
Metalwork business idea

Of course, the production of metal structures is not the easiest thing. But quite profitable and in demand. When preparing a business plan, it is worthwhile to prepare for the fact that investments will be very large. Most likely, one person cannot pull a business from scratch. It is worth thinking about finding an investment.

Business investment

Naturally, you must first register your business. About 50 thousand rubles will be spent on collecting documentation of this particular type of business. This is not the smallest investment in the production of metal structures.

[caption id = "attachment_4671" align = "alignleft" width = "300"]metal fabrication Own business: production of metal structures [/ caption]

Next you will need a room. The workshop cannot be less than 250 squares. Such an area is necessary to accommodate all the machines, devices, as well as various rooms of a subsidiary nature. The construction of a new plant in different areas is treated differently. On average, you can meet the 600-900 thousand rubles. This indicator is very arbitrary.

To find employees, you need to think in advance. You will need a staff of at least 30 people. Workers must be professionals in their field, have extensive experience and experience.

The largest investment item in the business is equipment for the production of metal structures. You can order it from both domestic companies and foreign ones. The first option is cheaper, in quality only slightly inferior to the second. Will have to invest no less than 6-7 million rubles. That’s why you should consider attracting outside investment.

This applies only to large and massive enterprises, in particular, the production of building metal structures. To perform this type of product in a small plant is difficult, and sometimes completely impossible. That is why, before organizing production, you need to decide what you will sell.

And of course, you cannot do without the material from which this or that part or structure will eventually be made. You can buy material at a low price at scrap metal collection points. Typically, wholesale purchases sellers provide solid discounts. This concerns mostly private points, because state-owned enterprises rarely sell bulk batches of material.

Total initial installments include:

  1. documents,
  2. room
  3. equipment,
  4. advertising,
  5. material.

Despite the fact that the supply market is not too large, competition exists. For the buyer to notice you, you need to spend money on advertising. This can be a television movie or information on the radio. Ideally, your site on the network, where not only services, prices, but also photos of finished products will be described.

Additionally, the expense may be your own fleet. If you plan to deliver your products to customers yourself for a certain price, then you can not do without technology.

The production of lightweight metal structures is quite viable and in a small area. If you are going to sell forged lattices, fences and other small structures, then you can do this on a personal plot, for example. Then the costs will cost you only the construction of the premises, registration of IP, the purchase of a welding machine and a pair of special non-production machines. At the same time, finding customers is fairly straightforward. You can apply for cooperation with offices providing funeral services, as well as with small sales firms. Advertising can be launched on the Internet. From your own equipment you may need a car such as a "Gazelle".

Whatever production you start - whether large-scale or small, you need to draw up your business project, as well as calculate investments (taking into account all the features of your region), study the market and evaluate your strength.

In order not to work at a loss, creating unclaimed standard designs, it is worth arranging the manufacture of custom metal structures. This option will allow you to work at a good pace, increasing profits. Such work is universal for this type of business (be it a large plant or a small private enterprise).

Income, profitability, profit

Expect soon profit is not worth it. It takes time to start a business, in order for money to fall into your piggy bank, too. For large-scale production, this period can be from 3-5 months. Small things can make a profit almost immediately - the main thing is to find your customers, acquire orders, and work for yourself as a plus.

A large plant should look for buyers before starting a business. When all the equipment is purchased, installed, works, the staff is equipped, you can engage in searches. It is logical to look for construction companies (large, medium, small) that will be customers for certain types of structures. This will allow you to make a profit almost from the start of the business.

The monthly net profit of a large enterprise can reach about 300 thousand rubles. The figure is very conditional. Small business is somewhat more modest in income. It is difficult to name the average figure, it all depends on the pace of work and the availability of stable orders. This can be as much as 30 thousand a month, or 70. The advantage of a small enterprise is that the monthly expenses are much lower, which allows you to keep the profit for almost everything for yourself.

It is also worth knowing that the production of metal structures is usually unclaimed in the winter. In order not to sit idle during this period, not to let the business stand, it is necessary to collect the maximum number of orders in the fall. Ideally, those orders that are not very urgent. This will allow the plant to work all winter. It concerns mostly large-scale production.

Profitability of the project can reach 20-35%.

Pros and cons of this business

The biggest advantage of this type of business is that it is a demanded business. Metal structures have always been, are and will be needed. For each subspecies of the manufactured product there is a buyer.

Small-scale production is also beneficial because it requires minimal investment. Another plus is the fact that if the case fails, equipment can be sold without damage to your pocket. That is, in any case: whether your bet on a small business works or not, you will not stay in the red.

The disadvantage of the production of metal structures are large investments (large-scale business), large monthly expenses. In addition, at the initial stage it is quite difficult to find buyers, especially without advertising and experience.

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Reason for complaint
Maxim Biktorovish
Gentlemen, welcome. If someone still decides on this type of business, we can offer our services for the development of KMD.
As for the guillotine, usually this machine is used for cutting blanks, and this is usually not more than 20 mm. For example, up to 10 mm is enough for me, these are mainly embedded parts, I cut large thicknesses with a gas portal. By the way, a guillotine for cutting a sheet of more than 20 mm can weigh tens of tons! Regarding bending, here you also need to look at what is usually bent and what it is, it is a sheet to corners, somewhere in the region of up to 10 mm, safes from a sheet no more than 4 mm, etc., so that up to 10 mm is quite enough.And if you have a serious business and you manufacture large structural parts, then see what material is usually used.
Thank you, once again strengthened my opinion, consolidation of its production of metal structures, as well as its diversification.
You know, it’s strange, sometimes I can’t give myself an elementary answer, for example, how much power to buy a guillotine or bending machines !? It is a pity to recognize, but these doubts impede the development process, if they are not okay !!!
Can you advise what?


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