
What is given for the fourth child? Amount of allowance, benefits and payments

In the article, we consider what they give for the fourth child.

A large family is considered to be a family in which there are three children or more. Sometimes families go for the birth or adoption of another child, and in this case, state support will not be superfluous for them. A family with four children can count on benefits and cash benefits on the basis that the state is interested in ensuring that the population grows steadily. So, we will find out what they give for the fourth child, consider the timing and amount of benefits.

how much is given for a fourth child

What can parents expect?

In order to receive some benefits, an application must be submitted immediately after the birth of the child, otherwise you may not have time to get what you were supposed to, and you cannot retroactively apply for benefits.

Material support is divided into the following types:

  • payments (benefits both one-time and regular);
  • compensation (full or partial refund by the state of funds spent for one or another purpose).

In turn, compensation payments are divided into:

  • financial means to pay utility bills;
  • money to pay for telephone service;
  • funds for housing.

What is given for the fourth child? Until the child reaches the age of sixteen, money will be credited to the mother’s bank account, they will be paid to compensate for the increase in apartment fees. The allowance in some regions is assigned until the child reaches the age of majority.

Single allowance

The family at the birth of the baby is entitled to a single child allowance, which is indexed from year to year. In the case of the fourth child, the main requirement is to have time to submit documents and an application within ten days from the moment of his birth.

How much they give for a fourth child is interesting to many.

The amount of the allowance is calculated as one hundred percent of the average salary for the previous two years, if the woman worked officially. If the mother of the child does not have permanent employment, she is entitled to a payment in the amount of the minimum wage. The purpose of this manual is to help parents with the costs that arise in connection with childbirth. Among other things, the children are left without a mother for some time, which entails additional expenses.

what is given for the fourth child in Russia

Birth allowance

A woman is also entitled to a one-time allowance at the birth of the baby. Its fixed size in 2017 was equal to 16,350 rubles 33 kopecks.

What else give for the birth of the fourth child?

What can I get every month?

In addition, the mother is entitled to a monthly allowance for the care of the child from birth to one and a half years. For the first child, its minimum is only 3065 rubles 69 kopecks, but for the second child and each subsequent, including the fourth, the amount of benefit increases to 6131 rubles 37 kopecks. If parents work, then they can rely, depending on the amount of their salary, for a payment of up to 23,120 rubles 66 kopecks (only the limit of the insurance base acts as a limiter).

What does the state give for the birth of a fourth child?

Compensation for price increases

Before the child reaches the age of three, the state issues a certain amount of financial resources to compensate for the increase in the cost of food in the country. Certain amounts may be added annually to pay for tuition and housing.It is clear that compensation is not calculated on the basis of the full cost of utilities or products, and there will not be enough benefits for a full life, but even existing material compensations can greatly facilitate the living of a large family in which every penny literally counts.

Determine what they give for the fourth child in Russia?

Family Benefits

Among the social benefits that are reimbursed when a fourth child appears, a special case includes free treatment, which includes examination by a competent specialist, and medicines that are given free of charge according to the prescription prescribed by the children's doctor.

for the fourth child that the state gives

There are benefits in the educational sphere - the fourth child is provided with free food in kindergarten, school meals and textbooks. To strengthen his health, the state provides for the issuance of vouchers to children's camps and a sanatorium.

The list of benefits can be expanded depending on the place in which a large family lives, you can get information about them at the local department of social protection.

What gives the state for the fourth child, it is important to find out in advance.

Maternal capital with the advent of the fourth child

The most tangible material support of the state by right is family (maternal) capital, which is indexed and given every year only for specific purposes. And for the fourth child they give maternity capital?

For parents there is no separate maternal capital in this case, but if the application for a certificate was not submitted by them when the second and third children appeared, they have the right to apply for the fourth. For example, if before there was no necessary documentation package, and the possibility of its preparation appeared only at the present time. There is also the possibility of the appearance of previous children before the adoption of the law on maternity capital, while the fourth child was born already during the functioning of the program. The amount of capital is fixed, but the authorities index it every year so that rising inflation is covered. Its size in certain constituent entities of the Russian Federation may increase at the discretion of the authorities of the region.

what give for the birth of the fourth child

Goals for maternity capital

In a situation where a large family did not receive a certificate of maternity capital even earlier (when the second and third babies were born) for some reason, she has the right to do this immediately after the fourth child appears. There is a list of targeted spending of finance established by the state, but they cannot be issued in cash.

Maternity capital can be used:

  • to improve housing conditions (this is the most popular way of spending capital when it is received at the birth of the fourth baby, because four children need a spacious room); purchase, repair, mortgage payments;
  • to pay for the education of the child;
  • for the social adaptation of a baby with disabilities;
  • for the future retirement of a woman;
  • to pay for babysitting services.

If regional maternity capital has been received, the following items are added to the list above:

  • redecorating housing;
  • acquisition of a Russian vehicle;
  • land improvement of a personal plot;
  • laying tiles;
  • construction of a gazebo;
  • erection of a utility room or garage.
for the fourth child give maternity capital

List of documents for acquiring the status of a large family

In order to be eligible for the majority of benefits, compensation, subsidies and benefits for the fourth child, you need to have a certificate of a large family. For this, one of the parents for this can go to the local department of social protection and present such a package of documents:

  • documents that confirm the identity of the parents (copies and originals);
  • certificate of family composition;
  • photos of the child's parents (3 x 4 cm);
  • certificate of marriage (if any, then certificate of divorce);
  • certificate from the place of study of all children;
  • birth certificates of children and their copies.

Documents are considered within two to three weeks, then the family will receive a notice indicating the required benefits and payments.

How much money do they give for a fourth child?

Allowance amount

Also, parents with many children can receive certain benefits when a fourth child appears. First of all, these are maternity payments. Only the mother of the child has the right to receive it. To accrue it is necessary to submit certain documents at the place of work. The amount of payment is determined by the woman’s earnings for the last two working years.

Another type of financial assistance is a one-time allowance. It is also paid by the enterprise in which the woman works.

what the state gives for the birth of a fourth child

The amount of benefits is determined by region. Such financial support is provided up to one and a half year old baby.

Help is given to the parent who takes care of the child before reaching one and a half years. The amount of the allowance may not be less than 6131 rubles and more than 23089 rubles.

The above benefits for the appearance of the fourth baby are paid at the federal level.

In addition to these payments, there are also compensation for the maintenance of the child. They are regional, their number and size are determined by the region financial security and the number of large families. Regional programs provide monthly payments to those families where there is a baby up to three years. Subsidies are paid in six regions and range widely. The amount of compensation most often is not more than seven thousand rubles.

What is given for the third and fourth child?

For the third child

From January 1, 2018, a new mortgage lending program was launched with loans for housing at 6% for the purchase of real estate in the primary market with the birth of a second or third child from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2022. The subsidy will be valid for a limited period time period:

  • three years - to families where the second child was born;
  • five years - if a third was born.

At the same time, if a second or third baby appeared in the family after January 1, 2018, there is the possibility of refinancing loans received earlier at more than 6% per annum.

There is a list of federal benefits for large families, but some of them are applied in the regions, and some are not, depending on the capabilities of the regional authorities. The list of eligible benefits:

how much money they give for a fourth child
  • payment of utilities: in various regions, an individual discount is determined, which can reach up to 30%;
  • up to six years old, children in large families are given free medications based on the prescription of a pediatrician;
  • free travel for schoolchildren and students;
  • free meals in kindergarten and school;
  • free issuance of school uniforms, when necessary, or allocation of funds for its acquisition;
  • providing tickets to museums and cultural events for free;
  • free rehabilitation in sanatoriums;
  • classes in choreographic, musical, etc. state schools are free;
  • priority in obtaining a place in a nursery or kindergarten;
  • early retirement rights for mother or father;
  • preferential mortgage;
  • land tax reduction;
  • getting school books for free.

At the regional level, family incentives can introduce their own benefits.

We examined what they give for their fourth child.

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