
Land balance and the procedure for its compilation

After the inventory is completed, it is necessary to draw up a land balance of the region or district. In order to form it, it is necessary to make a selection of the areas of all lands and simultaneously distributed territories in all categories. The total area must always be equal to the amount of land by type of land. Only in this way can we understand that the balance is drawn up correctly.land balance

The concept and purpose of the land balance of the territory

Land balance is a system of documents that describes the entire land fund on one administrative-territorial unit. At the moment, rural, township and city councils are calculating the balance. They are engaged in consideration and approval. They submit all the data in a special time frame for accounting for the balance of a particular district or region, as well as the country. The main objective of the balance is an attempt to identify the actual state of the land fund in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in the country as a whole, as well as how much this territory is used.

When compiling the land balance, the characteristics of the fund by category are indicated. Land users and owners are allocated, and an assessment of the state of the territory is carried out. All this is indicated for a certain (reporting) period. The main thing is that absolutely all indicators are as reliable as possible. Documents should be formalized and justified all changes if the land ownership or land composition changes. If the area or quality changes, then this must be reflected in the balance sheet.land balance of the district

Balance formation

A land balance should be formed in accordance with special instructions. It is necessary to pay attention to the principles of accounting, that is, to complexity, automation and other characteristics so that the documents comply with the rules of the Russian Federation.

Land balance can be called data and their list, which fully determine the presence of land changes. There is a breakdown by type of land and land.

The balance of the urban-type territory should be called the distribution of the territory within the city, depending on its use and structure. It should be noted that the urban territory is divided into several parts: there are urban lands and special areas.land balance example

The procedure for compiling the land balance of the territory

Composing the land balance of a region or district, it is formed on the basis of information that is accumulated in a special cadastre. There, the data are placed as a result of improvements and making information about the condition of the land, what is their area, location and other characteristics.

If it comes to compiling a report on the availability of land of the subject, then it is necessary to submit it to the Federal Cadastre Agency after compilation. In order to compile it, it is necessary to use forms of ownership, categories and lands. All this is spelled out in federal law. The report must be confirmed and signed by the head of the relevant authority.

Along with the report, a decision should also be provided from senior officials that it has been submitted and reviewed. The balance sheet described should be drawn up once a year. For this, it is necessary to take into account all the changes that have been made and consolidated legally. Due to this periodicity, you can track all the changes that have occurred with the land fund over 12 months. Also thanks to this, you can notice the maximum effectiveness of all measures taken and decide whether to continue the existing policy.


The main principle of compiling the land balance of the district is an indicator of the principle. The whole structure should be as interconnected as possible and a change in one indicator will entail a change in another. The equality of results should be strict, which shows the relationship between all indicators.

Balance can be made in several forms. It is an abridged and detailed one. The second view is to display all the options for the movement of a particular section. Such a balance may resemble a chess table.

In the abridged version, the detail of the change of species of any land is not taken into account. As a rule, this type of balance is made up every year. In full form, documentation should be drawn up every 5 years. In this case, all documents should be supplemented with pollution and reclamation data.land balance of the region

Compilation Nuances

When drawing up the balance should write out all types of land that are available. Next, you need to add all types of land income and take away all types of disposal. This number is equal to the presence of this area of ​​land, which remained at the end of the year. All completed land balance report forms of a district or city are a summary of the characteristics of smaller administrative structures. Further, it must be sent for consideration to a higher authority.

When drawing up the balance, it is necessary to take into account all important indicators. It is necessary to indicate the list of all lands, classifying them by type. Next, you need to record the size of each of them at the beginning of the year. Then you should indicate the dimensions of the territories for the entire period. Next, you need to write the types and size of all the lands that have been eliminated in the described time.

If a list of sites that are at the disposal of legal entities and individuals is compiled, then they are called an application. In order to draw up a land balance, use the information provided by enterprises, institutions and citizens. It is necessary to provide a certificate of the state of the territory and land use. Next, make a list in which you need to indicate the changes that have occurred in the composition of the plots. Next, you need to attach updates to the cartographic documents. Often use information from cadastral books.

Care should be taken to account for the balance of the previous year. It should also indicate the condition of the soil, indicate the environmental and economic assessment, data from the state control regarding the proper use of land. If any sections were seized, then attach documents that confirm this. If the land is transferred into ownership, then it is also necessary to have papers that will legally confirm this.

The list does not end there, however, we have listed the most ambitious and necessary indicators for the balance. As a rule, all balance sheet documents have a single format for each administrative unit of the Russian Federation. When similar documents are compiled, information that is relevant only within a specific locality is used. The following are the housing and operating organizations, various enterprises that have subordinate land plots. This list can be quite large, depending on the size of the administrative unit. drawing up the land balance of the district

Regulation of land and property relations of the territory

At the moment, there is an opinion that without interference in market power by the state, especially when it comes to land relations, you can not do. At the moment, the sphere is fully regulated by the President of the Russian Federation, if his words do not contradict the current legislation.

The government of the state is able to make decisions that allow to achieve maximum economic equality. Participants in land relations should be called citizens, legal entities, and so on.Land is an object in respect of which there is a certain legal regime. It is because of this that it can be an object of law and legal relations.balancing of land

Economic valuation of land

In order to draw up a land balance, it is necessary to know how the economic valuation of land occurs. It characterizes the value of the territory as a means of the production cycle. Accordingly, it also allows you to find out how effective and high-quality certain lands are.

The object of economic evaluation, as a rule, is not the soil, but the land itself and its area. It includes a description of the natural factors that affect the production process. If we talk about the totality of all factors, then, in principle, they and the consideration of specific economic conditions determine the use of land in the future.

When land and appraisal work is carried out to compile the land balance of the district, the totality of all the above conditions is accumulated in the agricultural production group of the soil. This characteristic unites the earth and determines the nature of use.

The economic goal of the assessment is to create all the prerequisites for the rational use of land and address these issues. When it comes to protecting resources, the economic mechanism should be improved.

If we talk about the tasks of economic assessment, then it is necessary for the conduct and compilation of the land balance of a district or region in order to establish the productivity of each economy and determine the percentage of production labor.

The results of the economic assessment also serve to solve certain problems. We are talking about the development of the land market, the introduction and withdrawal of plots, raising or lowering taxes, rents and the value of plots, establishing compensation payments, as well as evaluating the activities of the Earth.land in the balance sheet

The composition of agricultural land of the municipality (general information)

Agricultural lands are those lands that are outside the boundaries of the settlement. They are provided by the state in order to conduct rural activities. They can also include areas that are occupied by a forest belt, buildings and roads. The hayfields and pastures are under special protection. It's no secret that agricultural land is necessary in order to grow crops that determine the level of economy in the country.

Arable land is a field that should be cultivated and used for sowing annually. Hayfields and pastures are also an important attribute of municipal land. This territory is a meadow where grassy vegetation grows. As a rule, cattle are grazed here and grass is mowed in order to make animal feed.

How to balance the land

In order to put the site on balance, you need to know its value. It must be indicated in the documentation of the sale. If its optimal price is unknown, then you need to call an expert who will conduct special studies and will be able to indicate the cost. It should be noted that when setting up land plots on the balance sheet, the cost is not indicated only if the land was transferred to the enterprise from the state.

Then it is necessary to conduct an analytical accounting of land, which is compiled in hectares. In this case, the land should be immediately distributed by type of land. It is necessary to determine the book value of the site, taking into account VAT, and form a commission. It will determine the quality and effectiveness of the land, as well as put it on balance. In the act, which is submitted to a special office, it is necessary to reflect all the characteristics. We are talking about area, book value, configurations and so on.


In conclusion, it should be said that the land plot in balance, the line of which is highlighted in bold, provides a very high value for the state.

It should be noted that any human activity is connected with the earth. It is used as the basis for production.

In the agricultural sector will be the most important Earth. Here it represents a material basis. In order to rationally use the land, it is necessary to balance the land and constantly monitor its use.

The organization of rational use is a rather broad and complex concept. In order to maximize the use of the territory, it is necessary to take real tasks and requirements for implementation. It should be noted that balance is just one of the most effective methods of monitoring the state of the existing territory.

Here you should indicate all the expenses that are made to increase production. Thus, if any damage to the land or a decrease in fertility occurs, then you must first try to return the characteristics of the soil, that is, to carry out methods of struggle and protect the land. In extreme cases, the territory will have to be decommissioned.

In general, an example of the land balance is indicated in the article, so it is not difficult to compile it. The main thing is to make a table correctly, and then specify the characteristics. If everything is correct, then when sending a document to a higher authority, you will not have to redo the document several times.

Do not forget that some papers should be provided in the kit, as they will be a confirmation of the characteristics that are presented in the balance sheet. If we are talking about an enterprise that owns land and is engaged in agricultural activities, then often land in the balance sheet appears and is its main basis. This should also be considered in order to compile documentation correctly.

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