
How to open a car shop: a business plan from A to Z

Every day on the roads of our country there are more and more motorists, some people have two or even three cars. Machines tend to break down, and if this happens rarely, then annually you need to change the oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and the rest.

It happens that there is a need for a more frequent replacement than once a year. Also, twice a year, you need to “change shoes” a car. Based on this, it becomes clear to us that any commercial activity related to automobiles will be successful, including the opening of a car shop. But if you do not know some of the nuances and do not study the features of this activity, then the company will work at a loss.

how to open a car shop

Where to begin?

So, how to open a car shop, where to start? First of all, it is necessary to conduct a marketing research and identify what is most relevant today and what is in great demand. This will help to know the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.

Then you need to draw up a business plan for the car shop. Do not neglect this item. A plan is an important aspect when opening a store; everything must be carefully thought out and written down so that you don’t forget anything later.

Recall that no crisis will affect the success of the automotive business, because a car is a means of transportation, and people never sit still. Every summer they go to the sea, from spring to autumn - to the cottage, and throughout the year for guests and on business. After all, it’s easier for a person to repair an old car than to get a new one.

In the car shop you can buy spare parts for the car - various components, assemblies, as well as consumables and many other automotive products and accessories. An individual entrepreneur (IP) in the event of the opening of such a business is the most convenient form.

If the owner of an auto parts store has the opportunity to cooperate with large automotive organizations (freight companies, taxi or motor depot), then it is necessary to additionally register a legal entity. The success rate of the automotive business is growing annually, today the auto parts market is about $ 25 billion.

car shop business plan

The car dealership business plan should include a detailed description of the auto parts store market in your locality. Having dealt with this section, you should draw up the final strategy for introducing the market. It should be noted that in modern days the car market is divided into several groups:

- auto parts for domestic cars;
- auto parts for cars of European or American assembly;
- Auto parts for Japanese cars.

There are also specialized stores selling spare parts for a particular brand of car.

How to implement a business plan?

After the business plan of the car shop is drawn up, you can proceed to its implementation. First of all, we search and select the room in which the car shop will be located. Its area should be at least 60 square meters. m. Next, we must choose the equipment with which the store will be filled - these are racks, shelving, cash, showcase, computers.

auto parts store

At the same time, you can also begin the purchase of goods. Depending on the city where the car shop is located, you can order spare parts both from abroad and through Russian online stores. If all the parameters are met, and the store is ready for opening, it is necessary to find workers.

The minimum set is the seller, manager, director and accountant. The risk that is present in this case is a shortage of spare parts.To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to ensure that the delivery time is minimal, and the price is acceptable. For this, it is necessary from the very beginning of the business to conclude profitable contracts.

How to take care of demand in advance?

How to open a car shop and where to start if you do not have access to the traffic police database? You need to find out what brand of cars in your city the most, what parts are most often broken. Then you yourself must know what and at what time of the year is in great demand, which oil people prefer. By following these simple guidelines, you can manage your sales.

What is relevant today?

open a car shop where to start

People wondering how to open a car shop for foreign cars are on the right track, because modern society by and large gives its preference to foreign-made cars. Therefore, the auto parts store for foreign cars is exactly what you can make money on. After all, not a single car or mechanism is immune from breakdowns. The idea of ​​doing the auto business is quite relevant in our time, it is a stable and constant profit. In order to open a car shop, it is necessary to properly execute all the documents - this may take a long time.

What determines the success and profitability of a car shop?

The person opening the auto parts store should understand that the success and income of his activities depend on the prices that the owner sets for the parts, on the choice of goods, on the number of people who visit the store, as well as on the location of the store.

open car shop business plan

In order for prices to suit the buyer, it is necessary to make a small margin, you can also sign a profitable agreement with some organization that under certain conditions they will give a discount on their products. To have a wide selection of goods, you need to invest a lot of money. You do not need to buy everything the same, take all the expensive parts one at a time, cheap ones - three at a time, five at a time, so you will understand what is sold better and what is worse.

How to attract customers?

To attract customers to begin with, you can give out business cards or make some kind of promotion on the opening day. When you choose a location for your store, then consider your type of activity and try to settle down near a tire service, service station or somewhere in the area of ​​a machine wash.

Provide a convenient access road and a place for parking vehicles, you can set the plate “Only for customers of the store” there. When you are recruiting staff, make sure that they are well aware of automotive topics. They should advise customers so that the buyer receives what he wants, and he has a desire to contact your store again.

how to open a car shop for foreign cars

The circumstances are different, the car can break down at any time of the day. Therefore, the longer the working day, the more likely that many will know about you, in this case they will come to you both in the morning and in the evening. Thus, you have the opportunity to earn "their" customers.

Auto Shop Benefits

A man who loves his car, refuel the best gasoline and buy quality parts, good oil, not to mention the various little things that motorists indulge their brainchild. Therefore, every motorist tries to find a good car shop, where he could purchase branded parts at affordable prices.

The assortment of car dealership plays far from the last role in business success. The greater the choice, the higher the likelihood that the buyer will not go to competitors. It is also important to provide customers with warranty cards. Thus, you will be able to win over customers and earn their trust, and they, in turn, will come to you again.

Online store? What an idea!

business idea for car shop

For popularity and increased sales, there is a modern business idea for a car shop.You have the opportunity to use to create an online store, which will indicate the purpose of your company, describes all the conditions, and most importantly - prices. So, to open an online store, your company must be registered.

If you are poorly versed in the computer, entrust this matter to a professional, he will arrange everything perfectly, and besides, you can change everything at any time if something does not suit you. A person, without leaving home, can order a part, and whether he will come for it or you will deliver it to his house, you can decide with him on the specified phone. It’s quite simple and convenient, a person can visit your site and choose one within a week. As a result, he will definitely buy something.

We come up with the name of the store

Any new institution requires advertising and some kind of identification mark that will catch the eye. Of course, first of all it is a sign. The name should be bright, memorable, and most importantly - speaking. It should immediately be clear that it is not food or furniture that is sold here, but the auto parts store is located in the room.

But remember: the sign must be original so that your store is not confused with any other that may have a bad reputation. If the store will sell parts for a particular brand of machines, this should also be indicated on the sign. Before this word, you need to come up with a suitable addition.

If the store has the opportunity to purchase goods on credit, this is also desirable to indicate. Not every car shop provides such a service, and there are all kinds of situations on the road. At the same time, the name should not be too long, otherwise it will be difficult to remember. If you plan to open a chain of stores, then come up with a short name that is ideal for the brand.

Safety comes first

Now you know how to open a car shop and how to have income from it. It is also necessary to remember safety, because big money is invested. Therefore, when you decide to open a car shop, the business plan should contain a clause about the alarm or security of the premises.

The alarm can be set so that if it is triggered, a notification will be sent to your phone. Thus, you can immediately contact the police. Using this method, you can track how many employees come to work. Do not forget to install surveillance cameras in the room, this will prevent theft.

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