
Police theft statement: sample, drafting features and requirements

When something was stolen from a person, he hardly recalls at first what a sample of a statement about a theft to the police looks like. The first emotions are quite strong. Only after the victim calms down can we talk about any actions. Our article will help you navigate the situation, so read and remember.

Where to go

Writing a statement

People from childhood know that if a disaster happens, then you need to contact a representative of the law. This, of course, is correct. By the way, there is always a sample of the theft statement hanging on the police stand for review, but we were distracted.

As soon as something has been stolen from you, you need to immediately look for the nearest branch and write a statement there. If you robbed an apartment or a house, then in such a situation, treatment is possible only in that area, which is geographically close to the house.

After applying

When the sample police theft statement has been studied and the paper is written, the servants of the law open a criminal case. The basis is Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

If the damage from the theft is insignificant, then the offender gets off with administrative punishment. What is meant by minor damage, because for each person this is a different amount? Damage is assessed based on the financial situation of the victim.

To institute a criminal case, you need to not only write a statement about the theft to the police according to the model, but also prove the great value of the stolen things.

Often you can hear from the police that applying is not worth it. They argue this with the fact that the thing was old or there was no way to find a thief. Remember once and for all - if there is at least one chance to return your thing, you need to use it.

When the police do not want to start a case, say that refusing to initiate it is considered illegal, and they will have to answer for it.

What time period to apply

Departure of the policeman

We have already noted that a sample of a statement to the police about the theft of property must be sought in the department, there it will certainly be true. And what about the timing? When can I apply, and in which case is it too late?

It is best to apply at the moment when the loss was discovered, because it is easier to solve a fresh crime. Police officers must arrive at the scene and interview all witnesses to the incident.

Theoretically, the victim may be engaged in the survey, but not the fact that people voluntarily respond to the call. Guardians of the law have every reason for this, and therefore they have the right to seize all materials if there are surveillance cameras nearby.

All of the above does not mean that after the passage of time it is impossible to contact the authorities. Within six years, the victim can write a statement to the police regarding the theft, a sample of which is located in the lobby of the site. This period is established by 78 articles of the Criminal Code. If he expired, then the robber is not punished for the crime.

In what form to apply

Sample Application

It is not enough to find a sample statement to the police about the theft (phone, money, theft of other property), you need to submit the document in the correct form.

The law allows:

  1. Oral appeal.
  2. Written statement.

When it comes to oral treatment, it is understood that the statement is written by the policeman according to the victim. Paper should be drawn up as required. The victim should sign below. Thus, the veracity of the content of the statement is confirmed.

The following can be said about the written statement:

  1. The paper is the victim himself. The text should contain a description of the events.
  2. The statement must be consistent.The document is written without errors and vague wording.
  3. If the application contains false information, then the victim will be held responsible for this.
  4. If the victim asks for a sample of the theft of money from the police, he is usually not refused.

When they do not accept the application

Case initiation

The Code of Criminal Procedure governs this moment, it is spelled out in article 144. It states that the servant of the law cannot refuse to accept the application, and it does not matter where the theft was committed and what damage was caused.

In addition to accepting the paper, the policeman must register it. If the application is refused to be accepted due to the lack of free employees, errors in the text, minor damage or a violation of the sequence in the statement, the applicant may contact the prosecutor's office.

Inaction Complaint

Employees of the department have the right to check how legitimate the actions of the representative of law and order. During such inspections, violations may be discovered for which incompetent police officers will be administratively or criminally liable.

Review Procedure

Criminal Code

When a sample statement to the police about the theft of a passport, phone or other thing was found, and the paper itself was written, the turn of its registration comes. As soon as the document has been registered, the agency within three days decides to open a case or informs that the institution was refused.

The term shall be considered from the day of appeal. True, if there are certain circumstances, then the decision period is extended to a month.

When the victim is denied criminal proceedings, he can challenge the decision.

If a criminal case is opened, then the victim of the robbery has the right to control the process. To do this, even at the time of writing the statement, you need to take a notification coupon and a certificate of theft from the police. The first one says when the application and the position with the surname, patronymic and name of the person who received it were accepted. A second paper is required to replace identity documents. Of course, a certificate will not replace a passport for several years, but it will come in handy while a new one is being prepared.

How to write a statement

What the statement looks like

It also happens that a sample statement to the police about the theft of documents is not found. What to do in this case? Stop panicking, because a statement can be written without a sample, you just need to know a few rules. So what should be in the statement?

  1. Destination specified. Usually indicate the chief of the police station. Surname, middle name and first name are written in the upper right corner, as well as title, position.
  2. Information about the applicant is written in the same corner: first name, middle name, last name, telephone. When writing an application, you need to consider that no one will consider anonymous papers.
  3. Next is the content itself. The applicant describes the theft, and all circumstances deserving at least the slightest attention must be entered.
  4. The next step is writing confirmation of the veracity of the information and agreeing that false information is criminally punishable.
  5. At the end of the statement, the applicant asks to prosecute the criminal and institute criminal proceedings.
  6. At the bottom of the statement is the current date and signature.

If you stole the phone

phone theft statement

A sample of writing a phone theft to the police is shown above. You can also use the plan provided in the article. It is important to understand that in each situation it is necessary to describe different things.

For example, when a phone is stolen, the application should pay special attention to its description. It is better to indicate all the signs of a scratched case, cracks. It will be nice to provide documents confirming the fact of ownership of the device. By the way, the documentation contains IMEI, which is individually assigned to each phone.

If you stole a bike

We have already spoken about how to write a statement to the police about the theft correctly. Now we will try to give as many tips as possible that will help in certain situations. Let's examine the theft of a bicycle.

The statement must indicate:

  1. Significance of damage.
  2. The description of the bike and will take the form of scratches, parts of different colors and other things.
  3. The amount of non-pecuniary damage. This item applies to situations where the bike was donated or acted as a reward.

What else do you need to know

If you do not want to let the theft go and look for the culprit, but there are problems with a sample of a statement to the police about the theft of a cable, phone or other property, then maybe you should stop. First check if the item is really stolen. Often the item is lost, and its master-alarmist immediately rushes to the police. You should first look for a thing, and when you are absolutely sure that it was stolen, you should contact the police.

Often you can observe the situation when the victim of the robbery indicates, in her opinion, the perpetrators. Since the presumption of innocence is valid in our country, it may turn out that the victim himself will incur criminal penalties for false information or denunciation. To avoid this, try to write a statement with a calm head and refrain from unfounded accusations.

There is one more point to keep in mind. It is about returning the application. The law prohibits doing this even if a thing is found. If a person has found an item, then he must write a new statement in which he will ask not to initiate a case or to terminate it. The reason for the action will be misconception about the theft. Even if a representative of the law assiduously reminds about responsibility for giving false testimonies, there is no need to refuse your words.

Termination of business

We have already noted above that you cannot withdraw a statement, but there is a loophole here. Terminate the criminal case during the trial. This is due to article 25 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. It says that the case is terminated at the request of the victim, but this is done only in case of slight damage or the crime committed is classified as an act of moderate gravity. It's about theft.

It is important to understand that the case will not be closed just like that. Therefore, the statement must indicate that the victim no longer has claims and the parties reconciled.

Important nuance

Whenever a theft is committed, the application must be accepted at any time. Representatives of the law can not refuse, citing the end of the working day, heavy workload or other reasons. This moment is prescribed in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, and its non-compliance leads to criminal or administrative punishment of a law enforcement officer.

The same applies to the departure of police at the crime scene.


Stealing money

As you rightly noted, laws are on the side of the victims. However, not all representatives of the law comply with the rules. Therefore, there are so many unsolved crimes and dissatisfied victims. If the police treated their work with respect, there would be very few such situations. And so we have what we have, but this is not a reason to despair.

Strive for the truth, especially if you know that the law is on your side. Try to speak with law enforcement officers exceptionally politely and calmly. They are not to blame for the fact that such a misfortune happened to you. You can try to put yourself in the place of the police. They have more than one thing to do in production and, of course, people are very tired, although this is not a reason to neglect their own duties.

Talk to representatives of the law humanly, without shaking your rights and not demanding everything at once. Then they will treat you with understanding and sympathy, and the matter will move forward.

Remember, in all situations, you must remain people and not look for those responsible for your misfortune. Stop demanding from others and start doing it yourself. Only in this way will you be able to achieve harmony, and in a state of equilibrium, all sorts of troubles will be avoided, because they are attracted by unhappy people.

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