
Fitness club business plan

Fitness club business planIncreasingly, you can notice new fitness clubs. Often, a fitness club combines a massage parlor, a swimming pool, a gym with a wide variety of fitness equipment, and a spa salon. Such a fitness club provides a list of a wide variety of services, ranging from exhausting workouts to caring for your body. Such advanced, hyped salons set the appropriate prices. Most of the middle class can not afford such institutions and they are looking for something more modest and with less service.

It is important for people who receive a high income to look good in a fit form; they are ready to splurge on it. There are many fitness centers where they provide top-level services, but this business is not closed and you can quickly find new customers, the main thing is to start correctly. You need to start by creating a business plan for a fitness club.

Fitness club business plan

General section

Describe market research, and most importantly, research prospective competitors. Describe all the weaknesses of the service of competitors, find solutions to these problems. Look for similar projects in other cities, abroad. Use the experience of other entrepreneurs when developing your project.

Also describe the list of proposed services. You will need this when choosing a room. Not every room can be suitable for a fitness center. You need to make a list of criteria for the selection of premises.

Description of the enterprise

The section should contain information regarding the premises, workers, equipment, work plan.

Choosing a room will take a lot of time. Need to find a room from 350 square meters. The room should be suitable for the construction of the pool, have several large rooms in which you can put exercise equipment, treadmills, a gym for aerobics and active sports that requires space, as well as several small rooms for massage, locker rooms and other additional services.

The room. Also, the premises should be located in an area where there will be many potential customers. It will be very convenient to buy or rent a room in an elite new building. This will provide regular customers and a good location. The premises are best purchased from the developer.

Equipment. Buying equipment will give you a lot of trouble. I advise you to turn to special companies that deliver, install, install, test equipment. You will need such equipment:

- treadmills - 5pcs.

- complexes for gymnastics - 3 pcs.

- power systems - 4 pcs.

- exercise bikes 5 - pcs.

- sauna

- equipment for the pool

- equipment for massage room

- furniture

Staff. Workers will need experienced ones. It is necessary to hire several eminent trainers who will raise the prestige of the institution and bring their old clients. The list of staff:

- manager - 1 person

- coach - 5 people

- instructor - 3 people

- massage therapist - 2 people

- cleaners - 2 people

- Secretary at the reception - 2 people

- general workers - 4 people

Before hiring, make sure the staff is professional. Your fitness center name is at stake

Description of services

The list of services should satisfy the many needs of your customers. Classes should be systematic and one-time:

- individual lesson

- classes with a trainer

- massage

- visit to the pool

- sauna

Financial plan


Rent, purchase of premises - from $ 40 thousand

Design decoration, repair - from $ 20 thousand

Equipment purchase (it is best to purchase high-quality professional equipment) - from $ 30 thousand

Salary - $ 150 thousand

Advertising company - $ 10 thousand (first month, then $ 2 thousand each)

Other expenses - $ 25 thousand

Minimum amount to start work: $ 300 thousand.


Sale of cards to regular visitors - $ 100 thousand

One-time visitors - $ 50 thousand

Additional services - $ 25 thousand

Profit - $ 175 thousand per year. The payback period of the project is two years.

Making up fitness club business plan make sure the calculations are correct. Counting all the points at the planning stage, you can avoid problems.

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Reason for complaint
Even the smallest room requires large investments. Trainers are needed. And they are worth a lot. Given the already promoted competitors, this business is not one of those that bring a quick payback.
Tatyana Asterixa
Everything is fine, you can start such a business in a smaller area, without a pool and massage room. I visit this type of small gym. There are 2 instructors from the staff and one person at the reception. They also successfully sell various vitamins and supplements, as distributors of an American company for needy athletes, which provide themselves with a flow of customers and regular customers.
Very detailed and competent, for beginners, your site is very useful.


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