
Gold card "MIR" of Sberbank for state employees: features, conditions and reviews

In the modern world, almost everyone has a bank card. A rare case when a person has one, usually several of them, issued by different banks, and each plays a role in the life of its owner. Anyone can go to a branch of a bank and apply for a card of any payment system, replenish it or receive a salary on it and use it in any place where they accept cashless payments. For this, a passport and a desire to purchase a given banking product are basically enough. However, there is a category of citizens who are required to use the MIR payment system as a salary card. Some were even given gold. This category of citizens belongs to civil servants.

Who are state employees?

In order to understand, consider in more detail. Public sector employees - employees, maintenance and management personnel in state institutions. This category of employees includes: tax inspectors, customs officers, health workers, education workers, social services, military personnel, police officers, scientists, and so on. Thus, it becomes clear that public sector employees are significant for the state, and it is important to pay for their work uninterruptedly.

Payment system MIR: where and why?

Payment system MIR

The national substation MIR was created at the end of 2015 as a necessary measure of the Russian government against the growing pressure of the Western coalition. The use of Visa and Mastercard payment systems that are familiar to all residents of Russia suddenly seemed to come under some threat, as they are under the control of foreign countries, introducing more and more economic sanctions against our country.

Since all payments from the budget are received by citizens by bank transfer via plastic cards, it was decided to create the MIR payment system, which is 100% controlled by the NSPK, which is a "daughter" of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In addition, to promote the national MIR system, a bill was created on 04/26/2017. He obliges to transfer salary transfers in all budgetary organizations to MIR bank plastic cards by June 30, 2018.


Sberbank’s MIR gold card for public sector employees is a golden plastic rectangle, the front side contains a chip (microprocessor), the MIR and Sberbank logos, the MIR hologram, the number, name, and surname of the owner are shown in an embossed way, the term is indicated means of payment, the Wi-Fi sign is displayed, turned upside down by 90 degrees (indicating the possibility of contactless payment in a trade and service network). On its reverse side there is a magnetic strip, a field for the signature of the owner, PPK2, information about the bank, including the telephone number of the hot line.

Main characteristics

Sberbank of Russia

Gold card "MIR" from Sberbank has the following main parameters:

  • card currency - rubles;
  • validity period - 5 years;
  • annual maintenance cost - 3000 rubles;
  • the ability to draw up additional cards;
  • connection of the bonus program "Thank you from Sberbank";
  • connection of additional options (mobile bank, Sberbank Online).


Like all gold cards, the MIR card has its own advantages for the holder.

  1. Free provision of the Mobile Bank service (full package), which allows you to track all movements of funds in the account, each completed transaction is accompanied by SMS notification.
  2. Increased cash withdrawal limits: 300 thousand rubles / day, 3 million rubles / month (for comparison, with a classic card, the withdrawal limit is 150 thousand rubles / 1.5 million rubles, respectively).
  3. Contactless payment in the sales and service network, a quick and convenient way to shop.
  4. The ability to be serviced around the clock through the contact center of Sberbank.
  5. The opportunity to receive increased bonuses under the program "Thank you from Sberbank."
  6. Activation of the “Auto payment” service to pay utility bills, cellular services and other services.
  7. A high degree of protection applied in the production of cards, the use of the latest modern technical and software technologies that increase the reliability and security of this means of payment.
  8. Participation in profitable bonus programs from partners, as well as receiving additional bonuses.
  9. Independence from external political and economic factors entailing a blockage of funds and the impossibility of their use, as may be the case with cards of foreign payment systems.

And, of course, one of the main advantages of the Sberbank gold card “MIR” for state employees is the opportunity to emphasize their high status and prestige in the eyes of others.

Some disadvantages

Card payment

Along with the advantages, the MIR gold card has some disadvantages.

  1. Inability to pay it abroad. So far, mainly with this means of cashless payments you can pay only on the territory of Russia. But in the near future, Sberbank intends to introduce the ability to make purchases with cards of the MIR payment system in foreign countries.
  2. There is no way to pay for purchases on foreign sites, for example, on such a very popular in our country like Aliexpress.
  3. The currency in which the card is opened is only rubles. For a certain category of citizens this is a serious minus.
  4. No interest on the balance. For example, on the MIR pension card of Sberbank, the funds on it are charged 3.5% per annum.
  5. Expensive annual service, in cases where the organization for some reason does not pay for the holding client.

As can be seen from all of the above, the Sberbank gold card MIR for state employees has both pros and cons. By the way, any means of cashless payments has its drawbacks, they simply can not be avoided. Here the benefits are clearly outweighed.

Replenishment of the gold card "WORLD"

Card replenishment
  1. For self-replenishment, Sberbank offers several options: depositing cash through an ATM or Sberbank terminal with the function of receiving cash.
  2. By wire transfer from a Sberbank debit card via: Sberbank Online online service, Mobile Bank SMS service, ATM or Sberbank terminal.
  3. By wire transfer from another bank account. To transfer, you need to know the following details: full name of the recipient, card number, account number. A commission is taken for this operation, according to the tariffs of the bank from which the transfer is made.
  4. Cash deposit through the cash desk of the office of Sberbank.

When replenishing the SIRBANK's MIR gold card for state employees by transferring money from a card or account opened with another bank, funds are credited to the account most often the day after the funds arrive at Sberbank of Russia. In any case, the transfer takes no more than 3 days.

How to get a state employee gold card "MIR" of Sberbank?

MIR map from Sberbank

As mentioned above, the golden plastic of any payment system allows its holder to emphasize a high status, distinguishing it from the holders of ordinary classic cards. And for such an element, emphasizing the prestige of the owner, you need to pay extra. The gold card "MIR" of Sberbank for state employees is no exception. But not in all cases.

If it was issued to the client by the bank for salary, in agreement with the organization that will transfer the funds to the holder, then the annual service for the client will be absolutely free.It should be noted that the organization draws up gold cards of MIR of Sberbank for state employees very rarely. As a rule, such a means of cashless payments is provided to the heads of organizations, their deputies, chief accountants, department heads and other employees holding senior positions.

If the bank issues a classic card to the client for receiving wages, and the client is not satisfied with its status, he can take care of drawing up gold plastic in his own name. To do this, you need to contact the bank branch yourself. You must have a passport with you. Next, you need to apply for an Sberbank gold “MIR” card as an individual, if you are ready to pick it up and all the necessary details, contact your accounting department and write a salary application for it. However, in this case, the employee will pay for annual services in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

Holders reviews

Sberbank's MIR gold card for state employees is a multifunctional tool that allows you to store, transfer funds, make purchases in the trade and service network, pay for various services via the Internet and perform other operations.

It does not satisfy some state employees as a means of payment in foreign trips. I would like to note that usually all the advantages of the golden plastic of another payment system are felt by customers abroad, because with such status cards some bonuses are available to them, such as booking hotels, renting a car and more. And also they put a convenient and more profitable currency conversion. No one gets such privileges on the MIR gold card.

Types of plastic cards

However, if this is very important, there is no difficulty in issuing the golden plastic of another payment system and using it abroad. The same applies to purchases on various foreign websites.

Another category of citizens uses the card with pleasure, such as a rule have a more patriotic approach to this topic. For example, the military and police officers are more understanding about transferring salaries to cards of the national payment system.

The MIR card of Sberbank for state employees and workers in other areas is accepted by citizens ambiguously. Do not forget that the payment system does not exist long enough. Compared with well-known foreign counterparts, it should be noted that to date, very large-scale work has been done to create and promote a national system, in a fairly short period of time, MIR cards have become very popular among the population and in many ways are not inferior to others.

Can I refuse a card as part of a payroll project?

MIR plastic card

As mentioned above, Sberbank’s MIR cards for public sector employees — salary cards — began to be issued on a large scale as a result of the law signed by the President of the Russian Federation on the mandatory transfer of public sector employees to the national payment system. Moreover, the law specifies specific dates to which all budgetary organizations should strive. Based on this, it is worth taking the new salary card for granted, not focusing on the cons. For every minus there is a plus. That is, the current difficult economic situation in the world can create such conditions for an ordinary citizen of Russia that the MIR card will become for him the only possible means for receiving salaries and cashless payments, like no other analogue of other payment systems.


Based on all the characteristics and conditions of Sberbank's “MIR” gold card for public sector employees, it can be concluded that in general it has all the necessary functionality, like any other plastic. Even a little more, namely such bonuses as underlining the status, free mobile bank, an increased amount of "Thank you" from partners.Given that such a status card for public sector employees who occupy high positions is given free of charge, here their holders can only be envied.

If in the future the government achieves support for the MIR payment system in foreign countries, then such a means of payment will no longer be an alternative, but will successfully replace all foreign counterparts.

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