
Greenhouse business plan

Greenhouse business planEveryone likes fresh vegetables from the garden, especially in winter. You can grow vegetables in summer and winter, you just need a greenhouse. If you look from far away, it seems that everything is simple. Hothouse farming is a profitable business, taking into account the modern needs and capabilities of the population. Starting your own vegetable growing business is a profitable business. First you need to create a business plan for a greenhouse.

When creating a business plan for a greenhouse, you need to consider the features of this business. The climate of the region plays an important role, in a cold climate a lot of resources will be spent on heating. The quality of the soil on which you will grow the products also matters.

To draw up a more accurate business plan for the greenhouse you need to calculate all the nuances. The first thing you need to decide on the product that you will grow. Based on the selected product, select the most suitable greenhouse complex.

Carry out a marketing research. You need to identify the strengths of competitors, as well as the difficulties that occur in their work. You also need to learn more about the preferences of the population in your area. To establish relations with retail chains, supermarkets you will receive this information without any problems. You also need to start looking for a place to locate your farm.

In the business plan of the greenhouse, you need to make the entire list of equipment necessary for the operation. Also do not forget about seeds and fertilizers. Buy only high-quality goods, because the volume of the crop, as well as the quality of the products directly depend on this.

When you start planning, you need to choose a greenhouse. Start with 5-6 greenhouses, the area of ​​the greenhouse is 25 square meters. You will be able to grow several varieties at once, getting several crops of different crops per year. It’s best to buy greenhouses that are going to be built in a few hours than to build them yourself. A square meter of such a greenhouse will cost you $ 35. If you build it yourself, it will turn out a little cheaper, this will not justify itself in further operation.

When choosing a location for greenhouses, you need to consider the terrain. In what condition are the access roads, are there often cliffs of power lines, the presence of water, gas. Consider these points when choosing a site. The plot is needed not very large, about 2 hectares can be less.

The staff should be conscientious and able to work on the ground. It is very important that staff have little experience working with greenhouses. For maintenance of greenhouses you will need 2-3 people.

Your next step will be to conclude contracts with supermarkets, small shops that will sell your products. To do this, you need to establish themselves well in the market. Also run a small advertising campaign in a local newspaper and post ads.

Financial side

Costs for the year:

rent - $ 5 thousand

purchase, installation of 6 greenhouses - $ 6 thousand

purchase of equipment, connection to communications - $ 35 thousand

purchase of seeds, fertilizers - from $ 15 thousand

other expenses - $ 10 thousand

payroll - $ 20 thousand

The total amount spent is $ 100 thousand.

The expected profit will directly depend on the selected type of production products. The average monthly revenue is $ 20 thousand. Net monthly profit of $ 7 thousand. The project payback period according to our greenhouse business plan is one year.


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