
Penalty for downed moose on highways - features and size

Each driver, while driving, must perform different maneuvers carefully so as not to cause any harm to other road users or even animals. Often wild animals run out onto the road, and usually this situation occurs in the dark. Drivers have to not only pay a fine for a downed moose or other wild animal, but also repair their car on their own. Therefore, it is important to move near the forests at a slow speed and carefully to avoid such an accident.

Traffic rules

In Russia, in the process of moving along the road between different cities, you often have to ride near forests. They live a large number of wild animals, which include moose. Traffic signs are usually installed in this area, indicating the need to move carefully and slowly.

Many drivers simply ignore such signs, therefore they exceed speed and are also distracted from the road. This often leads to traffic accidents, as different wild animals go astray. Will there be a penalty if you bring down a moose? The fine is paid by the driver if he knocks down any wild animal, to which the elk belongs. A citizen must independently inform the police about the incident.

Elk can be on the road for various reasons. This includes the mating season or the maturation of young animals. Most often, incidents occur in the fall.

how much is a penalty for a downed moose

Under what conditions is punishment imposed?

A fine is levied on a driver who knocks down any wild animal. Usually, if motorists knock down a hedgehog or squirrel, then they can easily hide this incident. They throw the animal to the side of the road and do not report such an accident to the traffic police. But to hide a collision with a moose is quite difficult, since this animal has significant dimensions. This situation leads to significant damage to the car.

A fine for a downed moose is awarded only if the animal dies after the collision, and therefore remains at the scene. If the elk runs away, then officially documenting his death is impossible. Therefore, such situations remain without negative consequences for the driver, even if the moose dies anyway in a few days or hours. But at the same time, a citizen will have to repair his car on his own if he does not have a comprehensive insurance policy.

Legislative regulation

The penalty for downed moose on the road is assigned on the basis of the provisions of 1079 Civil Code. It indicates that a collision with animals leads to a danger to the environment. This is due to the fact that the cars are a source of high danger, so the driver must use this property carefully and carefully. If he did not manage to react promptly, then he must be punished for the death of a wild animal.

What is the penalty for a downed moose from the driver? The size of the sanction is prescribed in the Order of the Ministry of Nature, issued back in 2011. In 2019, the provisions of this regulatory act are still valid.

how much is a fine for a downed moose

What is the penalty for a downed moose on the road paid by the driver?

The sanction for such a violation is considered material. Its size depends on which animal the driver knocks down. An elk or other wild animal must be at the scene of the accident in order to fix this situation. The main types of fines include:

  • the penalty for downed moose is 40 thousand rubles;
  • if it is revealed at all that a pregnant elk has been killed, then the size of the sanction increases to 200 thousand rubles;
  • for wild boar 15 thousand rubles are charged .;
  • 20 thousand rubles are paid for roe deer;
  • for the protein will have to transfer to the state 250 rubles .;
  • 100 rubles are paid for the fox.

The penalty is not affected by various additional factors, so even if the driver knocks down the moose unintentionally and accidentally, he will still have to pay a large amount of money if he can not hide the incident.

Why does the sanction for moose cow reach 200 thousand rubles?

Such a significant penalty for a moose cow is due to the fact that it takes into account how many cubs she could bear, so the punishment is really harsh. If each person knows how much he will have to pay, he will be more responsible about his car driving skills, and this is especially true when the roads in the forest are used. Only in this case, it is possible to prevent situations in which you have to pay a fine for a downed moose.

It is impossible to say exactly how much money the state will have to transfer, since the age and sex of the beast are taken into account.

penalty for downed moose on the road

What to do after the incident?

Each car owner must know what mandatory actions should be performed after an accident occurring on the road. If an accident occurs on the road, consisting in the fact that the driver knocks down a moose, then a citizen must necessarily perform the following actions:

  • first you need to stop;
  • traffic police officers are called, as well as a representative of the insurance company, if the driver has a comprehensive insurance policy;
  • even if the animal has run away, you still need to call the traffic police to fix the incident, since only in this case you can get paid for voluntary insurance;
  • if the beast escapes, then no fine is charged.

If a citizen has a comprehensive insurance policy, car repair is carried out at the expense of the insurance company. The car owner must pay the penalty for the downed moose independently.

Can I take a carcass with me?

If after a collision an elk dies at the scene, it is important to correctly perform all necessary actions. It is not allowed to take the carcass with you and hide such a situation from the traffic police. It is quite difficult to hide evidence, but if the animal is still found in the driver’s car by representatives of the traffic police, this will lead to serious negative consequences.

How much is a fine for a downed moose if the driver takes the carcass and hides from the scene? A fine of up to 200 thousand rubles is paid for such actions, and a citizen will be arrested for six months.

what is the penalty for a downed moose on the road

Can punishment be avoided?

Sometimes drivers after an accident resort to the help of their friends who arrive at the scene in an undamaged car. With the help of this machine, the carcass is removed, which is left in the forest. After that, the driver who shot down the moose calls the traffic police, which allows him to avoid punishment. But if such a scheme is identified, then both parties to the crime will be prosecuted.

Therefore, in any case, it is better to be punished if the moose is brought down. What kind of penalty is levied can be understood by the sex and age of the moose. Standardly, 40 thousand rubles are paid for the male, but the punishment for the moose cow can be more severe.

You can avoid punishment in a situation if a special warning sign is not installed on the road where the incident occurred, with which you can understand that there are wild animals on the road. For this, the driver must fix the absence of a sign, after which the traffic police call. Under these conditions, a fine is issued, but it can be challenged, for which a lawsuit is filed.

what is the penalty for downed moose

Rules for contesting the fine

Some drivers are sure that they do not have to pay a significant fine for a downed beast, since the size of the sanction is really significant. If you hit an elk on the highway, the fine can reach even 200 thousand rubles. Therefore, car owners have a question regarding the possibility of challenging such a sanction. To do this, you can use the following features:

  • it is necessary to challenge the fine only in court;
  • the driver may attach evidence that on the road where such an unpleasant incident occurred, a sign warning of the presence of wild animals was not installed;
  • in addition, it is possible to challenge the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer if any inaccurate data or errors are revealed in it, therefore the document is invalidated;
  • if necessary, it is possible to order an examination, with the help of which it is determined if the downed moose was not sick, since in this case he could die even from a small shock, which would significantly reduce the size of the fine.

In most cases, Russian motorists prefer to use illegal actions. They take the carcass to the forest, after which they continue to move and independently repair their car. In most cases, such actions go unpunished, but if police officers reveal a violation, the citizen will be prosecuted.

If a court session is held, it is best to enlist the support of an experienced lawyer, since in this case the chances are that the judge will take the side of the car owner.

brought down a moose on the highway fine

Tips for car owners

If a citizen needs to drive a car for a long time in forests or protected areas, it is advisable to consider a few tips. These include:

  • while driving along such a road, it is advisable to reduce speed so that even in the event of a collision, it does not cause serious damage to the wild animal and also preserves its property;
  • if you have the appropriate sign, you need to be more careful and cautious, so if the driver notices any movement on the side of the road, then you need to brake immediately, as the animals usually run into the light, therefore, sharp braking often avoids a collision;
  • if a person has a voluntary comprehensive insurance policy, then he will be able to receive payment only if the incident is properly prepared, therefore, it is necessary to call the traffic police to the scene of the accident, and also to warn the representative of the insurance company about this situation;
  • if the animal escapes after the collision, then you do not have to pay a fine, but you still need to warn the police about such a case.

If the driver takes all the necessary actions, then this will allow him to avoid some serious incidents in the future. Therefore, one should not try in various illegal ways to avoid liability for committed illegal actions.

will there be a penalty if you bring down a moose


If the driver knocks a moose to death on the road, he will have to pay a fine, the amount of which is in the range from 40 to 200 thousand rubles. A specific sanction is imposed by the court, for which the age and sex of the beast is estimated. If such a situation arises, the citizen should know what mandatory actions must be performed to complete the incident.

If a person tries to hide the consequences of the accident by illegal methods, then if such fire-fighting actions are detected, the driver will be prosecuted.

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