
What to do when a person died in the house?

Not everyone knows what to do when a person has died. And this is normal. After all, death itself comes unexpectedly. No one knows when exactly she will overtake. And which of the family members - too. How to behave if, for example, you woke up in the morning, and then noticed that a family member died in the house? The reasons and situations may be different. A few examples and tips on what actions to take are presented to our attention.what to do when a person died


An important point is the reason for this event. Natural death does not, as a rule, cause a huge panic. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but you can handle it. Especially when a person just falls asleep and does not wake up. A slightly different picture is obtained when it comes to murder.

What to do when a person has died? More precisely, in cases of his murder in your house? Do not touch anything. And do not come near the dead. Leave everything as it was before arrival, and then call the police and ambulance, reporting what happened. All that remains is to wait for the relevant authorities. It is advisable on the street or where you will not see the deceased, so as not to injure your psyche once again. Then follow directions from the police and ambulance. And try to stay calm.

Natural death

What to do when a person died "his" death? That is natural. It has already been said that, in contrast to murder, “own” death does not cause such a violent reaction in people. Especially if a person did not die in agony. And he just fell asleep and did not wake up anymore. And for households this event was an unpleasant surprise.

What to do when a person dies? If he is still "in the process", try to provide first aid. Depending on the situation. When help no longer yields results, do not lose hope, and also call an ambulance. Maybe a person will be able to "pump". But if the process has already completed and you saw a corpse - call an ambulance to state the fact of death. This will help you in the future. After all, only medical staff can give a conclusion about death. Or court. Turning to doctors here is the easiest, most common and effective way.

Death certificate

The man has died. What to do next? As soon as you have a medical certificate of death in your hands, you can deal with the execution of all documents "arising" from the event. Remember: the death of a person in itself is not only regrettable, but also a certain number of mandatory actions. Therefore, do not forget about the documents.what to do when a person dies

For example, get a death certificate. It is issued at the registry office at the place of registration of the person. Close relatives must submit a request with all documents of kinship, as well as the passport of the deceased and a medical certificate. Without this, it will not be possible to inherit a little later. Usually the process takes about 3 days. So for the funeral you will most likely have a death certificate. Better to worry about its availability in advance. Then you can calmly engage in the process of organizing the funeral.

Funeral and Wake

So the man died. What should be done next? Now that you’ve calmed down a bit, you can start organizing the funeral itself. In Russia, it is customary to do something like a memorable event. Order a coffin and a funeral service, pick up a cemetery for the deceased, order a monument and designate "X-Day".

Do not forget that after a burial it is customary to remember a person. Take a glass of vodka and bread with you. They are put on a fresh grave. After the process, as a rule, close people gather together at the table to remember the deceased and take him on his last journey. The organization is usually dealt with by the children of the deceased or his spouse.when a person dies what cannot be done

The black

What to do when a person has died? Remember - for 40 days in your home mourning. And you have to keep a deplorable look. No, do not cry for days on end. And just do not hang around and have fun in the house.

It is worth noting - mourning is emphasized in black in Russia (but in Japan, for example, black itself is considered a festive color). And it is necessary to come to the funeral / wake with the predominance of such a tone. Nothing bright, colorful, lurid or "jolly." All the loved ones should honor the memory of a departed into another world. Not necessarily blood relatives.


What to do after a person has died? We figured out a certain algorithm of actions. So what is next? It is necessary to immediately note some customs. And they will have to be respected throughout your life.

For example, watch what you say. There is an opinion that only the good should be remembered and said about the dead. Or not to mention a person at all. Keep your memory light, at least something good should remain. Even from the most harmful and nasty person.

So try to filter what you say. In vain do not remember the deceased. Believers can say that the deceased will be offended and will take you to his kingdom of the dead. Or it will just intrigue life. Believe it or not - everyone decides for himself. Nevertheless, at least out of respect for the deceased, try not to talk about him badly. Better not to remember at all than to "mud". Even if you really have something.dead man what to do

In the House

What to do after a person dies in the house? There is one national sign. And everyone respects it. Even unbelievers. In the apartment where the person died, you need to close all the mirrors. And do not open them for 40 days. They say that the soul of the deceased can be reflected in the mirror. She will surely scare the living.

All entry and exit routes to the premises where the deceased is or was located are closed. These include: windows, windows, doors. Pets are removed from the apartment for a minimum of 40 days. You can still make a discount on a cat or a hamster. But the dogs are taken out of the house first. There is an opinion that barking / howling scares the soul of the deceased.

It is impossible to clean and take out the garbage before carrying out the body of the deceased. Only immediately after the deceased will endure. And spending the night in the room where the coffin stands (if it is, for example, in an apartment) is prohibited. What to do when a person dies? Signs are diverse. But the main ones are already listed.

Toddlers and pregnant

What can be done when a person dies? To keep sorrow and by all means to honor the memory of the deceased. But now a little psychological aspect. Death in itself is a huge blow for any person. And when it happens in the house, it is just awful. It doesn’t matter how exactly - killing or natural. The fact remains.what to do when a person dies omens

One recommendation that will help protect someone else’s psyche - do not let children and pregnant women go to the deceased. And in general, it is better to take them to another apartment for a while. Minimum for the next 40 days. In addition, babies and pregnant women are not allowed to attend funerals. More precisely, they usually let me, but to do so is undesirable. Consider this fact. Keep women in position and children away from burial, grief, and negativity. The psyche of the child can suffer very much, not to mention the stress for the pregnant. This can have a huge impact on the baby in the womb. Moreover, the negative. Sometimes even lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, it is worth protecting by all means these categories of people from negative emotions.


When a person dies, what can’t be done and what can be done, we’ve figured it out a bit. Now you have to understand yourself a bit. Death is an event for which the human psyche cannot be ready. Even if everything goes to this. It has already been repeatedly said that the incident has a huge negative effect on the brain.

Sometimes you can’t cope with it on your own. And you have to turn to specialists for help. The loss of a loved one is always a shock.It is impossible to fully appreciate the horror that a person suffers from a loss.dead man what to do next

It is extremely necessary to turn to a psychologist for help in such a situation. This is not a shame, as many believe. Often, it is specialists who help quite quickly and without medication to cope with moral and emotional shock. If you are ashamed of such treatment, then the death of a person can lead still living people to depression. Sometimes fatal. Not the most pleasant result, is it? If you do not want to be found out about you and your problem, you can contact a paid psychologist anonymously. Many specialists have this opportunity. Anyway, therapy after the death of a loved one is normal. In any case, she will not bring you to a psychiatric hospital. Often people who see a deceased go crazy without the help of specialists.


Another psychological aspect that you should pay attention to is the home where the person died. The problem is that some are simply afraid or unable to live in the territory where they saw the deceased. And this is normal. Human psychology is designed so that such a shock leaves a huge imprint on consciousness. If you are not resistant to stress, moving to a new apartment is the best solution for you. Only wait 40 days before the sale. Although you can leave the apartment at any time.

By the way, it’s not worthwhile to say nothing about the fact that a person died on the housing area. After all, this is an important fact, which, as a rule, interests many. Purely for religious reasons. Buying an apartment, and even at a high price, where someone died is an absurdity for many. If you hide this fact, you can generally disrupt the whole deal. We'll have to give way in price to rid ourselves of negative memories.what to do after a person has died

So we found out what to do when a person died. Try to always keep calm by all means. No one is safe from death. And this process is considered natural, inevitable. It is better to immediately contact a psychologist and somehow isolate yourself from negative thoughts. Very often, it is the therapist who prescribes sedatives, which are really capable of helping not to panic. You can take Valerian, sage and chamomile yourself.

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