pension.
  3. The third part is professional, it reflects the amount of payments, professional experience, investment income, information about insurance payments that were made for a person who has the right to receive an early pension.
    personal account of the insured person

SNILS is assigned to the insured person once, it is not subject to replacement. Information about the insured person is constantly updated, supplemented throughout his life. Information about a citizen, even after his death, continues to be stored for some time in the FIU.

Due to the fact that the data contained on the ILS are confidential information, only the insured person can access it.


The state of a personal account can be clarified by means of a special statement. Issue its territorial bodies of the FIU. In addition, you can use the personal account of the FIU of the insured person or the State service website. This extract consists of seven blocks, each of which reflects certain information about the citizen.

rights of insured persons

Obligations of persons insured in the OPS system

In addition to rights, persons insured in the OPS system have certain responsibilities:

  1. The main one is the timely provision of reliable information, original documents directly to the insurer or policyholder.
  2. If changes occur in the documents (change of name or surname due to marriage), the citizen should notify the FIU or the employer about this. Any change in personal information may affect the payment of pension benefits when it is installed.
  3. In addition, the insured person must comply with all conditions established for the formation and payment of pensions.
    cases of insured persons

Responsibility of the insured to the FIU, the employer

The insured persons as subjects of legal relations bear some responsibility both to the insured and to the insurer. In addition, each citizen who is an employee is responsible to the employer and the FIU if he does not fulfill his duties.

If the insured persons do not fulfill the obligations entrusted to them, for example, provide incorrect information about themselves, this may entail the payment from the PFR budget of excess amounts of funds. In this case, the citizen’s responsibility will be the need to compensate the insurer for the damage that has occurred. Compensation in this case should have a monetary value, which is regulated by law. In this regard, you should monitor the implementation of their own responsibilities.

We examined who this is the insured person.

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