
Accreditation on electronic trading floors: what is it and why is it necessary? EETP - electronic trading platform

Accreditation on electronic trading floors is a necessary event for anyone who is interested in participating in auctions held on the vast expanses of the virtual web. There are two options for obtaining the appropriate status: on their own or with the help of an intermediary. In one case, you will have to thoroughly study the features and logic of such a scheme, in the second - be ready to pay for the service. Often the amount is quite impressive.

accreditation on electronic trading floors

Some features

If you are interested in ETP accreditation and you are ready to try to do it yourself, you need to be patient and have time. First you need to study the requirements, then draw up an application and send it to the operator. The review may take up to five business days. Operators will analyze the correctness of the design of the document and, with errors, return it for revision. If completed correctly, you can assume that the future is in your pocket: you are admitted to auctions.

Accreditation on electronic trading platforms is assisted by special organizations. There have been a lot of such people lately, but you should not contact anyone horrible. First you need to analyze the feedback on the work of the company, otherwise there is a chance that you will meet an insufficiently qualified specialist, because of which you can suffer losses: for example, the deadlines will be violated or the documents will not be executed correctly.

etp electronic trading platform

Urgent - maybe ...

EETP is an electronic trading platform where new offers appear every day. Many modern companies are introducing a special position - an operator that tracks offers, tenders and auctions published on such a resource. But what if you only decided to try to master it, and immediately found an offer that turned out to be profitable, suitable for you, combined with the work profile?

To participate and post your answer, you must first formalize. But there is no time at all! Especially if it is a tender, the deadlines are much earlier than those five working days expire, during which the site representatives can examine your documents and allow them to participate.

But how?

So, the EETP (electronic trading platform) has become the venue for some profitable offers, and you do not have a digital signature or registration yet. What to do and what to do? In this situation, working with an intermediary cannot be avoided. You will have to contact a company specializing in providing entrepreneurs with quick access to sites.

You order the service and in half an hour you get a ready account and the ability to sign documents in digital format. As a rule, such companies also offer technical support at first, that is, their specialists will help place an order in the auction that interests you, and will provide all possible assistance during the bidding process.

mmvb electronic trading platform

Avoiding difficulties

What is the difference between modern trading floors of RTS electronic trading? Only an entrepreneur who was able to pre-issue an electronic digital signature can work for them. If you have not done so already, you should eliminate this omission if possible. Such a signature simplifies the work not only with tenders and auctions, but is also indispensable when processing various applications in government agencies in electronic format.

But in the event that you already have an EDS, then it's time to master the MICEX (electronic trading platform), study the government contracts offered at it and apply for them if you are confident in your abilities.

The procedure for obtaining approval from representatives of some virtual site is usually quite confusing if the person is not an expert in this matter. But take a closer look: on the site that you choose to work, there is an instruction. Try to follow it, and then everything will work out. In general, for different sites, such procedures are quite similar, but there are some differences. But the accreditation received on electronic trading floors will allow you to quickly prepare a documentation package that will give access to a profitable offer.

trading floors of electronic trading rts

What do you need to have?

In order for accreditation on electronic trading floors to be successful, you need to pre-attend to the preparation of the documentation necessary for the correct registration. All papers must be scanned, a single archive must be created from them and sent to either the operator or an intermediary, who will then contact the resource and organize the work process.

List of documentation:

  • Extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the USRIP. The paper must be received shortly before the submission of documents for accreditation (within six months);
  • Charter;
  • A document confirming the appointment of a manager. Such must be certified by the seal of the enterprise. It can be a solution or a protocol.
  • A power of attorney giving the right to a specific person to represent the interests of the company as a whole during accreditation and subsequent work on the MICEX (electronic trading platform) or other resource
  • Account details.

How to defeat the bureaucracy?

However, it’s not so scary. Therefore, trading floors of RTS electronic trading were opened, the state tried to find ways to minimize the influence of the bureaucracy on business in the country. Therefore, the process, even if it is a work with a sufficiently large bundle of papers listed earlier, is not as complicated as it seems from afar.

accreditation on a single electronic trading platform

When working with an intermediary, you must perform the following actions:

  • scan the documentation;
  • choose an intermediary;
  • send all papers to the supervising manager;
  • specify a set of services;
  • fill in additional papers that can be sent by company representatives;
  • enter into a contract;
  • pay the bill.

If accreditation on electronic trading floors is planned on your own, then you do not need to conclude an agreement and pay an invoice, just select a resource and send a package of documents there.

When the resource confirms the documents sent to it, the entrepreneur gains access and can participate in all auctions published on the site. At the same time, you can apply for what seems to be profitable, and form price offers. In some cases, this extends for a period of up to seven business days, so the sooner the accreditation begins on a single electronic trading platform, the more profitable it is for your company.

Bankruptcy Auctions

Why are virtual trading floors so popular? It is here that you can literally “hit the jackpot” - to find an offer that turns out to be uniquely beneficial. And first of all, it is necessary to mention bankruptcy auctions. They become more relevant every month, although until recently they were a curiosity unfamiliar to the Russian business community. Businessmen began to realize that such auctions are fraught with great profits and quite multifaceted. Access to them is provided by accreditation on electronic trading floors of Sberbank.

It is believed that in the event of bankruptcy, all auctions are conducted with an increase in value. But in practice there is also an alternative type: public offerings. They are much less common and differ in the logic of work. Here a certain period is set during which the initial price becomes less.Prior to the event, a provision on the procedure is adopted, and it is in accordance with it that the cost changes. Will accreditation on electronic trading floors ultimately be beneficial? The price of a lot bought through bankruptcy on a public offer is usually several times lower than the average market price, which fully justifies the efforts to obtain a legal account.

accreditation on electronic trading floors

Venues: what are

First, the definition: ETP is usually called such sites on the World Wide Web that give their users access to various auctions through the virtual web. There is no “live" auction, which are used to in previous years, which are familiar to us from the films. All interaction takes place in digital format. If the entrepreneur has access to the network, he can become a bidder and win them. To do this, you will have to comply with current regulations. The most attractive auctions are those at which the property of bankrupt organizations is sold, which, as they say, is "in debt, like in silk."

Large resources:

  • GLAD;
  • Sberbank-AST;
  • METs;
  • "Manufacturer";
  • Utender
  • "Implementation Center".

Of course, these services are somewhat different from each other, which is why accreditation on electronic trading platforms is also different. The term of its receipt and duration - all this is determined by the rules of a particular site. Each of them has its own specific interface, requirements for a program for using the Internet, and workstation parameters.

accreditation on electronic trading floors of Sberbank

Why accredit?

ETP differs in the work regulations, the first point of which is accreditation. Without passing it, you can not get admission to auctions. Upon successful passage, the user receives at his disposal a personal account, which is then used in the auction and is necessary to form applications.

In previous years, accreditation could be obtained for up to three years, but recently the rules have changed slightly, and now an account is issued for 12 months. If, after this period, the entrepreneur still plans to work in this format, he needs to either go through the procedure again or request a prolongation. It can last different time periods. In some cases, only a quarter of an hour, sometimes three full days. How long the extension will be is determined by the employment of the operators of the site on which you work. If there are employees who are not busy with urgent tasks, then applications for extension are considered separately, otherwise you will have to wait until you reach the general queue.

accreditation on electronic trading floors Price

First step

To begin the process of primary accreditation, you first need to clarify whether your electronic signature will work on this site. To do this is quite simple: on each resource there is a functionality that allows you to run a scan. If the result is positive, then you can download the documents and fill out a special application, and then wait for an answer. Please note: although accreditation usually takes place from three to seven business days, in practice often an answer is sent much earlier.

Some subtleties

Above was a list of documents required for your application to be approved. But note: not only legal entities, but also individuals are allowed to participate in some auctions. If you want to register in this format, you don’t need all the documents mentioned above, you just need to fill out the application and attach an electronic copy of the applicant’s identity document to it.

Also, access to the sites is available to interested persons who do not possess the citizenship of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is necessary to provide the site’s operators with documentation that confirms that the person was registered in accordance with the legal standards of their country and is legal there or conducts individual activities.

etp accreditation

Also do not forget to provide your email address.These data will be useful to the operator, who will notify you of changes in the site and changes in the status of the application.


A few years ago, an electronic signature seemed like a completely crazy innovation. No one could figure out how to use this, and numerous skeptics said that this was too unreliable a method of certifying documents, which was just waiting for a skilled hacker. Years passed, and nowadays it is practically impossible to do business without an electronic digital signature - unless, of course, you try to keep up to date and use all available opportunities.

Solving legal issues no longer requires face-to-face meetings; the Internet has helped replace them with a much more convenient, profitable and efficient electronic communication format. Moreover, practice has shown that an electronic signature is even more reliable than a handwritten one, since a cryptographic converter is used to create it, which eliminates the possibility of falsification - but you can’t say the same about the classic version.

assistance in accreditation on electronic trading platforms

When applying for accreditation, you will have to sign it with just such a digital signature. Please note: in the future you will be able to bid only from the computer to which the flash memory where the digital signature is stored is connected at that moment.

Success and failure

The worst thing that usually scares a businessman who starts his work on a virtual trading platform is a refusal when trying to get accreditation. If this happens, you should check whether all documents have been sent to the operator. Each paper should be standard, normative, that is, exactly the kind that the laws of the country describe. Also study the cover letter. In case of failure, the operators of the trading platform always inform about the reasons for such a decision.

accreditation on a single electronic trading platform

But with success, no difficulties are foreseen. The applicant receives personal data, and the site operator enters it among the participants, adding to the special register. This usually happens within 24 hours of the approval of the application.

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