
What to do if a person is missing?

People sometimes disappear in the most mysterious way. Relatives of the missing person suffer most from this. It is impossible to imagine what a person is experiencing who is left alone with his misfortune. In many cases, even the police cannot help.

Missing child - what to do?

The worst shock for parents is the loss of a child. Children do not disappear on their own, in many cases adults are involved in this, pursuing a variety of goals. In the Criminal Code, we can see that the legislator has punished various crimes in relation to children, including the offense of parents in relation to their child.missing person

If the child is missing, first of all it is necessary to calm down. It may sound corny, but a clear mind will help you figure out all the options where and with whom the child could go. The fact is that if a person is missing, you must first try to find him on your own, and only then contact the police. With regard to children, the statement should be accepted immediately, since there are no objective reasons for a small child to leave his parents.

Parents can call friends and acquaintances of their child and their own to find out if they have a missing person. Often people turn to hospitals, morgues, and other medical facilities, and in the case of children, to special centers to find out their location.

If it is reliably known where the child was last seen, it is recommended to interview all residents or people in that place. You can also call (or contact) a local district who has the necessary knowledge on how to find a missing person, as well as the appropriate authority. Perhaps the child still cannot speak or was afraid to say who he is and where his parents are. missing people

In this case, the victim is taken to a center to assist children who were left without parental care to decide his future fate. On this fact, a court may be appointed, which determines the possibility of deprivation of the parental rights of the father or mother of the child (as well as persons replacing them). In this institution, parents (if they manage to find him) present documents confirming that it is really their child, write a specific statement and take the baby.

Child detection

Children disappear not only from dysfunctional parents, but also among the most ordinary. Unfortunately, there is no documentary instruction on what to do if a person is missing, especially a child. However, there are many years of experience of specialized organizations, law enforcement agencies or even just friends and acquaintances who can help.

Regardless of social status, the fact of the loss (even if the child was found) is reported to the guardianship authorities in order to establish circumstances that contributed to the fact that the child ended up in the children's center.

If the parents did not have time to pick up the child from the institution, the court makes a decision on placing him in the orphanage. From there, picking up a child is more difficult.

Thus, if a small child is lost, first of all, it is necessary to interview eyewitnesses, call the district policeman who knows what to do if a person is missing, or contact the nearest child care center. The addresses of such organizations or phone numbers can be found in the information service of the city where the child was lost.

It is worth noting that the baby from the very first years of life needs to explain how to behave in crowded places or on the street, as well as the rules of behavior in case the child is behind his parents and is alone.how to find a missing person

If the child is nowhere to be found, the matter is complicated by the fact that he may be in the hands of the criminal. Then you need to connect the police to this. One of the parents writes a statement, and on this basis, the police, which is obliged to search for missing people, are engaged in a search. There is no definite framework for the search terms, but if a child is not found within a year, it can be said with almost complete certainty that he is not alive.

In the disappearance of the child, the most depressing factor is the realization that he will not be able to stand up for himself, which means that he will not be able to survive in conditions far from civilization, or to give a worthy rebuff to the kidnapper.

Cases when children are abducted for ransom, considered by the police, whose employees are trying to do everything possible to save a small life.

Adult Disappearance

In the disappearance of an adult, everything is also ambiguous. People disappear for various reasons, and the results alone - either find a living missing person or his corpse. Or they don’t find it at all.

The loss of an adult lies on the shoulders of relatives, since disappearance is in itself incomprehensible from different points of view. First of all, the question arises: "If a person is missing, where to call?" The fact is that the police do not accept the statement earlier than three days after the person disappeared. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of the psychology of adults who try to avoid responsibility for their decisions, even if they are connected with separation. It’s rare for anyone to explain why it is impossible to live together anymore. However, if there is evidence that the loss is related to threats to life or health, the police connect to the search immediately.missing people

Despite the forced measure of the police to accept the statement after 3 days after the loss, such actions are unlawful, since the relevant codes and laws do not indicate that missing people are wanted only after some time.


In normal non-threat situations, relatives should attempt to search for themselves. Perhaps the person really is somewhere with friends, and his search by the police will be at least inappropriate. Having exhausted the list of people where the missing person could go, as a rule, they call hospitals and morgues. There are times when a person was hit by a car, and he is in intensive care, but his relatives were not informed. The worst thing is when you have to find out in this way about the death of your loved one, when the lost person is already found in the morgue. That is why the question must first be resolved: "If a person is missing, where to call?"gone man where to call

A few years ago, television was loaded with messages about people who had lost their memory. A person left or left home, and after a few months he was found in psychiatric clinics in a state of amnesia. Therefore, with an independent search, you should not be afraid to call such clinics. During the search by the police, if there is an assumption that this could happen to a person, it is necessary to warn a law enforcement officer about this.

If the search by region or region, as well as by subject of the Russian Federation did not yield anything, it is necessary to conduct a search throughout the country. It should be borne in mind that missing people can be intentionally hidden, and this fact must be clarified at the stage of an independent search.

Contact the police

When you have exhausted your wanted forces, you should contact the police, as indicated earlier. If it is not possible to determine which department you need to call, you must contact the duty dispatcher (02 from the city or 020 from the mobile) and find out this information. If you do not want to accept a statement when a person is missing, the interested person should refer to clause 12 of part 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Police”, which states that the search for missing persons is the duty of law enforcement officials.

He must have all the documentary evidence of the missing person (passport, military ID, driver’s license, etc.), it is advisable to have information about medical data (prosthesis, pin in the body, chronic diseases, disability, etc.).The more information the police will have about the wanted person, the more likely it is that a citizen will be found.

Due to the fact that the procedure for fixing fingerprints has become mandatory in the passport office, it is necessary to find out whether there is a fingerprint card in the FMS of Russia. Its presence greatly simplifies the search for missing people.what to do if a person is missing

If a citizen wore jewelry or had noticeable clothing on it, this must be indicated when applying to the police. A relative should also bring photographs of the wanted person and describe his signs as accurately as possible.

Tracing a soldier

Military personnel also often disappear during hostilities. Since citizens serve in places that are far enough away from the place of residence of relatives and friends, they may not know how to find the missing person. The application to the police is accepted in the same manner, however, it is necessary to indicate the last place of stay of the soldier, as well as the date of the end of hostilities. Their search is carried out in the same manner as the search for an ordinary citizen. However, his death can be declared no earlier than 2 years after the end of hostilities.

Procedure for declaring dead or absent

It should be noted that if during the year there is no information about a person at his place of residence, in the event of loss under circumstances threatening his health and life, a citizen is presumed dead after 6 months. In the event that it turns out that a person has disappeared under ordinary circumstances, his death is ascertained by the court after 5 years.tracing of missing people

A citizen can be recognized dead only by a court decision. In the proceedings, the judge must ascertain the circumstances that give the right to a person to be declared dead. In this regard, requests are made at the place of work and place of residence. To start the trial, you need a statement from the person concerned, which indicates the reasons for the need to recognize a person as dead.

The content of the application for recognizing a citizen as missing or dead is described in sufficient detail in article 277 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation: the purpose of declaring a dead or missing, circumstances indicating the person’s missing or suggesting his death, as well as the day the military operations end, if about the serviceman. In the event that an application is not filed with the court, the search for missing people is carried out within 15 years from the date of the establishment of the search case.

The consequences of declaring a citizen absent

Recognition of a citizen as missing gives the right to relatives and friends to receive from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities the right to trust his property, but only for the period while the present owner is absent. Recognition as missing does not mean that the person has died, especially since this also requires a court decision. The share of citizens whom the absent was required to provide is allocated from trust property.

On the basis of a court decision, a marriage between persons may be dissolved, one of which is recognized as missing. However, upon the return of this citizen, an entry in the registry office can be restored at the request of the parties.

Consequences of the recognition of a citizen as dead

Relatives acquire property rights only if a person disappeared and the court recognized him dead in the manner prescribed by Article 277 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. The entry in the acts of civil status of the death of a person has the same legal consequences as death under ordinary circumstances. In this case, the spouse with the children may claim the inheritance, survivor benefit etc.

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