
Application for a Schengen visa: sample, features of preparation and recommendations

The application for a Schengen visa is filled out by the applicant in English, or in the language of the country where permission to enter is requested. For Schengen visa visas, the questions do not differ, and as an example, a questionnaire of any country can be used.

application for a Schengen visa

An application for a Schengen visa is submitted independently or through a representative of the consulate.

Stages of obtaining a Schengen visa

  1. Before filling, it is recommended to check the validity of the passport. It must be valid for another six months after returning from the upcoming trip.
  2. The passport must have several free pages.
  3. Fill out the application form yourself or at a travel agency. You can download it from the official website of the country whose visa is requested by the applicant.
  4. Any example can serve as an example of filling out an application for a Schengen visa to the Czech Republic or to any other Schengen country. The questions of the questionnaire do not differ from each other, regardless of the country chosen for obtaining a visa.
  5. You need to take a photo. In any photo studio or company engaged in photography, there is information about the size of the photo on the visa.
  6. Take a copy of your internal passport with you.
  7. You should have the originals of all available foreign passports with you.
  8. Next, you should pay the consular fee and take receipts with you. When applying for a visa through a travel agency or visa center, a service charge for the services of a manager is additionally paid.
  9. Next, buy an insurance policy for traveling abroad. As a rule, services for its design are offered by managers of insurance companies right at the door of the consulate or visa center.
  10. For example, after filling out an application for a Schengen visa to Germany, it is required to confirm the financial viability of the applicant. To do this, you need a bank statement and a certificate of employment indicating the position, salary and length of service. The only exception is the receipt of a Finnish Schengen visa by citizens of the Russian Federation living in St. Petersburg. For them, lightened conditions for obtaining a Finnish Schengen visa apply, which do not require proof of income and account statements.
  11. Hotel reservation (required), and air tickets (if possible).
  12. In the case of an invitation from acquaintances living abroad, confirmation of the inviter is required in the form of a letter.

Documents required to apply for a visa

  • Certificate of employment (data on income, length of service, position held with the signature of the Director General and the seal of the organization are entered).
  • Hotel reservation (it is recommended to make it for the expected dates of the trip. It is necessary to print and attach to the rest of the documents).
  • Booking tickets (if possible).
  • Bank account statements (it is recommended not to deposit contributions into the account in large amounts, because confirmation will then require income. The amount of a one-time contribution should not exceed 50% of the salary).
  • Valid passport.
  • Consular fee receipt.
  • A completed application form with a photograph.

When filling out an application for a Schengen visa, it is recommended to be very careful and, if possible, to have a sample. In case of questions, it is better to contact the managers of the travel agency or the staff of the visa center or consulate.

Where to start filling out the questionnaire?

First, the columns are filled in on the applicant’s installation data: the surname, first name are entered, exactly as written in transliteration in the foreign passport.As a rule, patronymic is optional.

Schengen visa application form

In the passport, these data are also missing. In the event that the first or last name has been changed, this must be indicated in an additional paragraph. Then, the application for a Schengen visa is entered according to the marriage certificate or certificate of change of name with the issuing authority, document number and date.

What to indicate in the paragraph on citizenship?

Many applicants make a mistake by indicating “Russia” on the issue of citizenship. It is legally correct to write "Russian Federation", or simply the Russian Federation - Russian Federation.

In the paragraph about the place of birth, data is entered according to the entry in the passport. The city, town or even just the name of the village is indicated, most importantly, as in the passport.

The sixth column indicates the country of birth. In order not to make a mistake in the data entered, it is recommended to focus on the passport. It is worth remembering that in English the USSR is written as USSR. All citizens born before 1991 write in this paragraph applications for a Schengen visa - USSR. In the paragraph on citizenship, data from the passport are entered.

What sample should I use when filling out the questionnaire?

In the process of compiling any document, you need to focus on the sample. When filling out the questionnaire, it is recommended for the first time to take as an example a similar template for a visa to the same country.

Schengen visa application form word

Despite the fact that the questions of all applications for a Schengen visa are the same, so as not to get confused, it is advisable to take a sample application form in the same country. An example of filling can also be downloaded in Word format, as well as an application for a Schengen visa.

Marital Status Information

Column number 9 contains detailed information on marital status. If the marriage is not officially registered, but the couple is living together, it is better to indicate either a single (not married), or that you live together or separately. It’s better to indicate information about your partner (last name, first name, date of birth, passport number). So more likely to get a visa.

application for a Schengen visa in Germany

As a rule, family, work, real estate - this is what keeps everyone in the country and guarantees that he will definitely come back. For such citizens, according to the sample of filling out an application for a Schengen visa, indicating full information about the spouse (if he is just a partner, then the corresponding item is selected), the percentage of refusal of a visa is minimal.

How to fill in the column on the export of a child abroad?

In column 10, if the application is submitted to a minor, the details of the parents or guardian are indicated. This also includes the address in English and citizenship. In the case when the child will make a trip together with strangers who are not his relatives, it must be remembered that the accompanying person does not fit here. This is due to the fact that this person is not the legal representative of the child.

Information about the passport and its number

Box number 11 in the sample form for applying for a Schengen visa corresponds to the identification number and is left blank.

In the question about the type of travel document, the passport is indicated as regular. It doesn’t matter whether it is chipovated or not.

Column 13 contains the number of the passport according to the way it is indicated in the document. Please note that the numbering in the passports of different samples varies. Despite this, the series is always written at the beginning and only then after the space is the number indicated.

application for a Schengen visa to the Czech Republic

In paragraphs No. 14 and No. 15 of the application form for a Schengen visa, the day is indicated first, then only the month and year. Paragraph 16 contains information about the department that issued the foreign passport and data related to this. This information is entered according to what is indicated in the passport.

Residence Information

Usually when filling out any documents they are asked to indicate the address of registration.But it is worth paying attention to the fact that in the example of an application for a Schengen visa, the current place of residence must be indicated in the home address. Information about the current location is entered, even if the applicant is not registered there and is not registered. In this case, the registration address in the questionnaire does not need to be indicated anywhere. Especially if it differs from the place of residence. This is done in order to avoid additional questions from the consulate.

An email address must be specified that is real, because they can send an email with a request for additional information. The phone number is indicated in the international format through 8 or +7.

Country of residence

The application for a Schengen visa in column No. 18 shall indicate the country from which permission to enter is requested. It is important to remember that it is not the country through which entry into the Schengen zone will be entered, but the one whose embassy will handle the application for the requested visa. If there is no residence permit, then the column relating to it shall be left blank.

Labor activity

In this matter, it is not at all necessary to talk in detail about the position held and to enter everything exactly as indicated in the work book. It will be enough to briefly indicate the name of your position. No one will thoroughly analyze the working nuances of employment. For the consulate, the most important thing is that the applicant works and can confirm his financial independence.

In the 20th column, data is filled in according to the notation:

  • "LLC" - is translated into the abbreviation LCC.
  • “JSC” - JSC.

The name of the organization does not have to be translated. In the case when the applicant is not currently working, this raises a large number of questions from the consulate:

filling out a Schengen visa application

  • If the applicant does not work, then the consulate may have questions: whether he wants to stay in the host country to live illegally. In this case, a refutation is recommended to confirm the amount of their savings with a bank statement. A letter from the sponsor is also suitable for confirming financial reliability.
  • Housewives and women on maternity leave are listed in column 19 of Housewife. This will not cause the embassy additional questions.
  • In cases where a pensioner submits an application, then, according to the sample application for a Schengen visa, Pensioner / Retired person / Oldster is entered, and nothing is filled in column No. 20.
  • Individual entrepreneurs enter individual entrepreneur / businessman. The accompanying documentation must be accompanied by a bank statement, as well as information indicating the full name of the applicant's IP.
  • Students in a school or higher education institution enter pupil / student and the name of the university or school at this point.

Purpose of the trip

At this point, regardless of the applicant’s goals, even if she is just to walk around the new city or go shopping, it is recommended to indicate “tourism” - turizm / sightseeing. Column 22 contains the name of the country whose embassy is applying for a visa. This is done even when the applicant plans to visit several countries. At the same time, it is not necessary to list all those planned for visiting the country.

In the 23rd column, the country into which the first entry is planned is entered. If the applicant, for example, flies to Rome for a week through a short transfer in Paris, despite the country of destination, France fits. Thus, the country where the first crossing of the state border of the Schengen zone is planned is indicated. In addition to the name of the country, it is desirable to indicate the city, in this example, if the airport is Charles de Gaulle (CDG), then the city is Paris.

In paragraph number 24 it is indicated - multiple (multi), and in the 25th - how many nights the applicant plans to stay in the country.

When staying in hotels, the number of nights is always considered. This can be useful if the consul will check this item with information about booking a hotel room.The total number of nights is indicated, including different hotels / countries. If one hotel is being booked, its name and address are entered, if several, then the one in which the applicant will be the longest is entered. You can also enter the very first hotel.

If there are previously issued visas, not earlier than three years ago, their number, country, validity period and how much the applicant had had are indicated.


Beginning in the fall of 2014, the procedure for issuing fingerprints became a prerequisite for issuing visas. They are removed at the applicant’s personal visit to the visa center / consulate. This is done every five years.

Schengen visa application form

In question 34, it is necessary to answer at whose expense the trip is made - for your own (cash, credit - payment by credit card). If the applicant was invited by friends or relatives, then details of the inviting party are entered.

Where can I get the form for the questionnaire?

The application form for a Schengen word-format visa can be taken on the official website of the consulate. It is filled in using the program personally or is obtained at a travel agency. Also, when applying for a visa yourself, samples and forms can be taken directly from the consulate.

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