
Antistress Toys Business Idea

The fact that stress is always harmful is known to everyone. The fact that they make a lot of money from stress is not a secret either. How to fit harmoniously into the ranks of businessmen? Anti-stress toys! They have low cost, good profitability and quick payback with small investments.

Business investment

Firstly, even before you look for a room, it is worth considering how you will produce antistress toys. Will it be mass and extensive production? Or do you plan to sell them without purchasing all the necessary equipment? The options are:

  1. Open your own sewing workshop.
  2. Order private models from private seamstresses.
  3. Order finished products in the tailoring workshops.

If you plan to create your own workshop, you will need a medium-sized room. If you plan to order tailoring from third parties, then you can do with only a small warehouse for finished products.

Renting or buying a room can cost differently, depending on location, region, size. If, however, sewing is ordered in sewing workshops, then you should agree on a wholesale price in advance.

Secondly, consumables. Such toys are usually made from different fillers: it can be polystyrene granules, and cherry pits, and buckwheat. The last two options are natural, and special demands are made on such toys. So, if the filler is made from seeds, then the toy can be heated (it retains heat well). The price of such a product will be at

[caption id = "attachment_4654" align = "alignright" width = "300"]anti stress toys Own business: anti-stress toys [/ caption]

order higher. Typically, buyers are the parents of young children. If the filler is buckwheat, then you should prepare for the fact that the toy will have a specific smell. It must not be washed and generally exposed to moisture. And yet, such a product has its own buyers - for the most part, again parents.

The toy itself is made of various materials: cotton (pure or synthetic), lycra, knitwear. The colors of the materials are saturated, and the shape can be absolutely any. So, anti-stress pillows can be of different sizes, not to mention the shape. This can be either popular ordinary pillows for relaxing at home, or no less relevant pillows-headbands for riding in the car or working at the computer.

At the initial stage, about 100 thousand rubles can be spent on consumables. These funds will be enough to stock up on material for a couple of months of work at a good pace.

Thirdly, if you decide to open your own workshop, then you will need equipment. No difficulties - only sewing machines. If the workshop is small or medium in size, then you can do with ordinary household electric models. If the production is large, then it is better to buy professional machines. In addition to them, apparatus for stuffing toys, embroidery, and design may also be needed. By the way, an antistress toy made in a small production, with manual work, is usually valued more expensive in the market. Many buyers can afford not to save on the cure for depression and stress, choosing only the best toys with a high level of quality.

Income, payback, profitability

With small investments, the business is very profitable. Stress is an inseparable companion of any person. Anti-stress toys also help to remove it, cheer up and help people relax.If you set a price for a toy of small sizes in the region of 100-300 rubles, and it’s quite realistic to sell about 1000 such atnistresses in a month, then only on small elements you can earn about 300,000 rubles. And this is far from the limit. For income to be high and sales to be stable, you must always replenish the assortment.

In order for this to be real, it is important to hire specialists - those who will come up with a design and prepare templates for toys. Moreover, the designer does not have to be experienced and professional. It is better to place the main emphasis on youth. For the most part, buyers are individuals between the ages of 14 and 35. So, the designer should come up with such models that will be in demand precisely in this age category. Who, if not a young specialist, will cope with this? He knows what his peers want.

With a good pace of work, your investment will pay off within six months - a year. At the same time, profitability can reach 300%.

This niche in Russia is not yet so busy. The main manufacturers are countries in Europe, Asia, the United States. Among domestic firms, there are very few that are engaged in the release of antistress. So, the competition is not so high. Foreign toys will always be an order of magnitude higher, because their cost also includes their delivery to the country. There is no such problem with domestic toys, the cost price is lower, which means that the price of the goods can be set lower. Moreover, the quality does not suffer at all.

Pros and Cons of a Business

The biggest drawback is that entering the world stage is quite difficult. There are too many foreign companies; they will not allow you to work calmly in other countries. The rest are solid advantages:

  1. average investment
  2. high profitability
  3. high incomes
  4. quick payback
  5. relevance of business
  6. relatively little competition.

Anti-stress toys are gaining popularity quite rapidly. According to experts, this product will not go out of fashion for another 10 years. Moreover, some predict the development of this business. Demand for such toys is growing every year. Let's just say that going to a psychologist will cost more and bring the same effect as an inexpensive cute toy.

In addition, if you release a whole thematic line of toys, you can count on the fact that you will have regular customers.

Parents prefer to buy such toys for kids, because they do not fade, dry quickly, do not get dirty, are very durable, and most importantly - they develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills. This is another large group of regular customers.


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Good time of day! Please send a commercial proposal for equipment for the production of toilet paper. Raw material base. Thanks in advance.


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