
Application for maternity capital: a pattern of filling. How to get maternity capital

Today we will be interested in applying for maternity capital. This is a fairly simple operation that requires special attention. After all, in fact, not everyone can draw up the mentioned capital. But such a measure of support from the state is not superfluous. Who is she put to? How is it permitted to use the allocated funds? How is the request for mother's capital filed? We will have to figure out the answers to these questions further.application for maternity capital


First, we’ll try to understand what exactly we are dealing with. What is called maternity capital in Russia?

This is a kind of measure of state support for modern families with several children. That is, a fixed amount allocated to the parents of several minors.

Such a measure of support can significantly improve the standard of living of citizens. But mother’s capital can only be spent on specific goals.

To whom should

Who is eligible to apply for maternity capital? Today, not every family has such an opportunity.

The measure of population support under study is guaranteed to people raising 2 or more children. In this case, adopted babies are also taken into account.

The recipient of funds can be either one of the parents of the child while married, or a single mother / father. If children are left without family representatives, they can be recipients of capital until they come of age. But this alignment is extremely rare. The main thing is that children were born / adopted not earlier than 2007.how to get maternity capital


How much money will be allocated after applying for the maternity capital of a particular cell in society?

It all depends on when exactly the citizens turned for help. From the number of children and from the financial situation, the mother’s capital does not change. It is installed at the federal level and is indexed from time to time.

In 2017, you can get 453,026 rubles. This amount is guaranteed to all applicants. No more money will be allocated. And to realize the right to receive capital is possible only once in a lifetime.

What to spend

Many are interested in what makes an application for maternity capital. More precisely, how can the money spent be spent. The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly prescribes the nuances of using such support for families with children.

Spending mother capital is permitted as follows:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • to pay off a mortgage loan;
  • as a down payment on a mortgage;
  • to improve housing conditions;
  • for teaching children;
  • for the treatment of minors;
  • to increase mom's future retirement.

The most common scenario is housing improvements. During registration of support for families with several children, a special certificate will be awarded. It will have to be used for certain needs. The paper is not subject to cashing.application for maternity capital

Where to ask for help

How to get maternity capital in Russia? First, you should find out where to send the request of the established sample. After all, this is the most important point.

Today, an application for maternity capital can be submitted to the IFC or to the FIU. No longer are organizations engaged in issuing the studied state support. If you wish, you can submit a request through the "State Services", but this option has so far hardly been encountered in practice. It is much easier to personally submit a statement of the established form.

Help package formation

Of course, you have to prepare a certain set of documents. Without them, an application for maternity capital will simply not be considered by an authorized body.

What is useful to parents? The following documents are included in the package of documents for obtaining a mother’s capital certificate:

  • birth certificates of all children;
  • SNILs of all participants in the process;
  • statement;
  • passports of parents;
  • certificates of registration of citizens;
  • proof of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In addition, if there are adopted children in the family, relevant evidence will have to be presented. Otherwise, receiving funds in the form of the previously mentioned capital will not work. All documents should preferably be brought along with their copies.maternity capital application form

About application methods

The application form for maternity capital is usually filled at the time of applying to the registration authority with a corresponding request. An empty form of a standard form can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia.

The document can be sent to the FIU or to the MFC:

  • personally;
  • by mail.

It is advisable to conduct all operations in person to expedite the procedure. Then the certificate, as practice shows, is issued much faster. The idea must be brought to life by the direct recipient of state support. Through a representative, issuing the capital will not work.

Form filling

How to correctly fill out an application for a certificate of maternity capital? It is not difficult to do this. Typically, the request form does not have any special fields incomprehensible to the modern population.

The document must be filled out in legible handwriting (in capital letters) with a black or dark blue pen. It is better to avoid gel pens - they can be smeared.application for a certificate of maternity capital

The statement usually says:

  • Applicant's full name;
  • Parent data
  • F. I. O. and the birth dates of all children;
  • details of birth certificates;
  • passport data;
  • SNILS numbers;
  • address of registration of all participants in the process;
  • deprivation of parental rights;
  • the reason for receiving state aid (in connection with the birth of a second, third, and so on child);
  • information that previously no capital was issued;
  • contact phone for communication with the applicant.

There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. Usually, even a child is able to cope with filling in the studied request.

Action algorithm

How to apply for maternity capital? The algorithm of actions is extremely simple. Especially if you follow all the previously listed tips.

In general, the procedure for obtaining mothercapital can be represented approximately as follows:

  1. Prepare a package of documents. We have already studied their complete list.
  2. Fill out the application in the prescribed form.
  3. Make a request to the FIU or MFC at the place of family registration.
  4. Wait for application processing.
  5. Obtain a certificate for matcapital from the registration authority.

That's all. Usually it takes about a month to realize an idea. In fact, getting the studied state support in compliance with the requirements does not cause any trouble. It is more difficult to use the issued certificate. Funds for it are usually allocated for several months. And therefore, not every company will be ready to accept payment of maternity capital services. This must be taken into account.


We found out how to get maternity capital in Russia. This process with proper preparation does not cause any trouble. Each family will cope with it.how to apply for maternity capital

Today, this form of state support is used by almost all sections of society with several children. Typically, a certificate is issued, and then waiting for the right time to use the document. Previously allocated maternal capital will be indexed by the time of its implementation. Therefore, families will not lose anything.

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